All the Good People that sell our vans, and all the good bits, all the wonderful stuff and travel logs and positive comments and exchanges are on the “Private
Forum”… That “Private
Forum” is only open to current
Bushtracker Owners, and those already Ordered and on the Schedule Board… That is where most of the Positive Goodness of the
BOG is…
The Public
Forum however, is open to just anyone… And unfortunately there are people here that are only present to reinforce any perceived negative or rumour they can find or invent, because they have ulterior motives against
Bushtracker. According to the private email I get, some have a history of this behaviour. They are only on the
Bog for sabotage reasons, to support any negative they can find to disrupt and tear down the goodness that could come from this Site. The real
Bushtracker Owners do not bother to engage them, saying: “I can’t be bothered getting into a slinging match with them”… So, it has fallen to the “Lone Ranger” to stand up against their Negative Agenda…. Well, if I am not here, and do not read the
BOG as the way it was in years gone by, it will be up to the real
Bushtracker Owners to stand up and be counted…
My only regret is not getting the other couple of hundred Tips on board, as I thought it could be of help…
There were only about a half dozen that ruin the Site, but some deserve special recognition for their efforts.. Our Special Thanks to CobraDave, with your continual Negative beat, I am told you are signed up for a Kedron Rally, one could only hope (from what I hear from other Boggers) that you would sell your 1998
Bushtracker and join the opposition instead of lurking here always trying to tear us down… And thanks to McTracker, always ready to support any Negative comments.. I don’t really care, but it will be good not to have to read and answer your negative reinforcement... We just do not want to battle like this.. I will no longer read this Site, so you undermining negative stirrers will no longer get my attention or bait me up… This is a problem for us on the
Bog… And once it is Posted, usually after hours, we have to address it…
For the rest of you that miss out, I am sorry, but they have ruined it for all… I now walk, for all the reasons we were not here in the first place. We do not endorse this Public
For anyone that is interested: I have several hundred
articles written on any number of subjects, born of forty years of doing this… Anything from current equipment, lifestyle, vehicles, travel mode, venues, technical manuals, really just about anything to do with this great
Bushtracker Lifestyle… And just for request at our Website, I am happy to send them out. They are free for the asking. I only got about 50 of them on here in the eight months I lasted…
To all my fellow Boggers, you will have to answer the clowns on your own now, if you wish… The “Lone Ranger” will no longer be on patrol here… Your “Private
Forum” is a wonderful place of good positive exchange. If you do not want to be bothered to patrol the “Public
Forum”, you can always make it an exclusive club and just eliminate it altogether. Otherwise it gives a platform to those that want to tear down
Bushtracker because they cannot afford the product, or have contacts with the opposition, or just thrive on meanness and stirring… But it has proved to be too big of a job for the “Lone Ranger”. I am just not as good as the Statue outside of Austin for the Texas Rangers, that has the plaque underneath reading “One Riot, One Ranger”…. I am 150 years too late, not that good, never was, and so I check out… I will go back to travel with my Quarter Horse instead of getting mired in the
In the exact words of the “Lone Ranger”: Vaya Con Dios, (Go with God) an Old Mexican Blessing….