Water Sterilization Unit

Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 01:56
ThreadID: 122569 Views:4211 Replies:3 FollowUps:8
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Can someone tell me what exactly does this sterilize against? As we currently have been told not to drink the water here in the far North due to trees falling and contaminating the water supply after the cyclone. I was just wondering if we could use the BT to get safe drinking water.

Kind Regards

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Reply By: Kingy - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 02:28

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 02:28
I didn't know you drank water...
AnswerID: 568270

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 02:50

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 02:50
That works, ya know, Kingy....
The Pomes drinking gin and tonic, thought that the gin killed Malaria... Ha! Big social change for about 20 years, and a lot of fun, until they figured out the tonic had quinine in it... And that was the cure...

Water 25% with wine standing for a half hour works for most belly bugs... Spirits better... Ha! And that would grind civilization to a halt... Lol...
Da Ranger...
FollowupID: 845677

Follow Up By: Homeboy - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 03:08

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 03:08
Thing is Kingy knows me all too well and after drinking him under the table at Christmas he knows water is a very limited option in my liquid stocks!

Steve you keep getting us Welsh mixed up with the lot over the Severn bridge, they drink G&T's we invented SA beer (SA standing for skull attack!) so try and get your geography correct please...LOL...

FollowupID: 845678

Reply By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 02:43

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 02:43
Hello Sasha..

The answer is that it would depend on what kind of contaminants we are talking about…??? The Sterilization system is specifically for biological contaminants… This includes all the living organisms of water in the wild, plus the super minute nasties like Hepatitis (sub-micro virus) that you cannot filter out. These nasties are only killed by the UV (Ultra Violet) radiation. This UV has no affect on heavy metals, pesticides, or toxins of some sort….

For the rest of you fellow Boggers: It is important to understand the difference between the biological organisms that can be filtered out or killed by UV, in that dissolved heavy metals, pesticides, or dissolved toxins in the water cannot be filtered out for the most part, and the UV has no affect on them... For example, and I do not know if this is your situation Sasha: If the contaminants are from banana trees down, and rainwater washing off the pesticides which are severe in the banana growing area, if those pesticides are in the water system for instance, the answer is DEFINITELY NO…. Also, some trees including bananas from memory, have a natural toxin in the tree itself...

This was the problem, and one of the reasons why we moved out of Coffs Harbour in 1988-89, is the banana growing area pesticides were washing into the water system reservoirs. Find out if that is what they are talking about. But the system is not designed to take out toxins like that…

There is a carbon filter in the system to take out trace amounts of such, but that is only a trace tiny amount that you might find in a stream from cotton or crop run off. Not a large amount of pesticide or other toxins. The answer has to be RESOUNDINGLY NO!!! Don’t take the chance… Better buy bottled water…

Really, sub-micro viruses like Hepatitis can even get through reverse osmosis desalinating machines, because the sub-micro virus is smaller than the salt or water molecules... Cannot be filtered out, it can just be killed (sterilised Au) (Sterilized Am) Ha! The same practical answer can go for fully dissolved chemicals, cannot filter them out... High pressure carbon will absorb a small amount, but you would have no way of knowing when it was fully saturated... Sooooo, the answer is no, no, and no... And the UV is only there to kill biological contaminants by frying them, so to speak...

ONE LAST THING: For others getting "water filters".... That is fine to scrub taste, of chloro-amines (after product of chlorination process)... Just don't get lulled into thinking your filters protect you against the small biological problems, like Hep, or even Botulism Spores which can be sub .2 micron, and mix with food in your stomach on the right timing and cause problems... Filters you buy in the shops are cosmetic for the most part... OK? I don't want any of you to have a false sense of security... Such an attitude and I caught Hepatitis out of a clear running mountain stream in 1973... Bad stuff.

Kind Regards from da Ranger...

AnswerID: 568271

Follow Up By: Homeboy - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 03:09

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 03:09
Thanks for that Steve I'll ask a few more questions but from your post I think bottled water will have to do.

FollowupID: 845679

Follow Up By: Turist - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 03:46

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 03:46
G'Day Steve.
Guess you won't be filling your water tanks in Toowoomba in the future.

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FollowupID: 845680

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 17:18

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 17:18
Never have filled up in Toowoomba Bob,
But your posting has me puzzled.... What is wrong in Toowoomba? Top a da range... What, is there a problem with the Toowoo water supply due to some run-off from the Darling Downs?

Alright Bob, I took da bait..... whazzit?
FollowupID: 845681

Follow Up By: Turist - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 18:13

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 18:13
Is it not Toowoomba where they are going to recycle the town sewerage into drinking water?
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FollowupID: 845682

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 18:33

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 18:33
Oh I got cha now Bob.... And no, da Ranger ain't goin for dat Leftist drinking of toilet water idea... Didn't know that was on for Toowoo. I would move somewhere else first... Dats for all the people in the big city, that live under horrid conditions anyways.. Traffic, Smog, Gay Parades, and now recycled flush water...? Ha! Not for me... I would move out...

All joking aside: Even scientifically I would argue the build up of heavy metals and such is going to be a real problem... But in drought, in a mess like Sydney, they may not have a choice. I will stay right here thanks...

Da Ranger..
FollowupID: 845683

Follow Up By: Croozer - Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 07:02

Wednesday, Mar 29, 2006 at 07:02
Rest easy gents!
Hell will freeze over before Mayor Thorley gets her silly way, just for the sake of being the first local authority in Oz to do it.

Take it from someone with legal and local/state/federal government contacts, it just ain't happening. There are irrigators downstream from Toowoomba, who have been using the partially treated waste water for decades, and they will keep ol' Di in court for as long as it takes, or until she's a distant memory.

FollowupID: 845684

Reply By: Turist - Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 20:26

Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 20:26
To be re-named "Poowoomba"
Bet they get a lot of crappy names when the system comes on line.

"Do It While You Can"
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AnswerID: 568272

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