BT Vans

Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 21:36
ThreadID: 122066 Views:363913 Replies:9 FollowUps:15
This Thread has been Archived
Still on the fence, started to have a look at some second hand van, along the lines that we will get what we see, and a little quicker, was most disturbed when we looked at the first one which was a 20ft with centre lounge, as the owner opened the door we noticed that all the lounge was wet the water was running off the table looked under the cusions and it was clear that it had been leaking for some time the owner said that children had been playing inside, is this an inherent probleb with the BT.
For the price of some of the second hand vans could be possable to gut and rebuild for the price of a new one?, and would BT do this?.
Think we will have to look at some more and do a bit more home work
10 Para
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Reply By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 22:26

Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 22:26
10 Para,
A water leak? and your question "is this an inherent problem with the BT?"
Probably just left an overhead hatch open in the rain... Of course it is not an inherent problem with BT !!! How could it be?

I must say though, with all of your misquoting, misinterpretation, and wild negative conjecture, I wonder are you working for someone else? What is your purpose?

"Gut the interior and build new and would BT do this?" Second hand often goes for more than new... This is ludicrous conjecture.. in other words, silly! Of course we would not do this..

10 Para, I am not sure I want to address any more of this kind of wild conjecture on your part.

The last thread was so full of negative conjecture, including some statement about a large Bushtracker towed by a Nissan with serious problems inside?? Who, what, when? Nissan utes are only legal to 2500kg, can not tow a large van, and if there was such a problem we would be the first to hear of it. I am beginning to question your motives here.... The questions are so far out and fictional...

Please evaluate what you state on this Public Forum, maybe do some real homework before starting such outlandish and negative sidetracks... Please..

AnswerID: 566607

Follow Up By:- Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 00:57

Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 00:57

Below is an exact copy of what i said in regard to the BT on the Gibb River Road i did not say it was a large Bushtracker, and i have now posted a photo on the site to show that my statements are correct and not like your misquoting.

"last year whilst on the Gibb River road we meet up with a BT which by the way was being towed by a Nissan Ute, the poor fellow was beside himself and said that he was unsure what to do, go on or go back he was in no mans land, his truck and van looked great outside but when he sowed me inside i could see what he and you mean about appliances these are some of thing you accept if you are going to travel on some of our roads"

Further the BT that we viewed is at Strathpine and does not have a hatch above the leak, it is however a great place to keep frog's at the moment.

The only wild conjecture it would appear is on your part, as above shows
I have no hidden agenda i am just a member of the public and work for no other person, all i wish to do is get a van built.
Your site or this site i thought was for guy's like me to investigate the pro's and con's and get advice from like people who have already aquired the product.
If i want to get answers and advice from the builder i will appraoch him direct as i have already done at the factory.

FollowupID: 844692

Follow Up By:- Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 01:08

Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 01:08

Direct quote from Member Meg & J answer ID 6952

On reading the different posts, we have just completed a 2 year trip around and also travelled along the Gibb and quite a few other places. Had no troubles with the van whatsoever. However the microwave didn't like the Gibb River Road nor the road into the Keep River NP (which was horrendous at the time). We bought a new microwave but it now travels on the floor beside the bed and since then we have had no troubles. Ours was bolted to the top of the fridge compartment but of course most are now built in.

The fridge door fell off when we were in Karijini but once again the road was awful, but the pin on the door was just too short and it sort of dropped (I think). John just fixed it up and it has been fine ever since.

Direct Qoute from Member Luvntravin answer ID 6946

Other than lots of dirt you would not know we had just travelled over some of the worst roads in Oz. Yes, we had some damage to some equipment I SUPPLIED - micorwave and fridge.

Not my words just correct quotes

10 Para " still sitting on the fence "
FollowupID: 844693

Reply By: Grumblebum & Dragon - Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 22:41

Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 22:41
10 Para,
You would be better off buying new - then you know EXACTLY what you are going to get. Anything bought second hand - be it a woman, car, BT or whatever is a risk as you have no idea what you are really getting or where it has been or how it has treated. By way of example - Rolls Royce make great quality car yet I know a group of youths up here that would absolutely wreck it in a couple of hours - without even trying hard.

Having said than a secand hand BT - assuming its been looked after - is probably as good and maybe a lot better than anything else on the market.

If you want to get a second hand BT van and there are some good ones out there - the last thing I would do is 'gut it' and rebuilt it. It is unlikely that you would have the factory skills, knowledge or tooling and Bti are bloody busy building new ones for their large forward orders.

If buying secondhand suggest you employ a good engineer, experienced in the industry, to review any intended purchase. That way you get some unbiased information.

The other option is to buy something along the lines of a well known brand of on road vans and drag it off into the bush. I recently came across just such a van being towed by a very well known author of caravaning and camping quide books. When asked how his 'pop-top' and 'pop-ends' little van survived he replied with a grin "you need to be "expert level" with the screw gun"

Grumblebum (but happy BT owner)

AnswerID: 566608

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 23:11

Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 23:11
Very nice comments Grumblebum, well done.

For any other of you potential BT Owners, this may be an opportunity in second hand now, (may be) the best opportunity of the decade. Because of a "Fuel Price Shock" there are more second hand than usual right now... It might mean some fair buying, where in the past second hand usually went for more than new... And paying more than new for second hand, we thought was a bit over the top...

I think this will blow over by Christmas, I have seen it happen about 4 times since 1974 when Petrol hit 50 cents a gallon in the U.S. and all the Motorhomes and such went off the road in a panic to sit for about four months... Then they realized it was "no big deal", got used to the higher prices, and carried on business as usual..

Of course it could just be that there are just more out there, so more for sale for a wide range of reasons... But judging from the amount of "Pent up Demand" we sense for new, with people seemingly stalled out a bit, I think it is just "Sticker Shock" at the pumps.. They will come around to the idea that "what else are we going to do" and "it is not a big deal anyway"... But it takes them time for them to get used to the higher fuel prices..

I expect the Bull Rush to start in the next few months... Demand is steady, we are Booking December through February for Deliveries, I just sense a little hesitation due to the pump price shock...

Cheers, from the "Lone Ranger" at Bushtracker
FollowupID: 844694

Follow Up By:- Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 05:00

Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 05:00
The price of fuel as a % of disposable income now is much less than it was 10 years ago, bang goes that little trick.
Just read the facts
FollowupID: 844695

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Jul 06, 2005 at 01:02

Wednesday, Jul 06, 2005 at 01:02
Hello again Grumblebum! Update late on July 5th...
Your great personality certainly does not fit the name.... Ha! So if your Missus is Dragon, She must be just a real Sweet thing and Joy to behold...!

Just an update, my theory on "fuel price shock" seems not to matter. As in the last week the floodgate on Orders has opened... Or people are just realising it does not matter much... One person wrote that on a whole 4 month trip they calculated that it was going to amount about $5 a day in extra fuel costs... They added they were not going to stay home and watch the grass grow for that.. Ha! It comes around to "it does not matter much" and "what else are we going to do anyway"...

I appreciate your comments on second hand, I leave that up to the Client, but three of them have sold as well according to reports. I agree with you though, and it better be close to what you want, because we have done some minor renovations and gear updates and increases in some second hand vans and they ended up spending more than new... So those that buy second hand should get something close to what they desire and not plan on renovating much..

Kind Regards, stg
FollowupID: 844696

Follow Up By:- Wednesday, Aug 03, 2005 at 04:22

Wednesday, Aug 03, 2005 at 04:22
I counted 42 BT for sale in Aussie last week would that be right
FollowupID: 844697

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 19:01

Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 19:01
10 Para, my hubby and I are permanently living in our van and have been for the past 11 months. We are currently on Kangaroo Island and have been inundated with some fairly wild storms over the past few weeks. Only the other night, I hugged my husband and said I was so glad we had decided on having a Bushtracker built. We have had no problems with water ingress. We are very glad we had the Webasto heater installed and ducted into the ensuite so we can use that as a drying room. At night, despite the wild winds and rain (someone tell me again why we are here and not up in sunny Queensland????) we have not suffered any problems and of course the weight of our 20 footer has held the van very steady.

I would agree that there are always risks on buying second hand, but it is like anything - do your own research, then if you take the risk you only have yourself to blame.

Yes, the site is here to help people get an idea of what Bushtrackers are all about, but in the end, there are a lot of people out there who own Bushtrackers who are not members and we have not quality control checks over them, or what they do with their vans.

Acting President
AnswerID: 566609

Reply By: Luvntravln - Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 00:13

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 00:13
10 Para

I have no understanding of why you have quoted me in your reply below!!!

The fact that I had some microwave and fridge problems in no way negates the fact that the BT - kilo for kilo - is the best off-road caravan available for purchase in Australia today. I limit this to Australia because I cannot comment on availability in other countries.

Regarding leaks, mate - I lived on a boat for 15 years - and anything that is constructed can leak! Having said that we in the past year have been through some significant storms and with days of downpours. We had one leak in the rear corner by the tail light and when we took the van back to BTi it was promptly corrected.

There has never been a water leak from the roof or from any of the windows which are the most obvious areas for water ingress.

I too suggest that if you are going to purchase a BT you purchase a new BT so that you will be completely satisfied that you are not purchasing someone else's problems.

AnswerID: 566610

Follow Up By:- Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 00:40

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 00:40
Hi Luvntravin,

If you read the thread, i was just explaing to Bustracker "who had hopped of his perch" that it was not only myself that had seen domestic appliances come adrift in a BT.
I too have spent much time in the rain in fact for the last 3 years have spent at least 6 months of each year in the South Island of New Zealand camped in the mountains in a tent and have had no water ingress at all, all i was comenting on is what i saw and Bustracker again "hopped of his perch" and tried to tell me that it must have been through a hatch which as i have explain it was not and if it had been through a hatch i would not have mentioned it at all.
10 Para
FollowupID: 844698

Reply By: Tellem Bugrem - Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 01:41

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 01:41
Hey 10 Para, and any other potential BT buyers,

If you have decided you want to buy an Off-Road van, apply the KISS principle. (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

1. If you are going to buy a new van - Go to the Factory, see how the vans are built, talk to the people who build them, and understand completely what you are about to spend money on.

2. If you are going to buy a second hand van, Go to the Factory, see how the vans are built, talk to the people who build them, and understand completely what you are about to spend money on.

3. If you have done this and have then decided that a second hand van you have been looking at is the way you wish to go - talk to the people at the factory about possible modifications to suit yourself. They will give you the best advice and from that you should be able to assess whether you are competent enough to do the modifications yourself, or whether it would be best for the factory to carry out the modifications and repair any damaged that may have resulted in a leak or whatever.

More postings like the preceeding postings you have made are not going to help you get THE BEST possible buy in an off-road caravan. There are hundreds of BT owners on this site who are passionate about their vans and they know that if there is a leak in the roof above a table, then a large rock or tree branch has fallen through the roof. They will then take their van back to the factory for a professional repair job.

Good Luck and I hope to meet you and your BT on the road one day!

AnswerID: 566611

Follow Up By:- Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 02:23

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 02:23
Hi Rob,
Thanks very much for you most helpful comments, i have already done 1 and untill recently had never intended to aquire a seconed hand van because we have set ideas on what we require in the van, but the idea did occur to me after seeing all the vans avalable, i would certainly not attempt to do such a thing myself, as there are people that do that for one.
I did see a van at the factory that was a second hand van being updated so that where that thought came from but i have been informed that BT do not do that " not very helpful i would have thought"
I also understand that there must be hundreds of BT owners out there that are passionate about there vans and it is those BT owners like your self that us "fence sitters" would love to hear from it is not the money the vans cost that concerns me as one spends more on a trip to Europe or even a reliable motor cay its that fact that where we will be taking the van there is none who can fix it up it it fails.
Whilst at the factory i asked a question re the Shocks at the answer i got was i don'f know, ask another about the Air Suspension and was told i have not towed one, another about dust answer you will alwsy get dust in one would have thought " we do everything to keep the dust out except to break the law in regard to venting" leaving the door aside>
all in all a great looking van we would love to be buying one in a down market where BT had to do some selling instead of why don't they just put up the price so that they can employ people to explain things properly to new customers, to much like Telsta used to be.
Anyway i shan't try to change the world all i want to do is buy a van get back fishing, glad to hear that you are very satisfied with you BT and thank you once again for you advice.

FollowupID: 844699

Reply By: Bushtracker - Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 03:07

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 03:07
10 Para, Congratulations!

The great success of this Company over many years is based on two simple things: First of all the quality of the Product. Anyone that knows enough to tell what they are looking at, can see that we have the Finest and Strongest Caravan in Australia with the Best Engineering, the Nicest Interior Finishes, and the Best Equipment on offer anywhere; and we are inexpensive in comparison to others with what we offer.. We have never been able to keep up with Demand, and have never caught up with Production. There is always a Backlog of Orders…

The second reason for our success is our development of long term relationships of support and friendship for our Clients with excellence in service and long term care. We coach our Clients to get the best results for them from the start. And this care and aftermarket service extends to many areas, for instance like the 100’s of hours spent on the BOG for with Tips and continued support and care for our Bushtracker Owners long term well being. This is returned by our Customers being the ones that sell our vans for us, and in fact in the last couple of years alone we have had 34 Owners come back for a second van from us. In looking after our Customers best interests, it becomes our best interests to do so…

However, over the years we have discovered that about 1 in 100 people seem to thrive on suggesting negativity and feeding into it; and if they cannot find anything negative they will invent it. We have found that we cannot make these 1 in 100 people happy no matter what we do.. Over the years we have learned that it is unproductive to try, when there are so many others that appreciate our efforts. We would like to Thank You for exposing your Nature over the last many encounters, as being that 1 in 100 that we do not think we could make happy no matter what… You may now just channel your interests to supporting the second hand market only.

Your latest comments have earned you an Honour, and I quote you: "Whilst at the factory i asked a question re the Shocks at the answer i got was i don'f know, ask another about the Air Suspension and was told i have not towed one, another about dust answer you will alwsy get dust in one would have thought " we do everything to keep the dust out except to break the law in regard to venting" leaving the door aside>
all in all a great looking van we would love to be buying one in a down market where BT had to do some selling instead of why don't they just put up the price so that they can employ people to explain things properly to new customers, to much like Telsta used to be. "

MORE INVENTED NEGATIVITY ON YOUR PART....I will be polite and not tell you what I really think of you. No one here at Bushtracker would state things like this. You could not have misunderstood things this badly this many times... You are stating disruptive fiction... CONGRATULATIONS, You are the first person on the BOG site we are officially giving the flick to..! You have wrongly attacked this Company with fiction, to many times. Now you cannot have a new Bushtracker.

You will buy a second hand one or none at all. Good bye, you have done yourself with us... And we do not want to know you anymore.

Thank You for showing us your true nature early on so we don't have to deal with you...

Management and Staff at Bushtracker
AnswerID: 566612

Follow Up By:- Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 05:27

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 05:27
"Dropped of the fence here"
If only you made a van that was suitable for the client the first time then they would not have to go through all the problems of having the correct van built the seconed time, my life is to short for that.
Again your facts are wrong yes we did attend your factory and i am only quoting what has happened and i can back it up, the chap who did the tour with us was sitting on the right as you go in the office, we already had a date set for the build before we arrived, this was done by phone the week before, it was this chap who i am quoting not myINVENTED NEGATIVITY , who futher advised after doing our full quote that day being a Friday that he would hold the build date untill Monday, that build was on the board as the middle of October, some weeks later at the Brisbane show the same chap approach me and advise that they could still meet that date.
Bushtracker why start being polite now after all, I am, or was, only a prospective client who has now been completly turned off, great that i have found these things and your true coulors out now before parting with any off my hard earned, and asking for someting to be fix halfway thriugh construction and coming face to face with your arguments then, life is to short for that
hard to get over this fence
FollowupID: 844700

Reply By: ROUND-2-IT - Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 06:15

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 06:15
10 Para.
Thank god you have finally dropped off the fence. Now we can top it with razor wire just to keep you on the other side.You have been a real PITA and glad to see the back end of you on here.
Good Riddance To You.
AnswerID: 566613

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 06:21

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 06:21
My God,
You have a real Artists gift with words, my hat is off to you...
Kind Regards from the "Lone Ranger".....
FollowupID: 844701

Follow Up By:- Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 21:01

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 21:01
You should get a chocolate frog from the "lone ranger" for that comment keep it up you might get wing mirrors as well so that you see where you are going.
FollowupID: 844702

Follow Up By:- Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 21:12

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 21:12
Hi Round-2-IT
Rather that trying to belittle me you would like to try and help new buyers or owners more to the point for the interest of other members you would like to tell us about the MINOR ADJUSTMENTS that you are sorting out before the big trip and where are you going on the big trip, that would really helpful and interesting and in the course of doing that you also might learn somthing, just try to keep an open mind, and when you do get on that trip and see some poor unfortunate person in trouble just stop and offer them any assitance that you are able to give, beacuse that also seems to have gone by the way.
10 Para
FollowupID: 844703

Follow Up By:- Wednesday, Aug 03, 2005 at 04:25

Wednesday, Aug 03, 2005 at 04:25
Where is all the razor wire get the possie to put it up again and tell them to do it right this time
FollowupID: 844704

Reply By: Grumblebum & Dragon - Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 07:10

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 07:10
Well Done Steve.

Some people you can lead to water and enlightenment and they are grateful. Alas there is a small minority that should have be drownerd at birth.

10 Para's drivel gets the flick from me.

Have a good day

AnswerID: 566614

Follow Up By:- Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 20:57

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 20:57
Some people get brainwashed
FollowupID: 844705

Reply By: ROUND-2-IT - Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 23:03

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 23:03
10 Para.
Maybe your name should be pick on everything and know nothing.You do not know what i have done in the 62 years of my life.minor adjustments were for far as helping other people on the track you have no idea where and what i have driven through in this wonderful country of ours and the many people that i have helped....but if i ever see you on the track be prepared to be left there .I really think that you are in love with your own voice and just want to hear yourself talk. This will be my last response to you as you are not worth the time.
I bid you farewell
AnswerID: 566615

Follow Up By:- Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 23:23

Friday, Jul 01, 2005 at 23:23
Farewell ROUND-2-IT trust you will have a great trip and enjoy your BT i only hope it is as good as your truck, just as i was talking about people just don't stop, not like the old day's.
10 Para
FollowupID: 844706

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