Tip # 45, WARNING ON GAS BOTTLES, a Serious Problem With Exchange…

Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 07, 2005 at 00:45
ThreadID: 122020 Views:3819 Replies:3 FollowUps:2
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This just happened, and a Bushtracker came it here with exchange bottles…. The problem is they are DOT 2, the kind you can buy a K-Mart and such for BBQ and Camping…. Our gas bottles are DOT 3, heavier wall, heavier bottles, and TRANSPORT APPROVED… This is an insurance issue as well…

You can tell which ones are which, as in the Specifications on top: There will be a Circle with a number in it, either 2 or 3… If a van was in an accident or caught fire, or just plain caught fire on it’s own, your insurance could be compromised if they noticed…

It would be OK to do the exchange if you could get like quality and age, but sadly I have not seen either at the exchange Depot… The gas bottles have a “Used by” date of expiration before requiring Certification and a re-stamp on the bottle. This means removal of the valve and an internal inspection. For any of you that have done this exchange, try and find a DOT 3 fresh bottle and switch back if you can… And then my advise would be: Do not exchange again.

Now I have not looked at the exchange Depots any time recently, I could be “Out of Touch on this issue”, and maybe I am mistaken and there are plenty of DOT 3 Transport Approved bottles in their system now… If so then please: Somebody correct me… But I doubt it… They are worth more money and unlikely to be refilled just for an exchange basis…

I will have someone else break the news to them gently, so I am not the Bad Guy again.

Kind Regards from the Ranger,
Still here, trying to look after ya…
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Reply By: Bushtracker - Thursday, Jun 16, 2005 at 00:00

Thursday, Jun 16, 2005 at 00:00
Just had another Bushtracker come in, same problem..... Oh well, I will try and keep up the Postings to hopefully be a benefit to some... These are the people that bought Lapworths van, second hand, and had one "Exchange Bottle".... They are going to try and find a place to exchange it back for a DOT 3 Bottle...
Kind Regards, stg
AnswerID: 566508

Reply By: Toomelah - Thursday, Jun 16, 2005 at 22:18

Thursday, Jun 16, 2005 at 22:18
Thanks for the explanation Steve. We did an exhange down in the Snowy last year and once we put the new bottle in found it rattled around in the 'cage'. So we returned it and had our original bottle refilled instead! After that we avoided exchange places.

AnswerID: 566509

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Friday, Jun 17, 2005 at 02:01

Friday, Jun 17, 2005 at 02:01
Glad to be of a help...
I have another 100 Tips I would like to Post to get caught up.... Just don't want to wear out my welcome... Ha!
Next three are already written, but I will dribble them on about once a week...

Happy Trails, in the words of Roy Rogers....
FollowupID: 844627

Reply By: Mobi Condo - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 08:06

Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 08:06
No extra facts to answer, just appreciation of the explanation re dot2 & dot 3 differences.
AnswerID: 566510

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, Jun 21, 2005 at 01:09

Tuesday, Jun 21, 2005 at 01:09
Happy to be of help...

DOT means "Department Of Transportation" in its loosely used form, and it basically is the regulatory agency of America, that has been accepted Internationally....

It is a Circle with a number in it...
2 is a cheaper BBQ bottle..
3 is the Transport approved bottle, thicker walls and structurally a lot stronger to survive impact in an accident...

Simple answer, the DOT 3 bottle is way heavier than the DOT 2 bottle.

Cheers, stg
FollowupID: 844628

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