Two person damper re Copeton cook-off

Submitted: Monday, Oct 10, 2005 at 06:29
ThreadID: 122278 Views:16875 Replies:7 FollowUps:3
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Thanks to Bob & all the committee & members who organised our Copeton holiday, we had a great time, meeting some wonderful people, & hope to be back there again next year, even if it's just for the spit roasts, well done guys & girls. But we expect more competition at the cook-off, (yea I agree Jackie's was good, even if it was non alcoholic) maybe double the entries to twenty or even more, any way here is how we did it so no excuses, & who cares if it is a brick or slop or burnt, might be me next year as they won't all come out like that.
We used the SMALL light weight spun steel "HILLBILLY" CAMP OVEN (does not weigh as much). So if you are worried about weight-worry no more they are made in Emerald in Vic. Their web address is "" or ph 039 754 5053 plus we have the extension ring, to make it higher so we can cook roasts & vegies together. Yes it is very good.
recipe is MEASURE PROPERLY for two people.
We used a 1/4 cup for measuring
1/4 cup of full cream milk powder
7/8 cup of s.r. flour
heaped desert spoon of marg or butter (if it was sugar, that much heaped)
1 good pinch of salt
3/8 cup of room temp. BEER pour it in slow so it does'nt froth to much, you only want 1/4 cup of liquid (otherwise you will get a brick if it is to wet)
We added two of those kiddie lunchbox packs of dried raisins & apricot ( you can buy them in six packs anywhere. about 222 grams for a six pack.
Mixing - first - drink the rest of the beer - then maybe a cold one.Then
mix s.r. flour, salt & milk powder together,
mix in marg with a flat knife,
add fruit,
add beer ( it is also your yeast) don't over stir - when it is mixed stop, ( playing with it will make it hard)
Cooking - place a lightly oiled foil pie plate on your trivet in the oven (it's easier to clean) add your damper, put the lid on so you can't knock any dirt into your damper - because you need a hole about 15 inches (38 cm for you youngens) & just large enough to fit the oven in to about 4 inches below the surface.
Temprature is critical -
For the HILLBILLY because it is thinner & lighter than those cast iron things you need TWO HEAPED SHOVELS OF COALS UNDERNEATH IN THE HOLE set the oven in firmly + ONE & A HALF SHOVELS ON THE LID any more & you will burn it.
About 20 minutes later (maybe a few more beers) check it - notice when you lift the lid that you did'nt get any ash in on the damper because the lid has a large lip & is wider then the oven itself (great design feature) so stick a knife in it, if it needs a bit more cooking there will be dough on the knife.Look at the crust for indication of correct temperature. It took 25 minutes for ours, no extra coals required.
So see ya at the next bake-off, if you are game.Good luck.
Regards Peter.

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Reply By: Freewheelers - Tuesday, Oct 11, 2005 at 01:00

Tuesday, Oct 11, 2005 at 01:00
WOW - Thanks Peter. I've just started collecting damper recipes so this will be a welcome addition.

Sorry we didn't get to Copeton, almost retired but not quite, a few months to go.


Stephen & Deborah

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AnswerID: 567256

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Thursday, Oct 13, 2005 at 00:28

Thursday, Oct 13, 2005 at 00:28
hey peter,

you might be interested in saving up to attend these events in the future:

The Australian National Campoven Festival (just need to look out for next year's dates)

and this one:

and this one looks like an american forum

You might be able to organise a very unique way to plan your travels around Australia with this stuff. Me, I will just prefer to see what the finished product looks like.

Cyclone Angie
AnswerID: 567257

Follow Up By: Tassie Bushies - Thursday, Oct 13, 2005 at 20:25

Thursday, Oct 13, 2005 at 20:25
Hi Deborah.
Well I am guessing that you will be a contender at the campoven cookoff next year. Don't leave it to late to retire, we are only alive once.Hope to see you there.
Cyclone Angie.
I think it should be GENTLE CYCLONE ANGIE
As I don't believe anything or anyone could have ripped that Marquee up & over all of us like that, with so little injury,( just a few bumps, allthough Di's eye was very black) if there was not a very gentle hand in it.
Sorry you could'nt be there, & if you can't make it back from UK next year -No more Cyclones - Aye.
I'm starting to sound like a Queenslander after just one stint in the warm.
Thanks for the Campoven cookoff's info but we will be back in Tassie in early Oct. each year. Allthough Casino sounds like fun as we have just recieved a letter from Stella Voolstra (BOG member) who is staying there, & reckons its great.
Regards Peter.

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FollowupID: 845044

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 00:50

Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 00:50
I agree about the Gentle Cyclone Angie bit Peter. Just wanting to make my presence felt even though I couldn't be there in person.

Not sure if we will be back from the UK for the next few rallies. But I did suggest that the Casino Village might be a good option for a Bogger Rally. They seem to have a very tight operation out at the old airport there.

Cyclone Angie (But a gentle one)
AnswerID: 567258

Follow Up By: Turist - Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 02:00

Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 02:00
Angie we have now got some facts from members who stayed at the Casino Village after our rally.
Both said that it is well set up.(Although Stella said she wished she was back at Copeton)
However not suitable for our rally unless you like
* Camping with permanents.
* Living on a housing estate. (They are building retirement homes on the site)
* No campfire.
* No Spit Roasts.
* No exclusive area for us. (Means early quiet nights)

Seems like Copeton is still in front by a long way however further suggestions are welcome.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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FollowupID: 845045

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 02:40

Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 02:40
That's a shame Bob. Seemed like it would be a good idea. I thought they advertised that they had separate areas for rally's. And perhaps they should consider putting in a cooking pit. They might be restricting themselves for the kind of groups that would go there.

Or perhaps they have heard that the Bogger group are a lively (or should that be riotous) bunch and they don't like competition.

By the way, talking of riotous, give us the goss - did Tracy behave himself? I see him in one of the photos.

I wouldn't have a problem rallying in the same place as permanents. But they might have trouble with Cyclone Angie!!!!!!! Can just see that washing going flying off the line.

Their loss.

Cyclone Angie.
AnswerID: 567259

Follow Up By: Turist - Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 03:17

Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 03:17
The answer to your one question.

I refuse to comment on the grounds that Tracy is a major sponsor.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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FollowupID: 845046

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 16:01

Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 16:01
Ahhh, go on you big woose. Spill the beans. I won't tell anyone.

Cyclone Angie.

AnswerID: 567260

Reply By: Rockgoc - Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 22:31

Friday, Oct 14, 2005 at 22:31
And what's wrong with us "permanents"? We are "class-act trailer trash" anyhow!!!
*cheesy permanent grin* until at least next March when we take off for northern parts of WA.
Jan O & Easy
AnswerID: 567261

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Saturday, Oct 15, 2005 at 01:10

Saturday, Oct 15, 2005 at 01:10
hey! that's right. we were "permanents" too when living on kangaroo island. and better neighbours you couldn't hope to find. LOL.

cyclone angie
AnswerID: 567262

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