Satellite Internet Connection

Submitted: Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 00:53
ThreadID: 121743 Views:9174 Replies:6 FollowUps:6
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Does anyone have information re: broadband satellite internet connection from a mobile rig?
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Reply By: Flipp'n Lorry - Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 05:11

Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 05:11
I do not have sat internet at this stage, so the following is for general information, not a recommendation. The NewSat Group looks promising, see

If you qualify under the Govt Remote Incentive Scheme, 2-way satellite is available at just under $70pm. The connection speed is probably fast enough to also support an internet telephony service (which is heaps cheaper than using a mobile).

One thing I am ignorant on is whether you can use one dish to support both internet and satTV, or whether 2 dishes would be required. I am sure someone else can clarify that one.

AnswerID: 565728

Follow Up By: Motley - Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 05:20

Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 05:20

I THINK that the Satellite Internet Service is carried on the same Satellite as the Free to Air and Pay TV Services (Optus C1) in which case the same dish is going to do both jobs.

What I am not clear about is whether Telstra will provide the gear if it is not installed in a fixed location. last time I checked, I was told that like Foxtel, you can't have the service unless it was installed in a fixed abode.

I think that if this policy is still in place, they are missing a significant, and growing, potential market

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FollowupID: 844255

Follow Up By:- Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 05:21

Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 05:21
I have contacted Bigpond and you can setup an internet connection on your mobile and some additional satellite send/receive equipment. However, if you use the service to download it costs 2.2 cents per kilobite; it is not timed. Hence, downloading one web page will send any normal being broke. Nevertheless your comment re the internet telephony service appears valid. I also do not know if you need 2 satellite ariels?
FollowupID: 844256

Follow Up By:- Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 05:27

Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 05:27
Phil & Motley,
I know that the scheme that connects land based users by satellite is not available to caravaners? This is an anomaly that needs to be corrected as it makes caravaners into 2nd class citizens. We all need to write to the ABC to complain and start advocating for this service seriously (more accessories and weight for the rig!!!!). I for one will be trying to get an answer from the powers that be. The service is already available in the USA using DIREC equipment.
FollowupID: 844257

Reply By: Kingy - Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 08:12

Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 08:12
Hi Frank
I have been researching this subjecrt for a while now with the view of having broadband available anywhere, anytime. It is possible with Newsat, however he cost of the self tracking hardware alone is around $30,000 and then your monthly plan is on to of that. I currently have a 2-way sat broadband at home here in Mission Beach and it is a 1200mm Dia dish pointed to Optus B3 which is due north here on the east coast. You cannot get Tv as well on the same Sat.I have looked into the possibility of unbolting the dish and taking it with us, but I have been told that it is illegal to setup your own dish without being a registerd installer. The reason behind this is because unlike Tv or 1-way internet, you are transmitting a signal into the sky and if you happen to hit the wrong sat or change the polarity of you Tx signal, the world as we know it could come to an end...Or so they say...So the only option so far is the self tracking Newsat system which after paying for the new BT just before Christmas, is way out of my range...Have a browse though the following forum and you may find some answers there..

AnswerID: 565729

Follow Up By:- Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 20:01

Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 20:01
Thanks for the information Kingy. I will look into this situation further now that I have some leads. Heaven forbid if someone has a go at using the dish without a certified technician! Perhaps it would do no harm at all and provide travellers with a service that has not been catered for by the monopolies?
FollowupID: 844258

Reply By: Bushtracker - Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 23:31

Monday, Jan 24, 2005 at 23:31
Hello Friends,
Bushtracker here,

Back with my horses from the Bush...

Look, we were very impressed by a new fully automated unit displayed here to us, the Oyster digital satellite dish. The unit is motorized and automatic and from the folded position, it raises up seeks and locks on to the satellite in 25 secs.. It appeared compact and it looked to be a quality unit, called SmartSat... See them at ......

Now we have no experience with them, and they are out on the cutting edge, so someone will have to take the plunge. What is interesting is: They said they would have an Internet model up and running for data transmission in the next month or two... The current model is about $6000, and they told us would be email compatible, and Internet compatible by February (they were hoping)...

Based in Brisbane, call them on (07) 5597-5911

Regards, Bushtracker
AnswerID: 565730

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 00:18

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 00:18
One more after thought as I was answering a similar question on the Private Forum.....

I am not saying this new "Digital Oyster" it is the way to go as it is untested, untried on the corrugation, but I have seen it and it looks good! We did have trouble with the previous automated tracking but manually cranking up rooftop satellite dish and stopped offering it...

But this is a new product from Germany... The new "Oyster" from SmartSat, is a fully motorized, latest technology homing unit, that from the folded down position raises itself. And a digital electronic compass and tracking device takes over to seek and lock onto the satellite at the correct declination no matter where you are.. For the ultimate toy person this may be the answer, new German technology, but about $6000. And we do not have a price on the latest model data transmission unit....

I always have my nose to the wind looking for new technology that makes sense... Myself, I would rather not have the vulnerability on the roof. Protected somehow in the bed of my tow vehicle or something like that would make me feel better... But yes, some people have a genuine need for internet access in the Bush running a business or something similar... This is the latest we have heard of.

Regards from the source at Bushtracker
FollowupID: 844259

Reply By: Freewheelers - Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 03:07

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 03:07
we stumbled across the oyster back in august it sounded excellent to the novice but it was then around $7k so all we need is for the tiawanese to make a copy ( which they probably will) b t to negotiate hard & maybe a reasonable price will emerge
Stephen & Deborah

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AnswerID: 565731

Reply By: Cracker - Monday, Feb 14, 2005 at 04:42

Monday, Feb 14, 2005 at 04:42
Or you could by my Ericsson R290 Sat phone with Rs232 cable ( for internet connection) brand new $600 with leather case.

Why isn't there a for sale section??

AnswerID: 565732

Follow Up By: Turist - Monday, Feb 14, 2005 at 08:13

Monday, Feb 14, 2005 at 08:13
There will be Cracker.
With luck and if it is within budget constraints it may be included in the next revision.
This is a great site but all mods cost when you are at this level so we carefully consider all improvements and attempt to incorporate them together to save costs.

As they say, "Watch this space"

"Do It While You Can"
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FollowupID: 844260

Reply By: Cracker - Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005 at 02:44

Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005 at 02:44
ok - Thanks Bob, now I know there isn't any actual section, I know I wont get a smack for posting a "for sale" comment.

AnswerID: 565733

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