TIP # 116 First Engineering Negative Report on Propane Injection Diesels....

Submitted: Friday, Aug 18, 2006 at 20:56
ThreadID: 122863 Views:3931 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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UH-OH.... This came from an Engineering source on the Ford Forum, that advertises there, and I do not think he would discredit himself if there was not good evidence for what he says....

The Sum of it is in relation to the Powerstroke Ford Diesel, from Harald of "BD Diesel Performance", and it goes like this:

"LPG makes good Hp numbers in a diesel pickup, keep in mind you are using 2 totally different fuels with different flash points. In our testing at BD we determined that pre-detonation was not worth the gain in HP or savings. Long term shortens engine life. Short term saving gone .Pay me now or pay me later. It's your money." Courtesy BD Diesel Performance...

Lone Ranger - I ask what about a smaller 20% LPG injection…. (High compression diesel issue is not same as the easy low compression petrol issue)…….

BD Diesel Performance: "The 20 % is a small amount but it's still going to cause the detonation issue. Usually damages head gaskets first, but we have seen piston damage where the detonation has destroyed the piston skirt itself. As stated earlier the crank is next to go. Sorry Buddy but not with my money….."

Now Boggers, this is not Gospel, and I have left it open for anyone else to comment on, but I think this stops me DEAD in my tracks pending further research on the whole idea of LPG injection to diesels... Keeping in mind this is my second visit to it, with similar results on my last time around years ago, but I could not remember what particular engine damage was at risk....

This might explain WHY, if it was SO GOOD, interstate trucking is not BIG into it with LPG injection to their diesels.. Huge miles one would think it would be common...

For PETROL, now that is much lower compression and a totally different question.. But I am at least stopped dead in my track for now on diesel injection.

Waiting for further response, and if it differs, will Post.

Regards, Ranger.... Stay safe out there...

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Reply By: Kalgoorlie Escapee - Saturday, Aug 19, 2006 at 20:41

Saturday, Aug 19, 2006 at 20:41
In the remote mining communities, it is fairly stardard to use natural gas fuming on the large power plans used . I realise ther are differences between LPG and natural gas (propane/ methane mixtures and calorific values), these turbo diesel engines also operate 24/7 albeit at standard revs. Gasing diesels is common in Europe for transport duties and some trucking companies do employ the systems in Australia. I am not entirely confident on the goivernements support of alternative fuels as they stand to loose more than just exise (royalties, GST, licensing etc). A company in Adelaide has been doing gas fuming for quite a while now - better of asking them for comments on there experiences.
AnswerID: 569124

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Monday, Aug 21, 2006 at 19:28

Monday, Aug 21, 2006 at 19:28
Hello Bo,
I appreciate that gas injection to stationary diesel engines is acceptable. However, in all fairness, a constant RPM generator application is not the same as variable RPM and Timing on accelerating engines…

The constant RPM engines could have the timing set as a constant, in relation to the gas injection. The last time I visited this, was waaay back a few years, and engine wear was why the Interstate Trucking Mobs were not using it. I just could not remember what wore, I thought I remembered valve train lubrication or something abrasive in the LPG on the top end.

However, Performance Diesel has pointed out a significant issue with Pre-Ignition, pre-detonation wear on the pistons and rod bearings and such. This would stop me in my tracks… In all fairness, you are absolutely correct in stationary engines, I don’t see why not… But in accelerating affects and timing on vehicles is different, and I am not going to add propane to mine until the science of it all is furthered a bit. That is the purpose and the outcome of this TIP. Here I have an engine teardown Mob in American that has some real results.

There are probably more Fords running around the 300 million population in America, that there are Aussies here in Australia. I will accept the BD Diesel Performances report until some other alternative comes up.

Regards, Ranger

FollowupID: 846187

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