TIP # 24 Another Ease of Use for Thetford or Vacu-Flush...

Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 23, 2005 at 22:29
ThreadID: 121806 Views:4082 Replies:2 FollowUps:3
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I got to thinking last night, after reading the well covered controversy on chemicals and disposal and such with the toilets a couple of days ago…... And a thought occurred to me that many of you Boggers might not know this and so it should be emphasized: In both the Thetford and the Vacu-Flush, one of the key ingredients besides the chemical controversy, for ease of use, is Soluble toilet paper… The regular paper clumps up and is a bit hard to empty and will plug up the Vacu-Flush… The Yacht Industry has water soluble paper that immediately breaks down into a liquid, and makes the whole emptying process much easier… Yes it does cost about twice to three times as much… WORTH IT !…. You can get it at most Yacht Chandlerys… Just thought some of you might not know of this advantage, that I take as commonplace having homebased on yachts for about 20 years... If you already know, sorry... But for those who do not... BIG HELP!!!

Now to the Jokes:
As to the Gender argument, my Wife does it, that was the deal to get a proper flushing loo…. Ha!… Just kidding, I am not a Chauvinist on this matter, just my Deal…. You have to make your own Deal… Maybe you empty it and She greases the truck and changes the oil… Ha! Just kidding.. Don’t get me in trouble …

On the emptying funnies, we try to be very discreet…. My short comment is: Pick times when the Convenience Station is not busy… Be polite… And Discreet.. "Late at night"… Set an alarm, get up in the middle of the night, be kind to your fellow person by avoiding the morning rush... Or my best one, is to dig a hole out bush and properly bury it…

Cheers from the “Lone Ranger” at Bushtracker
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Reply By: TroopyTracker - Thursday, Feb 24, 2005 at 05:52

Thursday, Feb 24, 2005 at 05:52
What about the SOG system I pointed out in said thread? Have you heard of it or trialed it? Like I said in my other postings, looks great and logical but what would it be like to empty a cassette with no chemical covering smell.....? On the topic of specialised toilet paper, which as you said cost 2 to 3 times more, the SOG system doesn't require this paper in fact,on their website -(Aussie Traveller website) they recommend normal paper be used. According to the Around Oz webpage, it would take approx. 300 days of constant usage to pay for the system and thats just on chemicals let alone paper. It seems much simpler to no longer have to worry about the chemicals and I'd be interested in the system purely for the convenience side of things.

If the system is all its cracked up to be I'm sure it will gain in popularity very quickly,( I know I'll buy one) especially amoungst permanent travellers.

AnswerID: 565921

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Thursday, Feb 24, 2005 at 21:13

Thursday, Feb 24, 2005 at 21:13
Hello Matt,
I did not get involved in that thread, as the topic was pretty well covered, and as to the SOG unit, I have tried it so cannot comment.... However, I will tell you what I am working on in Theory:

I have lived with these kind of systems, in vans since the Airstream trailers in America in the early 60's and 20 years with home base being one of many large yachts in the 70's, 80's, up to the 1993 when I finally broke down and sold the last one... Then with the Bushtracker loos since...

Odor is a problem in a chemical free environment no matter what you do. If you do not use the chemicals, the waste rots and delivers noxious gasses... OK, you pump out the odor out of your van, but what about the person next to you??? Even on the yachts, you had to keep the waste in "Holding Tanks" and they had to be vented to the outside as hull temperature in the tropics is quite high and you were fermenting the waste... Percolating quite a brew!! Ha! No chemicals? Real nice walking down the dock when down wind... Sooooo, on the "no chemical bend", I have no positive comments....

Now as to the emptying bend.... I will when I have the time, look into the "Macerator Pump" concept... I would like to have this system that could somehow hook up to the Cassette, but do not know how... yet.
It is one of about 100 projects I am looking into... This Macerator is a bladed garbage grinder, 12 V, like a disposal unit in a sink on a smaller scale, but a pump as well... It will "macerate" all the waste and pump it out as a liquid... Now there are some problems to be sorted out, like flushing the line, and such, but it would be convenient to do at a dump site or hole in the ground when the van was mobile... It is on my wish list of projects... But even then, in anything by refrigeration cold type weather, you are going to want the chemicals because they are not an odour mask as much as a perservative...

Sorry but that is all I have for you.... Kind Regards, the "Lone Ranger"
FollowupID: 844374

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Thursday, Feb 24, 2005 at 21:15

Thursday, Feb 24, 2005 at 21:15
Sorry, typo on first line: "I have NOT tried it, so cannot comment".... The work NOT is missing.....
FollowupID: 844375

Reply By: TroopyTracker - Friday, Feb 25, 2005 at 05:52

Friday, Feb 25, 2005 at 05:52
G'day Steve,
See what you're saying re adour and neighbours, but I prefer not to have neighbours and the way I understand it, the exhaust fan only draws air when the blade (trap door) is opened, and even then it goes through a charcoal filter. Perhaps I'll just have to be the guinea pig on this system, hopefully the SOG guys will be at Melbourne show.


AnswerID: 565922

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Friday, Feb 25, 2005 at 19:51

Friday, Feb 25, 2005 at 19:51
Hello Matt,
Let us know how you go.... This is a lot of my ongoing R&D is having people like you "Pioneer" as "Scouts" and report back....

I am on to a vastly larger group than just on this Site, and get to be the center hub of information to share... I will gladly use my time to be of a help to all.. So report back with your satisfaction or not, and the science involved...

As to your comment "but I prefer not to have neighbors" if you take the filter off or let it get old in the chemical preservative free dunny, don't worry, you won't have any.... HA!

Cheers, stg at Bushtracker....

FollowupID: 844376

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