Important Safety Tip: Large Hole Reese American hitch and AT-35 PROBLEM
Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 22, 2005 at 23:40
This Thread has been Archived
This is a Safety Bulletin from Vehicle Components regarding the large hole in the new Reece Hitch, that comes with an insert that could allow the AT-35 Off - Road Coupling to be used.... It is unsafe in that configuration...
Here is the Bulletin, I could not add on the pictures, but here is the Text:
American Reece Tow Bar Fitting
Picture 1 & 3 clearly shows
the cast flange on the upper
surface of the tow bar fitting.
This uneven surface creates
a significant gap when
attempting to fit an AT35.
(Picture 3)
Picture 4 shows the flange/
bush supplied with the Tow
Bar which is manufactured
to neatly fit the tapered
coupling mounting hole,
thereby reducing the
internal diameter to suit
50mm ball type coupling
and the like.
If the flange is used in
conjunct io n wit h the
required nut and spring
washer, the washer will only
come in contact with the
flange/bush and as a
consequence stands a very
real chance of working
loose whilst in service.
Vehicle Components
therefore offer NO engineering
solution to the fitting and
subsequent use of our AT35
coupling in conjunction with
the Tow Bar as pictured
Hello Friends,
Bushtracker here.... Be careful out there!!!
Cheers, stg