Members: Important Vote, On Bushtracker Participation in the BOG

Submitted: Friday, May 27, 2005 at 22:19
ThreadID: 122000 Views:5569 Replies:18 FollowUps:8
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Hello Members,
We are happy to continue to contribute to this Forum and I would suggest that the Forum would continue to benefit from our input with probably another 50 tips to add per year and continuing discussion, as well as financial sponsorship to the maintenance costs of the site.

However, as Manufacturers of Bushtracker it would be irresponsible of us and we will not stand by allowing misinformation to go unchallenged as it is not beneficial to anyone involved. We do not want to control or run the site, but we will not continue to contribute under personal attack.

I can assure you that it would be a great money and time savings if we were to break our link to the site. It is only a "Good Deed" on our part to be such positive contributors, in terms of Sponsorship and time for the Tips and such help in discussions.

If you want it to continue, I would suggest that instead of just sending us your support in private emails like the over 200 we have gotten to date of appreciation for our Postings: This is the one time you need to put this problem of whether or not Bushtracker is a sponsor of the site to rest once and for all, and cast your Vote…

Members need to decide if you want our Contribution and Input or not. If you do, then rally to that cause both here on the Site and with the Committee, and have your vote counted now before next Wednesday. If the vote goes against us, we are all too happy to stop being involved and just do what we do best and that is build your vans.

That is my input, and I speak for all Management at Bushtracker....

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Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Friday, May 27, 2005 at 23:47

Friday, May 27, 2005 at 23:47
Thankyou for your posting Steve. It is very well put from your perspective. Now it is up to the members.

AnswerID: 566417

Reply By: Deleted User - Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 00:10

Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 00:10
Hello Steve & Boggers,
Regarding your letter to the forum 'ie' the Boggers Group l would like to add my two cents worth as a non mbr (not by choice). As such l have had discussions with you Steve and Peter Spring on several topics eta and also had the opportunity to visit the Sydney Caravan Camping show in Mar 05 and discussed BT with Traci at your display.
As a person looking over the fence into the boggers back yard and having the opportunity to read the articles on the forum from both sides and may l add are excellent covering a varity of topics.
l believe you (BT), should be a welcomed addition to the site as your articles offer advice and assistance to the forum and should be of great benefit to one and all who visit the site.
For us personally we do not own a BT (as yet), however we do enjoy taking our Marnier Kimberley Kamper off road enjoying what Australia has to offer.
Good luck with the vote and keep the articles coming, cheers Terry & Vivian Warke
AnswerID: 566418

Reply By: FTP TRACKERS - Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 03:26

Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 03:26
Hi Steve,
I don't know if i have missed something in the forum,but i assume from you posting that there has been some opposition to your posting on the forum.I read all of your postings and i find that they contain valuable information that will be of use to most boggers.Keep the good information coming,you certainly have my vote to continue posting on this forum.

Regards Ian.
AnswerID: 566419

Reply By: Cobradave - Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 03:55

Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 03:55
This is neither the time nor the place for pressure to be exerted upon the membership by a member or a sponsor for a strategic decision to be made in isolation.
The right time and place is the AGM when those who do attend are given the democratic opportunity to vote on all matters of interest.

AnswerID: 566420

Reply By: Deleted User - Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 06:04

Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 06:04
I am not a full member of the forum because as yet I am not an owner of a bushtracker.
I have followed the forum with interest and enjoy the discussion etc.
What I find interesting, is a threat by Steve,to withdraw Sponorship and input, because some person has openly debated his input, I feel this approach is a little childish.
I do feel the input should be balanced and open to debate and yes some have travelled more than others, but to "pack up bat and ball and go home" and also subtly threaten the "sponsorship" support is rather challanging.
Is this a question of "my way or the highway?"

I have found the site full of good information but certainly has lacked a little membership enthusiasm for possible fear of upsetting the "guru"

But to put this to a vote is like asking, "who likes me and who doesnt" but off course not being a full member precludes me from voting.

Oh well I probably have either "Voted myself off the forum OR increased the price of my possible purchase of a bushtracker" by maybe upsetting "The lone Ranger" HA

Ce La vie

AnswerID: 566421

Reply By: Deleted User - Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 06:39

Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 06:39
Surely this request for a vote, if it had to be made, would have been better coming from someone other than the subject of the vote. A tad intimidating to say the least.

Rick and David have said everything. I can only add that the excellent site at would be a better venue for the Bushtracker factory management to post what they consider to be useful information.

Cheers, Rod.
AnswerID: 566422

Follow Up By: Bomber - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 02:59

Monday, May 30, 2005 at 02:59
I also agree with the above comments by Rod, Rick and David. Being very keen to become either a new or second-hand Bushtracker owner in the near future, I would prefer for comments, tips etc by the manufacturers to be placed on the Bushtracker site. This could encompass their vast technical knowledge and pros (no cons it seems) of the product they are selling. It would also make "official" comment easier to find and they could also respond to forum issues as they see fit on their web site in the form of a newsletter, for example.

While Bushtracker management information is (mostly) very informative and I am sure well meaning, I feel the BOG forum would have a more open exchange of information and ideas without these authoritative posts responding to issues raised by forum members and which generally do not generally encourage further discussion.

Another possibility is opening paid membership to non-Bushtracker owners (perhaps on an associate basis) which may reduce the need for sponsorship. I would be happy to become a paid member and I feel sure there would be others prepared to do the same.

My two-cents worth, and my comments are well meaning and not intended to offend.

FollowupID: 844590

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 19:06

Monday, May 30, 2005 at 19:06
When Motley put up his posting asking members to start looking at future directions it was in response to complaints received from a small number of members both on and off-line asking that we dispose of sponsorship of the Forum to allow members input only and for the Forum to not be controlled as they saw it by any one sponsor. The comments fed back to the committee would then be used to look at future direction issues at the AGM. But in order to reach the majority of people the Committee posted the strategic future issue for everyone to read.

At the time of the posting by Peter, Steve Gibbs asked the Committee for the right to put a posting up from Bushtrackers perspective in relation to the benefits as they saw them for sponsors being allowed to contribute to the forum both financially and in postings.

The Committee asked Steve to hold off on his posting to allow the members to make their comments first and promised him the opportunity to post his message prior to the May 31st deadline that the Committee set for responses to be forwarded either on or offline. Steve respected that request.

That opportunity has now been given to Steve and indeed to any other sponsor to present things from their perspective. Maybe the choice of the word "vote" is not the right one in some people's minds, but Steve's request for members being vocal about the direction they would like to see the Forum move in is none-the-less valid. The Committee would like to present the facts to the membership at the AGM but will not be able to do so if they are required to read the minds of the members one way or another. Steve (or the Committee) would not like the minority who might attend Copeton to be leading the strategic future directions for the entire membership and has posted to that effect. He is encouraging everyone to have their say so the posting is valid from his perspective.

Because the BOG is an Australia wide group that really only has one major gathering where the AGM is held, it was necessary to have other means of having meetings or discussions, and the constitution was written so that subjects like this issue can be discussed and voted on electronically, thereby giving every member with access to a computer the opportunity to voice their opinions. There is therefore no requirement to have the matter voted on at the AGM, which is where the members of the Committee are voted in for the following year.

Hope this clarifies the events behind this posting.

AnswerID: 566423

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 20:13

Monday, May 30, 2005 at 20:13
There has been a great deal of nice comments sent by private email to Bushtracker, and on the Private Forum by Bushtracker Owners. We would like to Thank all of you that are giving us your support and positive feedback, in the face of only a handful of “Knockers” which we here at Bushtracker can just ignore.. Some of the Tips are just for Bushtracker Owners, as part of our R & D and relates just to Bushtracker, and those are on the Private Forum. The rest are a matter of general interest, and I have done it to be of service here on the Public Forum. I could just as soon Retire with my Quarter Horses, but with 40 years experience developing independent and self-sufficient Lifestyles in Caravans and Yachts and travel worldwide, this continuous and ongoing research is still is what I do for fun; and I am happy to share it. We continue to spend a lot of time, and money, to do a good thing here on the BOG; with absolutely no strings attached. I personally, Steven T. Gibbs, am spending considerable time to do what I see is a “Good Deed” in life, and try to help people who have a common interest in our chosen Lifestyle. We Thank You for your Support, and we will continue to contribute as long as we are welcome.

Kind Regards, da “Lone Ranger” at Bushtracker….
FollowupID: 844591

Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 22:07

Monday, May 30, 2005 at 22:07
Hello Bomber,
just a quick reply to your comments on the forum which was well worded and raised several points. Like yourself we are not mbrs and as you stated their are no doubt many of us out there who visit the forum to read the articles eta.
Your idea regarding membership for those of us that don't own a land yacht ('as yet') has merit and hopefully the committee 'ie' Angie & Peter eta may be able to raise it at the AGM.
At present as a 'non paying mbr' we are reading the articles and replying when we want to however it almost feels un-Australian not being able to pull your weight regarding the Boggers who have paid their way with some of their contributions going to the cost and up keep of the site.
Anyway as l stated we are just Kimberley owners and are not in the big league as yet. It would be great to take a trip to Copeton to see the BT mases eta however as stated turning up with the KK in tow one may feel out of place. Ref buying a BT eta have a look at hopefully thats the correct address as it was in CW May addition. Fol the prompts and their were 22 BT for sale and a lot of other vans to have a look at in general. Anyway Bomber good luck with your BT purchase catcha later, cheers Terry & Vivian

PS: Are you going to the Bris Caravan & Camping show next month? If so look up Traci at the BT display as he is a wealth of knowledge on the topic
AnswerID: 566424

Reply By: KiamaKids - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 23:21

Monday, May 30, 2005 at 23:21
Here's ten cents worth from someone going through the research phase to decide on a Bushtracker or something else. There is absolutely heaps of info on this site from both Steve and others more experienced than I. It is our responsibility to sift through it and decide what is relevant and what is not.
In my research I have spoken with many existing BT owners and looked at several BT vans. In discussions with them, they have, when prodded, all expressed some reservations about Steve's manner of dealing with people. I have even been advised by one owner to avoid him if at all possible.
The recent postings and responses on this site support many of the views expressed to me. If one dares to question/challenge a Bushtracker missive then you are portrayed as inexperienced and not knowing better. It is unfortunate that this then drags down the whole "pre Bushtracker" experience such that one gets turned off.
There seem to be many good people here who have the genuine interest of helping others. It would be a shame to see the preachings of one destroy something which is of benefit to all.
I do not want this to appear as yet another attack on Steve, as it is not intended that way. I just wish he could show some humility and accept that there other ways to do things than just the Lone Ranger way.
Bruce J
AnswerID: 566425

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 00:27

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 00:27
Great Bruce! Thanks for the input..! But I speak for the Management at Bushtracker, and on any contentious issue I have 4 to 6 others in the Office read my responses before I submit them; including the approval of the other Director !!! And I must say, that we have heard that kind of remark about others in the office here as well... Tracy gets his share, Peter gets his share, and others.. And if you have any impossible ideas like demanding a hydraulic drive system added to your caravan that couples to the vehicle to push the vehicle though bogs(happened), or demanding a massive slide out in an off-road van that cannot be made structurally sound or dustproof (happened), or a 20’ layout jammed into a 16’ van (happened), we are not going to pander you and tell you what you want to hear either… !!! Sometimes within the "Science of Something", there is only the answer of what works or is possible. Sometimes people do not like the answers they get when it is not what they want to hear. I am not a sales person, I tell it like it is. I am the fastest typist so carry the brunt here as well...

Sometimes we cannot get a win, and I unfortunately am the final stone wall if others cannot get the message through here in the office.. So I suffer for it..... Here are some examples: I have heard we are “Hard to Deal With” with, when we would not deal the price down to what they wanted to pay… I have heard we “Do Not Listen” when we could not get Her layout choice of 24 feet fit into his towing maximum choice of 20’. I am “Arrogant” when we were too expensive and they could not afford it.. I am “Difficult” if we cannot do something impossible they Demand… We sometimes "Just Do Not Listen" when we cannot resolve a personal issue between two others about size of van or tow vehicle or something. I am sorry Bruce, but the unfortunate fact is that you cannot please them all, no matter how hard you try. But I am so terrible, that we are still Australia’s Best Off-Road van, and still stayed Booked way out… We do try our best to do the right thing by everyone… But, sometimes you cannot please everyone no matter how hard you try… I also have a lot of people that do like how we operate, and we have built 32 second vans for people in just the last few years… Hey, sometimes I have to just be blunt…. And sometimes we are having a horribly busy day, and I am not as sensitive as maybe I should be... Hey! It happens to us all !!! I would not make a good Politician. And because some people do not get their way on things, I am to blame...

Somebody has to wear it, and with that negative vocal few, I am the one in front that bears the brunt of it all... But overall, I think our Bushtracker Owners are happy, and they sell our vans for us. "But you cannot please everyone"... I will go with the 98% or 99% that are happy and selling our vans for us...

And we will continue to help as long as we are welcome in the BOG.... Unfortunately the vocal few are motivated to oppose us as they have an axe to grind for one reason or another... While the majority are happy just to ignore them, and I will go with the Majority... But thank you for your input... Exception, I do not "preach", only give the results of our accumulated full time research of the Company as a whole...

Kind regards, Steven T. Gibbs, Director
FollowupID: 844592

Reply By: KiamaKids - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 01:23

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 01:23
And the above invective emotional response is yet another example to make my point.

Stop lecturing the world about how wonderful you are and that you are just trying to be helpful and that you are doing good deeds and that you have the best typing skills in the world and that you build the best vans and that there is no competition etc, etc, etc.

If you don't like dealing with your customers then remember this saying...."if your not looking after your customers, then someone else will be"..... Your lecturing is a real putoff. There are ways to communicate "no" without putting the customer down.

Don't bother responding because I wont be bothering to read anything of yours anymore.

Sorry I questioned/challenged you but I thought that Bushtracker International owned another site and could push the propaganda line there. This one was for Bushtracker owners and those considering buying a Bushtracker and I though you should respect that. You can say what you like in your advertising but leave this as an open forum.

Bruce J
AnswerID: 566426

Follow Up By:- Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 01:30

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 01:30
I wish I had your way with words Bruce, but suffice to say that I endorse everything you have said.

Cheers Rod.
FollowupID: 844593

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 01:38

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 01:38
Well thank you Bruce, what a kind and positive response... I am not wonderful, but I don't put the Customers down... Just sometimes have to give them answers they might not like... But it is true that maybe we should not be on a Public Forum where anyone can have a go at us... That is easy to fix. And it would save me hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars... So Thank You Bruce J...!! I will take this on board... I probably owe you a debt of gratitude...

Regards, Steven Gibbs
FollowupID: 844594

Follow Up By: jandm - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 07:52

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 07:52
Hi Bruce

I fell in love with the Bushtracker van the first time I saw one in about 1997. I visited the factory soon after and was overwhelmed with Steve. It took me a while to work out that he was passionate about BT’s product rather than anything else. I visited the new factory a couple of years later and Steve was not there on that day – and I felt a little disappointed. In the meantime I have lapped up all of the postings both on the previous site and this current BTOwners site. I have owned 4WD’s for 25 years and have pushed them around a lot, including a ten year period making a living out of it. I thought I knew heaps about off roading, camping, etc etc. And I still consider that I do. But …… I look forward to reading Steve’s various postings. Once I came to realize where he was coming from, I also realized how limited my experience is by comparison to his.

I guess it is just a matter of perspective and acceptance of another’s point of view. While his method of delivery might be a little different (Ha!), I now find Steve’s opinions a wealth of knowledge and certainly always food for thought. Do I accept everything that he says? Not necessarily but so what? I still respect where he is coming from and why he takes the time and effort to contribute.

I would find it a pain in the rear to have to keep going to the BT site to read his words. I check this site every night that I log on to read everyone’s postings. I consider that this site is the proper place for Steve’s postings.

I am looking forward to the day in the near future when I can go to the factory for a third time and place an order. I just hope Steve is there on the day!

I currently work in PNG – partly to save enough $$ to buy a BT and then to be able to afford the caravanning lifestyle. The locals have a pidgin phrase here: “Easi easi” which means to slow down, to take it easy, to chill out. I often find this good personal advice.

FollowupID: 844595

Reply By: Rockgoc - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 20:52

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 20:52
Oh WHY don't all you negative nitpicking knockers just PULL your heads in and let the man get on with doing what he does ....making caravans and selling them?
Really fed up with the BS.
Jan O
AnswerID: 566427

Follow Up By: Dusky - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 21:10

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 21:10
I fully concur with Rockgoc. If you knockers are not happy with what Steve and BTi say why are you buying Bushtrackers and why are you reading the BTi responses? Havn't you people got a life, get over it, get on with it and grow up!

FollowupID: 844596

Follow Up By:- Wednesday, Jun 01, 2005 at 03:56

Wednesday, Jun 01, 2005 at 03:56
Keep your hats on folks, Steve Gibbs asked for input at the top of this thread and he's getting it, from both sides. Surely that's what a public forum is for!!!

Cheers Rod.
FollowupID: 844597

Reply By: Freewheelers - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 23:55

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 23:55
Hi All,

We were going to stay out of this, but feel that by remaining part of what may well be the silent majority, we could lose a very good source of information and advice.

We are about to pick up our 20’BT in the next couple of weeks, and are not full BOG members, so we don’t have any other forum to express a view on this. We were on the verge of becoming financial members some months ago when an obviously unhappy thread gave us misgivings, so we did nothing.

In the meantime we have used the Public Forum to ask numerous questions, some directly related to BTs, others of a more general nature but still relating to ‘life on the road’. In 99% of cases, the feedback has been extremely helpful, and very much appreciated.

Now with regard to Steve Gibbs’ participation………………….

Why can’t users take the occasional pearls of wisdom he drops, and let the rest wash over them without getting their knickers in a twist? His rhetoric may be over the top at times (indeed, it’s what caused us to check out 2 other offroad manufacturers in the first place, but after factory visits to all 3, our minds were made up) however over the past 12 months we have come to the conclusion that overall, his wealth of experience can benefit us. We’re all different, that’s what makes the world go round – lets take some sanity pills and look at this from his perspective.

The very things that make BT your choice are what seem to drive some users crazy. When a business owner retreats from the frontline, loses contact with his customers, adopts a less ‘hands on’ attitude, cracks start to appear. Workmanship slides, staff get sloppy, corners are cut, the company becomes more distant and inflexible, and the quality of the end product goes down. It is because the directors are so passionate and committed to their product that we are here.

So you don’t like the delivery? For goodness sake, get over it, analyse what you need, leave the rest, and use your own commonsense plus advice from others to weigh up the pros and cons.

We’re from an engineering (and more recently, manufacturing) background, and understand where Steve is coming from in terms of professional advice, and his product. Basically, we believe 95%+ of his advice appears to be founded in good engineering principles, and the value of this to the BOGsite is immense. Before you throw the baby out with the bathwater, consider the baby. This is not a STG fan club; it’s an appeal for reason to people who we assume are capable of making independent observations and judgements without having to sink to the level of personal insult or distinctly provocative language. If this site self destructs, all of us will be losers.

Stephen & Deborah

My Profile  My Blog  Send Message

AnswerID: 566428

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 01, 2005 at 23:30

Wednesday, Jun 01, 2005 at 23:30
Stephen & Deborah, well put in your reply and fully support your comments as a future BT owner, cheers Terry & Vivian
AnswerID: 566429

Reply By: Bushtracker - Thursday, Jun 02, 2005 at 00:41

Thursday, Jun 02, 2005 at 00:41
Hello everyone! Thank you all for your diverse comments.. Interesting here in the Public Forum the difference to the Private Forum of Owners that is running about 95% positive and in favour... But as to you who have given constructive criticism: Hey I am as subtle as a sack of bricks sometimes, I know that; I am not a Salesman. I hear the comments that some people on the outside, think maybe I am too “passionate” about Bushtracker, or I have too strong of “rhetoric”…. Fine, maybe so, it is my Baby, and first of all that “Passion” is why we are where we are: And why we are constantly improving the Bushtracker with continuous R&D. And that “Passion” is obviously shared, as 32 Customers have even come back for second vans of late.

Second of all I think there is a distinct difference between those on the outside who are as yet possibly non-believers in Bushtracker and think my so called rhetoric is just sales talk, that later find out: “Hey its true”! Maybe that difference shows up on inside, like on the Private Forum where the same Posting is getting a response of about 22 to 1 in favour. Possibly they have proven to themselves that what I have said is true through their own experience. It still comes down to that you can’t please everyone…

We are very busy, and I write the Brochure, the Website, all Email, Technical Bulletins, and the rest. My style must be acceptable to the 98% or we would not be where we are. Someone that does not like my style should not deprive themselves of the best van just because of my style, as there are five people in the office and another Director to deal with. It could sometimes even be a Cultural issue, as I am only of late in life an Australian, being an ex-American in my formative years..

Hey, don’t share my passion for Bushtracker? Dig a little deeper and come see the Factory and how they are put together and you might change your mind.. After all, Bushtracker is what this site is all about.

Stg at Bushtracker
AnswerID: 566430

Reply By: Itldoo - Thursday, Jun 02, 2005 at 20:46

Thursday, Jun 02, 2005 at 20:46
Hello All,
I am a fairly new member of this club and am very impressed with the response from all as well as Bushtrackers input.Some of the things that I have read seem to me to be personal attacks on Steve Gibbs.Is there a motive for these(unhappy customer) or is it people that are being unfriendly because they expect more from Bushtracker that they are entitled to.(problems that are out of warranty or misuse)
I for one support input from Steve and staff ,sure Steve can come on a bit strong at times and very confident in his opinions.I can admire a bloke like Steve more than one that has no confidence. His input to me has been excellent and some of the things that he says I dont necessarily agree with but it is his opinion thru years of experience and knowledge that make me listen to what he has to say and I then analise and make up my own mind.If I believe that he is wrong I will answer as I have done previously and give him my thoughts but I will not allow personal feelings to be aired on this forum as I have seen lately.I was a bit disgusted at the venom that was transmitted by some of the members and would rather see their scathing reports left off the forum.If they have felt that they have been unfairly treated they always have the backup of the tribunal to solve their problems and my experience with this is that the consumer is 99% right. If they lose then I would say that they have not a viable complaint. I would not like to see the opinions of Bushtracker taken off the forum as well as sponsorship as I feel it would be a great loss of knowledge disappearing. Well thats my 2 cents worth, I may lose some friends for my opinion but what the heck they wouldnt be worth having if they cant stand a little criticism.When I joined I felt that this was 1 big happy family, lets keep it that way.
AnswerID: 566431

Reply By: Agnes Lifestyle - Friday, Jun 03, 2005 at 05:38

Friday, Jun 03, 2005 at 05:38
This is Kirko 1925 visiting Agnes Lifestyle where we have had the opportunity to catch up with the great debate on the forum.
We all know how many views we get when we sit around the campfire to discuss whether we should tow our Bushtrackers with petrols or diesels or whether we should have 3 solar panels or four. The more views we get the easier it is for us to decide what we should do.
Bushtracker management is just another face around the campfire, but we must recognise that these people have had a lot of experience and have produced the best outback caravan in Australia. So, why shouldn't we listen with great interest to their views.
We've had our 16 ft Bushtracker for over 3 years, towed it into some of the most remote areas in Australia and we have appreciated listening to Bushtracker's helpful views whenever we have had to make important decisions.
WE certainly would like Steve and Bushtracker to keep up their important contribution to both forums.

Regards Margaret and David
AnswerID: 566432

Reply By: Meg and J - Friday, Jun 03, 2005 at 21:14

Friday, Jun 03, 2005 at 21:14
Hi all
Still travelling after 2 years and go onto this site when we can and enjoy reading all the bits and pieces. Don't have a lot of time to read everything and probably wouldn't want to so we pick out the bits that we think are of interest to us.

We appreciate that people put information on the site to assist others (namely us because we are BT owners) and we do appreciate Steve's input as well. There are things that he puts on that don't interest us so we don't read them and of course there are things that have helped us immensely.

We think he should be able to continue and I might say that it is awful seeing this constant bickering going on from all sides. It is taking away from a great idea namely that we all love our Bushtrackers and are interested in letting others know it and also it is a great place to hear suggestions from others on ways to improve things with the BTs if and where necessary.

Have a great day
Meg and J
AnswerID: 566433

Reply By: Aussie Bush Ghost - Friday, Jun 10, 2005 at 22:49

Friday, Jun 10, 2005 at 22:49
Somewhere we obviously have missed something and its probably because we are not that active on the Bogsite, while we are travelling (we spend about 4-5 months on the road and 2-4 months overseas each year).

However, I was staggered on reading that there was to be a “vote” on the issue of BT managements involvement on the Bogsite.

What is wrong with those that do not want the input from the supplier of their asset? . I don’t understand.

From my perspective, if I was in a position where I found the input on the site irrelevant, offensive, unreliable, or even incorrect, its my option to stop reading the input, and I would…..its my choice.

Are the knockers too dumb to disengage because they don’t like what they read.

We probably have all searched the web for relevant sites for information and if anyone can find a site that is more relevant to the Bushtracker than the Bogsite please lets know, as I must be the dumb one, I can’t find anything that comes close to it.

I guess if I have any criticism of Bushtracker being involved, it would be that Steve appears to have a super sensitive issue where somehow he feels that maybe he should not say some of things he says on the site.
From my perspective, he should drop that and just get on with being Steve, and stop sending signals that appear to be “pandying” to the the minority.

Steve you will never please all of the people all of the time, and if you try, it will send you bonkers, give you high blood pressure, and shorten your life, as well as make life miserable. Accept the fact that that there will always be someone who sees things differently to you, or believes they know better than you, chuckle to yourself if you know they don’t, and get on with life.
(Probably moving into a preacher mode with those words, but its my reading of the situation, and that’s me.)

Many of us have had “robust” discussions with you Steve, and I know I certainly have, but if I cannot debate and be smart enough to accept that everyone does not have the same perspective that I have, then I should get off the site and leave it for others who do have experience in the issues at hand and more importantly not criticise, anyone who is well intentioned.

If there are any who want to criticise then let them, its their prerogative, but don’t let one or two who don’t see things with the same perspective as the majority bug you.. Maybe they can set up their own site if they are serious, we live in a country that allows one to do so.

AnswerID: 566434

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