2006 Rally

Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 09, 2005 at 03:23
ThreadID: 122318 Views:4231 Replies:6 FollowUps:6
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Although it is less than 2 months since the Copeton Rally it is already time to start planning next years event.

The committee has put up a pro-forma programme that is open for comment by members.

* Place, Copeton State Recreation Area via Inverell NSW.
* Start date, September 16, 2006.
* Duration, 7 days.
* Our Annual General meeting and election of officers. (Proxy voting for those that can not attend)
* A catered dinner on one evening.
* A "Participation" dinner one evening, campfire roasts, possibly spit roast, BYO vegies etc.
* An entertainment evening, similar to the 2005 entertainment.
* A Bush Dance (new idea) perhaps in conjunction with the entertainment.
* The traditional "Bake Off". (Only 3 years and it's traditional?)
* And of course, fund raising ventures and more fund raising ventures.
* An 'Open day' to show off your van, tow vehicle, toys etc for those that wish to participate.

This year we are planning to have the group bonfire and activities on the flat non powered area between the main powered campsite and the Copeton Heights area.
This should make the activities more central to all.

We are open to suggestions from members that may have some ideas that will make our rally even better than last year.

Regards to all.

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Reply By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Nov 09, 2005 at 03:47

Wednesday, Nov 09, 2005 at 03:47
Suggestion: A little friendly Competition amongst the Bushtrackers....

Right, I'll throw down a gauntlet and Challenge all to a Reining and Cutting Horse Meet. I'll bring five horses....

Lets see, we might just take First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Place all in one Family.. Ha! Set a new record !!

Regards from the Lone Ranger..

AnswerID: 567402

Follow Up By: Turist - Wednesday, Nov 09, 2005 at 03:51

Wednesday, Nov 09, 2005 at 03:51
Only if you have that contest early in the morning after the wine tasting.
I reckon thats a fair handicap.

"Do It While You Can"
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FollowupID: 845137

Reply By: Flipp'n Lorry - Wednesday, Nov 09, 2005 at 06:01

Wednesday, Nov 09, 2005 at 06:01
I think the Open Day is a terrific idea - we attended the 2004 Rally (unable to join you all this year due to commitments) and I always felt that more be could be done to encourage drops-ins around the site. We were located "up the hill" and, apart from the Lone Ranger, there were few inclined to make the effort to walk up the hill and say good-day (I don't mean this as a criticism, just an observation).

Anyway, to get back to the key point, a designated Open Day would be great - the only logistical issue is that if we are off visiting everyone else's van, then we are not going to be there to open ours! I would suggest a yellow ribbon or some other welcoming sign when vans are open for inspection and a chat,

AnswerID: 567403

Follow Up By: Turist - Wednesday, Nov 09, 2005 at 06:12

Wednesday, Nov 09, 2005 at 06:12
Phil, early discussions favour a note attached to the van advising the hours that the owners would be available to welcome visitors.
A list with those details to be filled in on the community notice board would complete the excercise.
Should work, I hope.

"Do It While You Can"
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FollowupID: 845138

Reply By: Suncoasters - Thursday, Dec 15, 2005 at 22:31

Thursday, Dec 15, 2005 at 22:31
Just moving this post back to the top of the list to remind all about the 2006 rally

Compliments of the season to all boggers.
David W
AnswerID: 567404

Reply By: Turist - Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 05:01

Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 05:01
We now have confirmed rates from the management at Copeton for the 2006 Rally.
Start date is confirmed as September 16th.
Rates are $15.00 per night for a powered site and $10.00 for non powered.
Weekly bookings are $90.00 and $60.00 respectivly

This year Copeton would like us to vacate the area by Sept. 27th as they have another caravan group booked from the 30th and require time to clean up our mess.

Seems like our reports on the web of the success of Copeton as a rally venue have created some business for them.
Maybe we should get onto all the other van sites and tell 'em it's crook or we might get booked out. :-)

So, see you at the rally.
"Do It While You Can"
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AnswerID: 567405

Follow Up By: KRP102 - Tuesday, Jan 17, 2006 at 22:45

Tuesday, Jan 17, 2006 at 22:45
Hi Bob,

I'm the other group - not a caravan group but the Australian Campertrailers Group (www.campertrailers.org).

This will be our second National Rally, the first also held at Copeton in July 2005 with 35 groups in attendance. We expect to greatly exceed that number this year. Our Rally will be held from 2 October to 6 October and members will start arriving on 30 September.

In addition to an off-road camper trailer (Aussie Swag) I have a Supreme Getaway off-road caravan and have been in this fine group for a few years now. It is a great source of information re travelling off the beaten track. I find that our two groups discuss many things in common, more so as the level of inclusions on campertrailers continues to rise.

I hope your rally is successful and the weather kind.



Co-owner, Australian Campertrailers Group

FollowupID: 845139

Reply By: Tellem Bugrem - Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 17:38

Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 17:38
Hey Bob,

What Mess? There should be no mess left where any Bushtracker has been!
Or are you referring to a destructed marquee?
In the Readers Digest Book "Off the Beaten Track" there's a trek that can start and end at Copeton Dam. Could be a good day trip that could be part of the week's events. Looking at it again it's a pretty long day and the recommendation is you take two days if you want to do all the side excursions. If there's enough interest in a day trip I'll put my hand up to plan it and do whatever organising is necessary.

AnswerID: 567406

Follow Up By: Turist - Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 23:58

Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 23:58
Do Readers Digest have a "Condensed" version Rob?

Anyhow, maybe we can condense it ourselves, bring it into a one day format that would be more likely to get starters.


If the treck is suitable for vehicle + van then maybe some would be interested in doing it at the end of the rally.

And to all members, suggestions for the rally are encouraged.

"Do It While You Can"
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FollowupID: 845140

Reply By: Turist - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 03:10

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 03:10
One of our members with ankle biters just pointed out that our rally fell outside the Qld school holiday break.
This has been a problem every year, trying to fit with everyone’s individual scheduling requirements, an impossible task as the States have the holiday periods at different times.
Last year Qld kids could come to the rally, this year the others have a go.
We are also constrained by the available dates at Copeton.
As we have been very vocal about the benefits of holding a rally at Copeton a lot of other van groups are now booking and they all want to come when the weather is statistically best, September.

This does create problems for Steve and Tracy, they both have school age kids and Tracy's wife is a chalky.

So we just have to find a solution that will enable both of them to attend.
Any Ideas?

Other than getting them to move to NSW that is.

Maybe threats of violence.....nah, we're all peace loving.
Threats to withdraw orders....nah, that won't work either as everyone wants their BT.

Must be some way to get them there.

"Do It While You Can"
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AnswerID: 567407

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 03:29

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 03:29
Tracy is out... No way, Zero, nilch, nada, not a chance, don't even suggest it. Ha!

And me? Week before School Holidays, with Final Exams and all? Gotta be kidding..

Oh well, you probably have all had enough of the Lone Ranger anyways... Truth be known, I bet you did this on purpose. Have Copeton just for you Boggers.. And who could blame you?

Oh well, no worries... Saved me a big trip didn't you... Me coming alone? Not a chance... It is a big job unloading horses at dawn in the cold, unrugging for NSW spray job, feeding and rerugging and loading unhappy horses for another 8 hours.

And the Ranger coming without horses? Forget that one too.... zed, zero, nada, not a chance, ain't gonna happen.. Don't even think about it.. Would rather break a leg... Ha!

Have fun, think of us in '07 maybe......

Last Ranger, still out there.... Somewhere.... with horses....
Semper Fidelis

FollowupID: 845141

Follow Up By: Turist - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 04:22

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 04:22
Another Idea!
A mini rally up on "The Ranch" after the Copeton rally.
How many vans will fit on the block Steve?

"Do It While You Can"
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FollowupID: 845142

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