Friday, Jul 28, 2006 at 02:33
Look Hanno,
Lone Ranger had time this afternoon, so did a search on the Members
Forum for the words Scratches and Windows as I remembered that there was some Fighter Cockpit window scratch polish someone was talking about....
Here are two from the Owners
Forum that have done it with these products: The words scratches and windows are capitalized by the search program...
Here Goes, but I can assure you it pays to become a Financial Member of the Owners
Forum, not a cent goes to
Bushtracker, this is a Private Organization, and what ever minor cost it is to join, I can assure you it will be the best value for money you ever will get for the
Bushtracker Lifestyle...
Courtesy of "Turist" and " RHJ41" or something like that from memory...
For the deeper SCRATCHES a light polishing with brasso will usually do the trick. Really deep ones are there to stay unfortunately.
Then follow up with an all over polish with Mothers Plastic Polish. (From auto parts shops) Do the inside wth the Mothers as well if you are feeling energetic, makes the surface much easier to clean in future.
The Mothers treatment will help repel dust and rain and make your WINDOWs look nice and shiny.
The Mothers is also very good for the plastics in the ensuite, washbasin, mirror and toilet bowl.
Even though we rough it a lot with our van I do like to keep it looking as close to new as possible.
Courtesy RHJ41 or something like that from memory... On Aircraft like the FA 18 they use a product called Plexis. You can get this from motor cycle shops where they sell it for cleaning windscreens. It is now a standard part of my gear and it certainly takes off the type of SCRATCHES you are talking about. It is a spray can and the complete instructions are on the can.
Costs about $20 and is a good investment.
Plexus, sorry I got the spelling wrong!
Funnily enough it is made for BTI Chemical Co. in Oak Park, California, USA.
It is a spray on wipe-off cleaner and polisher and you only need a little extra elbow grease to remove SCRATCHES....."shake can, spray on lightly, wipe off and buff (the SCRATCHES) with a (soft) clean not use paper towels"
Steve, with your forensic ability, you may be able to find out if this is what your cleaning company uses for the work that is done on damaged BT WINDOWs. My guess is that they use Plexus and controlled buffing.
Best Regards Hanno, Service with a smile from the Lone Ranger....
Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Friday, Jul 28, 2006 at 02:34
Friday, Jul 28, 2006 at 02:34
Oh and Hanno, my advice still holds, don't bother unless you are going to sell it, wear it proudly....