Monday, Jun 19, 2006 at 19:21
Hello Col,
If you read much of this
Forum, you will soon find that I DO NOT advise the "Big Fords" for smaller vans.... And I still say all the time that: "Toyota is our Number One most popular tow vehicle".... If you read on, you will find many times, that I only advise the Fords for vans over about 21', for safety reasons. So please don't be so hasty there, read on a bit more... Someone might get the wrong idea..
As to the whinge about Rice Grinders, take a joke Mate, all in Fun, I ribbed Bob, Turist who is the President of this Site for month about Chevrolet being a Sheila's truck... Lighten up, it is just a Ford -Chevy thing for fun that has been around for 50 years or more.. You say that I "publicly denigrate (“rice burners towing too big of vans”) .... It is tongue in cheek EXCEPT FOR THIS: I am talking about them running down the road with 24' vans and 24' Shark Cats boats on the back and such. Read a bit more of the
Forum, and you will see that I DO NOT advise Ford for any smaller van, and that it only becomes a consideration on large vans at about 20' or 21' or larger.
In all fairness, I thank you for your concern, but you jumped the gun a bit on this one. A Ford would be silly for a 16' van, the Ford would be almost bigger than the van! I would not venture to suggest the larger tow vehicles have any merit ANY CONSIDERATION until about the 20' mark and up, and then you should thank me for looking after your health and well being for safety. As to "sneers from Ford Drivers rushing to their campsites..." I don't know of one of maybe 90 or so, that would have such a stupid and silly attitude. In fact I am not sure if there are more than a half dozen Fords towing a van less than 20 feet, most up in the 21'-22' and larger.. Come on now, lets be fair......
As to what Kedron have said at the Shows? We did get a few laughs at the Show about things they said to Customer. Most of it discredits them. They have to say something, I am repeatedly told by people that we are far better in quality of construction at every single phase, to anyone that takes the time to look. I had not heard you needed a Ford to tow a
Bushtracker, that is funny as we weigh about the same. But we enjoy the laughs..
Anyways, Welcome to the
BOG, and for the record if you read down other Postings you will find that I many times say Toyota is our Number One most common tow vehicle, and I only say Ford, Chev, or Dodge type trucks are in the running for vans over the 20-21' mark... OK? Just want to set the record straight for anyone that might read this Thread. Don't take it personal, just the facts... And you will enjoy your
Bushtracker experience, it is the reason for our success, trying to do the right thing by people...
Wecome aboard, and Happy Trails
Lone Ranger
Semper Fidelis