"Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin" Bushtracker Accident with no damage pics.

Submitted: Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 01:13
ThreadID: 122817 Views:5650 Replies:4 FollowUps:3
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They lost it, down a wet hill at 80km per hour, blown tyre, and took out the guardrail.... The pickies say it all and I will enclose their comments....

Mind you, take it easy out there, while I like a Boo-Boo like this, it is a warning to be careful and drive to expect the unexpected... Pictures coming up right now, and here are their comments:

"I thought I would include a couple of photos which are great testimony to the incredible toughness and structural integrity of the van. We lost the van at 80km per hour in wet conditions going down hill. You can see the impact on the guard rail. Replaced the 2 passenger side tyres and wheels and did a temp weld job on the hitch (the centre shaft pulled out) and we were mobile. The police in attendance could not believe it. They see many accidents on the Tassie midlands highway and said the last van that went in, in a similar fashion, was strewn along 400 metres of highway and was a write off.

Thank you for producing the best and toughest van in Australia, and I suspect, the world!

We are walking talking advertisements for your product!!

Kind regards

Kevin & Libby xxxxxxxxxx

PS: We will try and take better care of your van in the future!! "

I have sent them a new hitch, and wish them well....
Kind Regards to all from the Ranger, and be careful out there!!!
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Reply By: Bushtracker - Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 01:19

Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 01:19
AnswerID: 568962

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 01:25

Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 01:25
You can double click on them to blow them up..... I can't even see any damage at all !

I wish all serious lessons learned were as painless....!! Regards, Ranger...

FollowupID: 846093

Follow Up By: TroopyTracker - Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 04:32

Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 04:32
I'm afraid there is some major damage you've missed-the stone guard!!! About 2 mins with the knockometer should sort that one out!

I think that guard rail actually saved the day seriously. Van probably would have gone over if it kept sliding sidways like that.

FollowupID: 846094

Reply By: Jimarie - Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 02:11

Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 02:11
Hi Kevin & Libby,
Your very lucky to have a Bushtracker. Anything else and it would be totaled. This testomy makes me feel better about spending all this money on our BT. I think... no... I know that we have made the right choice.
Hope both of you are OK.
AnswerID: 568963

Reply By: Bonnidowns - Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 06:44

Saturday, Jul 29, 2006 at 06:44
Does anyone know what the tow vehicle was?

AnswerID: 568964

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Monday, Jul 31, 2006 at 18:42

Monday, Jul 31, 2006 at 18:42
Hello Bonniedowns,

Peter says from talking with them it was a Landcruiser... Wet and slick conditions, down hill, extreme tyre failure.... But the outcome is magnificent. They were probably going a little too fast in adverse conditions, and this is probably the easiest massive lesson in expecting the unexpected, and the very best outcome.... We are happy for them. I wish all Lessons in Life could have such a impact at such a an inexpensive cost. They are lucky and they know it.

I would bet they slow down a bit in adverse conditions, and if it had to happen this is probably the best one could ask for, and I bet lesson well learned... Always anticipate the unexpected and drive accordingly in a defensive posture...

Cheers from the Lone Ranger...

FollowupID: 846095

Reply By: Grumblebum & Dragon - Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 at 23:11

Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 at 23:11
Hi Kevin and Libby,
This must have been a 'pants changing experience' luckily you came out unscathed. This is graphic evidence as to why we bought a BT.

Enjoy your future travels.
AnswerID: 568965

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