Brakes & Wheel Studs etc.

Submitted: Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 10:04
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Taj Mah Trackers It seems like you too may have encountered our brake problem.
I suggests you read our post down the list a bit.
The solution was fairly simple in the end tho a bit expensive as we had to replace the arms and the magnets and if one is acting up, expect the others to go as well so all 4 need to be replaced.
I did the job myself and it cost about $550-

Re wheel studs, Our van has the new 5 stud Toyota wheels and they are 24mm
Our Troopy has 23 mm wheel nuts which is standard on a 4 way cross brace so a 24 mm socket (on a long extension) is required.
If you've never taken a van wheel off, I stongly reccomend everyone to do it "just for practice" AT HOME.
Then you will know if you have the right equipment before you have to do it out in the Digglies.
Also you will find out just how tight the nuts are.
Most nuts done up with impact wrenches at Tyre mobs are nearly impossible for a full grown man to get of with a conventional wheel brace. (let alone a woman)
If I can't be there to make them go easy, I will loosen them them up as son as possible.
As to patch kits, etc, If you stay within 200 klms of a servo then fine, but if you use your BT for what it's meant for and you are pulling it with a 4WD (I presume)
Then a tyre repair kit, spare tube, bead breaker, (My preferred is TyrePliers) 2 tyre levers and equally important a good quality air compressor & pressure guage.
We have a "hard wired " Blue Tongue with enough hose to go to the van wheels.
Those (p------) little portable things from KMart take 30 minutes to pump up a 4by tyre and will die after 2 of them (and won't pump up a tubeless if the bead has been broken)
Tyre pressure (As the Ranger has advised) is very critical on varying road conditions and how are you going to pump your (8) tyres up after a run on badly corrugated, or stoney or sandy or muddy track.

Old Boy Scout motto. Be Prepared.
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