Trip stats

Submitted: Sunday, Jul 09, 2006 at 21:19
ThreadID: 122771 Views:5216 Replies:5 FollowUps:6
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Just a note on my trip stats so far from Darwin. Left Brisbane 21 May with 20' BT behind my L/C100 TD. Have travelled 10,650 Kms, used 1,885 litres of diesel costing $2,567.40.
I know I was interested in these type of stats when I was researching my "around the bloc" idea for a trip. So hope this thread is of interest to others.
Have done the Gibb River Road. Visited Drysdale Station, tented in Mitchell Falls N.P. Dropped in to Derby after Windjana N.P. and a few days in Broome after a few days at Quondong Point (magic place). Left the BT at Turkey Creek and did the Bungles with a tent. Also Daly River, 'Mango Farm', Litchfield N.P. and Kakadu and now resting in Darwin. cheers.
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Reply By: Mobi Condo - Sunday, Jul 09, 2006 at 21:56

Sunday, Jul 09, 2006 at 21:56
Howdy Silver Fox,
Nice to see the stats - we aim to go that way after Easter 2007. (Adelaide-Alice-Tanami-Kimberly region etc). Thus this is quite helpful thankyou.
B.T.W. any others aiming for similar - we would like company at any stage!
Cheers - Ian & Sally
AnswerID: 568820

Reply By: The Hob - Monday, Jul 10, 2006 at 02:09

Monday, Jul 10, 2006 at 02:09
Silver Fox you give me great encouragement! Thanks!

I am still at camper trailer stage and have just done a 5630km trip up to the gulf and back from Brisbane at the average cost of $220 per 1000km travelled.

I see that towing a BT has only moved this cost up to about $240 per 1000km and you would have had far greater creature comforts than my trailer. You also travelled outside of QLD price area which means your consumption was about the same.

Maybe the end of 2007 or early 2008 will see me doing the same.

Enjoy the rest of the trip.
AnswerID: 568821

Follow Up By: Grumblebum & Dragon - Tuesday, Jul 11, 2006 at 01:18

Tuesday, Jul 11, 2006 at 01:18
Who was it that said "Live for today - for tomorrow we may die". It become more relevant the older we get - and we all get older

Have a good one - we are

FollowupID: 846030

Reply By: Bushtracker - Monday, Jul 10, 2006 at 18:29

Monday, Jul 10, 2006 at 18:29
Hello Silver Fox,

Lone Ranger here, and that figure comes out to about 5.65 km per litre... About right and in the average range of LC TD 100 Series... As reported to me..

And Hob, or any others concerned about fuel costs? The Lone Ranger has a comment that I think is relative to our Bushtracker experience.... I have been through three "Fuel Crisis" times, the biggest in 1973 with big lines, where I made my "big stupid" announcement: " If petrol ever gets over a dollar a gallon, I be getting a horse" as I fueled up a drum in the back of a Military F-250 4x4 from Fort Ord. Now I have 7 horses, nuff said bout dat!!! Anyways back to what I was about to say: It comes down to a observation that relates to this.. What else you going to do? Go on a $80,000 round the world cruise? Don't thing so, all you end up with is a photo album.. Travel with the Terrorists in the Middle East? Don't think so, they even put an Arab with a machine gun in the bus with you in Egypt, better hope he is on the right side, Ha! Spend $50,000 for 10 weeks in Europe? And then what.... I don't think any of these things are as long lasting or rewarding like travel right here at home with english speaking friendly people in a Bushtracker.... And safe!

So when it comes down to it, we are just going to get used to paying bigger numbers... And SO WHAT!!! It still comes down to "What eles you going to do?" Sit home and play Bingo? Don't think so... I am willing to bet the overall increase in interest rates will earn more on retirement funds over the next couple of years than the diesel costs of travel with a BT... And even if not, it still comes down to: What else are you going to do? We are all on the right track here, travel around this great and wonderful land, and the best way to do it is still Bushtracker.

Regards from the Ranger,
Whose favourite home is his 22' BT....

AnswerID: 568822

Follow Up By: Grumblebum & Dragon - Tuesday, Jul 11, 2006 at 01:13

Tuesday, Jul 11, 2006 at 01:13
Well said!

FollowupID: 846031

Follow Up By: The Hob - Tuesday, Jul 11, 2006 at 01:33

Tuesday, Jul 11, 2006 at 01:33
Totally agree with the Ranger!

The fuel cost is what we pay to do what we want and although I'd rather not pay such price I am totally aware that it is great value for money compared to packaged holidays which only last for a small period of time.

Travelling around our country is a great lifestyle which gives contentment. Contentment is what we should aim for. Happiness is a temporary emotion while contentment has us at peace with our lot in life and travelling around our country at a leisurely pace can be an ongoing lifestyle not just a short holiday.
FollowupID: 846032

Follow Up By: Black Cobra - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 03:07

Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 03:07
The Ranger,

Whats wrong with travelling with the terrorists in the Middle East, I do it every day.

It is very relaxing travelling down the roads of Iraq admiring the lovely scenery, if you like dust and dirt, looking at the locals, who are trying to blow you up or shoot you, and living in first class accomodation with more security that you would ever get at a nice hotel in the Bahamas. LOL

I thought I might bring my B/T over here when I get it and see if it can stand up to the pace, LOL, second thoughts I might just cruise the great Oz land and RELAX! as we have the best land in the world, so lets keep it quite.
FollowupID: 846033

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Thursday, Jul 13, 2006 at 21:34

Thursday, Jul 13, 2006 at 21:34
You take care of yourself. I have been in "Harms Way", and the only fun I see over there is the latest state of the art toys to play with.... But not worth it.. To be fair without getting too Political, I guess if we have to fight them it is better to do it in their back yard.... Than to have them continue to gain strength and eventually have to fight them in ours.. That is what is wrong with the Leftist Peace Niks, they assume wrongly that if we just leave them alone, we can forget about them.. The disease grows if left unabated, just look around the world...

"The Warrior is not loved.....until the Enemy is at the gate....and then it is too bloody late"... Author unknown...

At least with your practice, the Outback deserts here will feel familiar, only without the roadside surprises.. Stay safe, and look over your shoulder, so you get back OK... I don't envy you being over there in a civil war with no easy outcome... No money could be enough.

Regards from the lone Ranger...
FollowupID: 846034

Reply By: Grumblebum & Dragon - Tuesday, Jul 11, 2006 at 01:22

Tuesday, Jul 11, 2006 at 01:22
Hi Silver Fox

I agree with your 'magic place' comment on Quongdong Beach north of Broome, we spent a couple of weeks there last year.

AnswerID: 568823

Reply By: Oldperc - Thursday, Jul 13, 2006 at 21:07

Thursday, Jul 13, 2006 at 21:07
I think these comments should be kept to the Owners Forum otherwise these places will lose their 'magic'!!!!!
David and Ann
'I'am so proud of you poppa'

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AnswerID: 568824

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Thursday, Jul 13, 2006 at 21:19

Thursday, Jul 13, 2006 at 21:19
You know David, the lone Ranger was thinking that very thing!!! While I was debating, because these places will destroy other vans, I was wondering if it did not matter much because if they try, they will not be happy... Ha! But you have a legitimate concern there and the secret places should be on the Owners Forum.. One more reason to spend the few dollars to become a Member...

While I have you on the line, how many K's and how are the Cooper STs going... For my own R&D to report on.... I have seen the latest Cooper STT Muddie, and it looks Magic! Looks like the Mickey Thompson Claw with the ribs down the sidewall, and it is supposed to have reinforced sidewalls... Better than the old Coopers.. I am looking at the STT Muddies for my next set of tyres on the Ford... Too bad my BFG's are in such good shape near new, I would like these radical STT's now. Six of them were just delivered here for someones van to match up, and WOW, do they LOOK GOOD!
Anyways, your ST's get the thumbs up or down?

Regards from the lone Ranger, looking for tracks....
FollowupID: 846035

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