Happy Birthday

Submitted: Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 at 18:04
ThreadID: 122821 Views:3788 Replies:3 FollowUps:2
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Happy Birthday to your lot Steve.
What's the party menu?
Oat cakes with candles?
Hay bales with extra molasses?

take the day off and enjoy it with them.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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Reply By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 at 19:31

Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 at 19:31
Thank you Bob,
That was very kind of you, my Birthday was yesterday, and I worked....

It may seem crazy, and probably is, but horses are my life now and I cannot see being without a mob of them... It is OK that you poke fun at me, just about everyone does... It is not just the horses, it is more of a purpose to the Outback, and a Passport on just about any Station that has cattle, and a Passport to camping in any Stockyard or Showgrounds anywhere in Australia, even with a big German Shepherd along to look after things... The NRHA Competitions are just a sideline, Professional Cowhorse work on one of ten patterns with all the movements exaggerated instead of on cattle, doing it in a arena... Behind the scenes of everyone poking fun at me, I suspect they are just a little be jealous...

I have been told I am nutz...Even by my Wife who typically is totally egrossed in hedonistic creature comforts and wants nothing to do with the horses... While this is probably true, I hope the passion for the horses keeps my Daughters engrossed to a sensible age like 35 or something.. Ha! Ha! As for me, I really am the lone Ranger, She is no longer coming along, and I am finishing up an ancient ranch house on 30 acres so I can look after things a little better... With us apart maybe 3-4 days a week, my marriage will probably last another 30 years! Ha! lol.......

While it is lonely and tough sometimes, travel all over with enough gear and horses onboard to just about homestead anywhere you stop, has the ultimate in feeling of self sufficiency and independence... Maybe the lone Ranger is not so crazy after all...
And the Disabled Riding Association may be joining me with 80 Special Needs Kids and 90 Volunteers and a waiting list, it looks like I may be in the middle of Roy Rogers horses for kids from now on when I am "Home on the Range" and them there 2-3 days a week.. Crazy? Yea, probably, saturday night sitting by the fire in the cold listening to the night birds and animals under the stars. Maybe the whole world should be so crazy...?

I am Pioneering a new trail ahead.... Again, maybe my last.... And I have to tell you though, it is a major job traveling with 4-5 horses and 19 tonnes of Rig, hard yakka but very satisfying, and to get fit enough to do it and stay fit enough to keep on doing it, will keep me going for the next 30 years, at least that is the plan.

So yes, laugh at me, poke fun, but the crazy lone Ranger will keep on going, out there somewhere.......... After five years now, having done all the hard yards and suffering to learn how to combine Bushtracker Lifestyle and horses, I am good at it. To quit would seem a real waste. I am too old to quit now, might just as well carry on. And I am going to dedicate the whole project and process to underpriveledged or disabled kids, to give all the hard Yakka and suffering some kind of meaning.

Crazy? Without a doubt, the lone Ranger is 150 years too late, but still might make a difference for some..

Kind Regards Bob, and all Boggers.... LR

AnswerID: 568974

Follow Up By: Croozer - Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 at 20:13

Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 at 20:13
Good on you Steve! I'm one of those who have had a chuckle at your expense, but that has achieved not much at all. Never did get along too well with horses though!One thing for sure your heart is in the right place.

Good luck with your endeavors, especially with the underprivileged!
FollowupID: 846097

Reply By: Turist - Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 at 22:25

Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 at 22:25
OK, so now we know the date we can make a diary note, July 31st, have a beer on Steve.

But in the above post I was referring to August 1st, the official "Horses Birthday." Thought you would have picked up on that.

Now go buy 'em a fresh oat cake.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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AnswerID: 568975

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Aug 02, 2006 at 01:20

Wednesday, Aug 02, 2006 at 01:20
Oh! Wow, you are right, that one went right over my head Bob....!

I thought you were refering to my own Birthday Yesterday... My mind is just other places... Just now I have driven back at 2:30 from a meeting with the Disabled Riders Association Committee Members type, so they can go back to their respective committees and RAVE about it !!! Looks like a go to me.. Can't even imagine them finding a better place, and neither can they.

I will dedicate the front and better half of my horse home to them, God knows they are sure doing a good thing for the kids, and then access through the back area to cool off the horses minds they can take the more able kids on a bit of a trail ride along the creek and river that borders my horses home.. It will be a "feel good" thing for me.

Anyways, thank you for the good wishes, but our horses are "cool minded" we would not ever think of giving them oats to "heat" them up. Quarter Horses are the smartest, and don't take minor frights personal, but you don't want to give them "Hot" feed like oats or they could start acting silly like other breeds... I might see that they get an extra round of hay today. It would go along with my red...

One Riot...... One Ranger
Semper Fidelis
FollowupID: 846098

Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 at 23:35

Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006 at 23:35
Yea Happy Birthday ride with the wind Neighhhhhhhhhhhh Winneeeeeeeeeee
AnswerID: 568976

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