I have gotten some enquires just for curiosity sake, on how the Brisbane Show actually went… Stimulated by the negative agenda Posting of some really preposterous figures, (a really silly statement by someone keen to have a dig at
Bushtracker any chance they can invent..) But, moving on, for those who have E-mailed, curious how Orders are actually going, here is where we are…. Ask a real question, and get a real answer:
We sent out the last three Contracts in our backlog yesterday. People take a little time to bring themselves to purchase a van in this category where they are routinely spending the $70,000 to $90,000 average… The Show results come in from about now to October, but some are actually years later… The ridiculous Posting earlier suggested that a so called Competitor of ours had a huge ridiculous amount of sales from the Show, and we had none… Ha! Ha! Both ends of that silliness are not true… The overwhelming majority of people do not impulse buy that many $80,000 and $90,000 vans on the spot at a Show… Sure we get Sales at the Shows, but we rarely even have a van for sale at the Shows, those are Owners Vans on Display… They may indicate “Serious Interest” or “Serious Intentions”, but those are not “Sales” as was suggested. We would have gotten 10 of those a day, “Expressions of Serious Interest” but we would not be silly enough to go around spreading rumours that those were actually Sales… Sort of going beyond counting your chickens before they hatch into absolute absurdity… Ask me a real question, and you get a real answer, just how it is. You can count on that for a fact.
The longest forward planning was Ian “Tex” …Fine Gentleman, whose van is back here now for some repairs… He was at the Show expressing “Serious Intent” for four or five years running, and He holds the record… Ha! For those in Planning: We have now Booked out 2005 and have Orders in January and February as we are now Booking Deliveries for 2006. For any of you in Planning Stage, keep in mind you need to think ahead a bit… We can never, and have never, been able to keep up with Demand, because some people wait until too late to Order… They often go on to buy the Competition, and we see some of them back a year or two later with the common statement: “We can wait now”. Sad but true… Anyway, my contribution to this
BOG is purely out of good intentions to do a good thing, not sales related. Proof: We have never been able to keep up with Demand, some always wait too long and impulse buy the so called Competition to get it faster..
For those of you in Planning, the Public
Forum is open to just anybody, a few with “not nice” agendas, but we cannot help that and you have to look beyond it. But when you get to Order Stage and get in the Schedule, I would invite you to an entirely different and far more positive and rewarding environment in the “Private
Forum”. There are more specific Tips for Owners, and fantastic Travel Logs, and Travel Tips from the Real
Bushtracker Owners… They are the Sales Staff of
Bushtracker, on the road, as one of the Boggers signs off : “Doing it in the Bush”…. Ha!
One more thing in relation to those in Planning, SIZE… We have built 33 in the last couple years, (34th indicated yesterday), Second
Bushtracker vans for Owners, and the predominant factor is moving up in size… 18’ used to be what we called “adequate” and “average size”. While it is “adequate”, a lot of people have had so much fun with the
Bushtracker Lifestyle, they have moved into “doing it more in the Bush” Ha! And so, have wanted a little more luxury, little more storage, just that little more to be a better Lifestyle… And now our average is 20’… So maybe we need to consider that risk factor in “doing it right the first time”… There would be as many below 20’ down four feet to 16’ as those over 20’ say up to 24’… But the average size is no longer 18’, it is definitely 20’… OK?
Just looking after ya, the “Ranger”