Toilet Info
Submitted: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 12:59
This Thread has been Archived
Black Cobra
I have viewed all past and current posts and I am probably opening up another debate again but here goes.
Has any B/T owner fitted a vacuum flush toilet to their van and if so how has it performed to date. When I returned home on leave from overseas I inspected 4 B/T's in WA and Dave & Liz who were travelling around in their 22' B/T had a vacuum flush toilet fitted and were very happy with it.
I am interested in their performance and have visited the Dometic website and their product appears to be excellent. I only uses a minimal amount of water and no chemicals.
I know its installation might be more complicated but might be worth it.
I will be visiting the factory on my next rotation in July and gathering all info possible ready for order.
Reply By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 17:33
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 17:33
This Posting would probably be better off in Owners section. If you are not a Member yet, it would be in your best interests to become one for things like this. I can't remember if you are a Member yet, maybe you are, never mind..
I have two Postings on the VacuFlush experience as TIPS, and have now modified mine with a vent in the door. As the Vacuum is pulled in the tank, you still get some odours even though they claim it is handled by the charcoal filter. I put a stainless vent in the door to aid in that perspective. The only other downside is loss of storage as the cassette is separate instead of combined. And, it is LOUD when flushing...
Regards, Ranger
Follow Up By: Burt & Mary - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 23:53
Monday, May 15, 2006 at 23:53
Dometic perhaps a little noisy but well worth it compared to other toilet systems
to my mind there is no other toilet choice
Follow Up By: Burt & Mary - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 23:55
Monday, May 15, 2006 at 23:55
apols forgot to say we have no issue with odours
Reply By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 00:40
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 00:40
Look for a Tip on the latest reports on my ongoing VacuFlush testing...
Report will be in fact favorable despite my reservations on have PC board electronics running basic services in an Outback van... However, I have Pioneered two improvements to living with the system that are sensible and make it better... Look for the TIP coming on our Owners
Forum... I suggest both of my up and coming ideas for the VacuFlush make it in fact very attractive....
Regards from the Lone Ranger, out there doing it somewhere....