Tip # 17, Extreme 4x4, and questionable diesel sources...

Submitted: Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 22:12
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This one comes is for the Touring and the Extreme off road people. Diesel, diesel, diesel….. Just like 20 years on yachts, you soon learn that the further you go out, the more the risk of bad, old, fungus, algae, or water from condensation in your diesel…. When it strikes, you are out of commission…. If the filter is just plugged with algae or fungus, it is a simple fuel filter change. However, if your injection pump gets any water into it, you are up for big problems…

I have gotten diesel out of drums with hand pumps, out of storage tanks on stations by gravity flow. I have taken out my own extra diesel in jerry cans. I have gotten diesel in tiny little servo’s off the beaten track in such a poor little town the servo owner slept in the garage. I have gotten diesel in a little outpost from a blind man… Yes really! And over the years I have found things like algae and condensation in them all, even my own jerry cans…

Now diesel is way more stable than petrol, and far easier and safer to store and live with... But like all contained fuel tanks, as the temperature changes it is prone to collect condensation, and grow foreign hydrocarbon/water fringe dwellers like algae/ fungus. Now here is something that could really save your bacon and a packet of money… Tip #17 in two parts, basic and then a goodie from the yachting industry:

Firstly, I want to travel with a half dozen filters… Now don’t dismiss this idea, particularly if the filters are cheap like the $15 ones for my Landcruiser and the $15 ones for my Mack.. If you get a bad tank of diesel with algae in it and it plugs the filter a hundred kms later… You can go screaming and yelling and dancing around your truck, but it won’t help much as they won’t hear you… The smart thing to do is reach in where you store your jack or somewhere and pull out a spare… I like six… I have 12 in my 4x4 Mack horsetruck... Will you stop laughing a minute and pay attention!!! Realize that you could need four or five to get through a tank of really bad diesel…And my Mack tanks are Biiig. And the filters don’t weigh anything. What does it hurt? You need to change it out every time you change your oil anyway… “Money in the bank”.

Now for the Advanced that might get diesel out of drums and Stations in remote places: Part 2… My Ford 7.3 Diesel Filter cost $50 !!! A little harder to cough up carrying around a half dozen.. Mind you I ended up getting a case airmailed out from the U.S. for about $10 each.. Aftermarket ones, airmailed, in a case lot under the $150 limit, mailed to me personally, is exempt from Duty and GST and sailed right through… I got a lot of packages.. Maybe “how to” is another Tip. But here is one better for those of you with all the gadgets and toys and electronics and bells and whistles, and stops the water separator from getting overloaded as well… You can buy an Independent, Par, or Jabsco Marine, or Trucking outfit, diesel filter and put it in line before your engine filter.. Anywhere on the vehicle. It has a clear bottom on it to examine the fuel at a glance for water collection, and big “T” handle on top to unscrew the top and drop in a new cartridge filter. It cleans the fuel, and de-waters it all in one go. And the cartridges are relatively cheap, I think by the case lot were only $8…. And it protects your injection pump as no water can get through it… It is also reassuring to look at the clear bowl on the bottom and see that no water is in there as the water sinks to the bottom… The good ones even have a little drain cock at the bottom to let the collected water out… I ordered the filter cartridges to match the requirements or slightly better, and never changed out the engine fuel filter on my Ford again… I had one in my Cruiser and Ford and there is one by nature in my Mack.. This tip will even pay for itself.. You are welcome, buy me a beer…

Sooooo, this ones for all you guys that get together and talk about your Toy Collection, not that there is anything wrong with that, I have the biggest list in History on my Mack 4x4 Horsetruck… Ha! He who dies with the most toys wins right? Anyway, jump in your rig and roar out to your local big Truck Supply Outfit, or Marine Outlet, and talk to them about that filter… Flat top, T handle on top, round filter body about the size of an oil filter that you drop a filter cartridge in, each cartridge comes with a new rubber gasket for the top, and clear round bottom with a tap on it.. Comes in sizes from small engine up to huge for big Diesel Storage tanks.. You might have to look around a bit, but you will find it..

Lookin for that beer,
Your Friend at Bushtracker
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