Well, the Ranger is STUFFED, This is it... BIG NEWS.....

Submitted: Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006 at 02:23
ThreadID: 122840 Views:4307 Replies:4 FollowUps:2
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It is a big step in our lives, but we are going to dedicate the larger and best portion of our 30 acre horse heaven property to use by the RDA, Riding for the Disabled. It is a program for handicapped Children, and also involves some beneficial therapy not only for their enjoyment but the articulation of horse has beneficial health properties for the Rider.. Anyway, it will be a warm fuzzy to see the smiles on the Kids faces as they walk around in an Arena and then some advanced get to do a trail ride on our property along Browns Creek and the North Maroochy River.

YOU CAN HELP!..... If you know of any retiring Reining horses or cool minded Ponies or other breeds from about 15 Hands and down, that want pampering and mild exercise in a Horse Heaven place with Stables and Shelters and good grass and very light work, please get in touch with me. Some of the children only have use on one hand and a calm cool minded relaxed sorts are what we need. If you do not want them going to waste in a paddock, even with a minor injury or mild navicular or some other ailment, please contact me at equires@bushtracker.com or sales@bushtracker.com or stg@austarnet.com.au or 07 5476-5833. We need about 5 more horses for the RDA starting in October...

Thank you, Steven T. Gibbs.....aka lone Ranger...

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Reply By: Rockgoc - Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006 at 09:28

Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006 at 09:28
This is a lovely gesture Steve. I donated my last horse to these people back in Alice Springs and he because quite the celeb. having his photo and stories many times inthe local paper before he finaly went to the great hay barn in the sky at the ripe old age of "around 30years!"
Is there a space for "old crocked out cowboys" too?
Cheers from Jan o
AnswerID: 569039

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006 at 17:40

Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006 at 17:40
Hello Jan,

Thank you for the sentiments... A Famous person has sent me this by private email:

"The helping the RDA is certainly a noble deed, you are a generous person and great to be able to help but make sure that it is something you are doing from the heart not from emotions or pity. Many friends have been hurt this way, you know most people will let you down so be prepared for the extra work you may bring yourself. Those kids are great and I love seeing there smiling faces........ " end.

Sound advice, and it is not from emotions or pity, I think the smile on their faces will keep me going. I have said in the title of the Post "The Ranger is Stuffed..." And that is because I will now never have enough money or enough time to get as many smiles as I would like.

On another Subject, Easy "old crocked out Cowboy Sam Elliot", Ha! Easy called me and wants a picture of the new fridge latch of heavy clear vinyl strap and button that we now use. If you send me private email at Bushtracker I will send you a picture and directions. But I still need the type of fridge and date on your Vin plate to give mounting directions. Some fridges have a pressure line around the face of the cabinet to warm off condensation, and it would ruin your day to drill into that !

Best Regards, lone Ranger....

FollowupID: 846141

Reply By: Grumblebum & Dragon - Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 at 23:02

Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 at 23:02
So..... Da Ranger has gone all 'warm and fuzzy'

I think this is a very generous gesture and the Dragon and I applaud your values in making this available to the disabled. Good on you Steve.

John and Jean.
AnswerID: 569040

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Friday, Aug 11, 2006 at 05:15

Friday, Aug 11, 2006 at 05:15
We have only one world, under God,

What would a Man be, if he did not try and make it a better place?

What other Legacy should we leave behind, when we go.....

FollowupID: 846142

Reply By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, Aug 15, 2006 at 22:03

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2006 at 22:03

Courtesy of Fosss, GOOD ON YA FOSSSIL !! Little 14.1 hand, 13 year old Thoroughbred Mare going to waste in a paddock... Not ridden for six months and going to waste!! That little no good for breeding, just mentally and physically going to waste all alone....

Well not only will She be better cared for and happier, but Fosss did a good deed and the kids will appreciate it! The little Mare, will have a far longer and happier and healthier life, being cared for and well fed, and will be mentally stimulated and far far happier getting some attention three times a week... A win - win for all..

Thank you Fosss.... On behalf of the RDA Riding for the Disabled...
AnswerID: 569041

Reply By: Fosssil - Wednesday, Aug 16, 2006 at 02:17

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2006 at 02:17
hey Steve...

Now I am getting embarrassed...lol.

All I really did was mention your project and pass on your phone number to our future son-in-law, who had his daughters great little pony club horse on adjistment and not being used as intended after he sold his property...

After having personally donated a horse to RDA many years ago, I realise just how valuable these horses are for the Disabled, and the care and affection the horses get is great.

Its good to be able to help.



AnswerID: 569042

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