AIS Filter System Fitment

Submitted: Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 at 14:28
ThreadID: 123023 Views:3592 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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I have an AIS Filter system that I am fitting to my F250 but there seems to be a problem with fitting it, well ARB say it does. The problem is apparently the snorkle that is factory fitted does not line up somehow. As I am overseas and I cannot personally look at it but this is what ARB are telling me.

Nick, fellow bogger "Wilburys" and I have talked on this matter and he fitted his AIS filter himself without any trouble to his truck but he does not have a snorkle fitted.

My father has taken the AIS filter system to the Ford dealer and he knew it straight away and gave the impression that they can fit it as it is a Ford replacement filter, but he might not know that I have a snorkle fitted.

When the truck comes out of the ARB workshop it will be taken to Ford to see if they can fit the filter.

But in the meantime is there any other F250 owner out there that has fitted a AIS filter system to their truck which also has a snorkle fitted.

Thanking you for any information.

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Reply By: Bushtracker - Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 at 18:08

Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 at 18:08
Unfortunately you are the first to do this, and I do not know the answers... It is probably a minor mod that you can do when you get back, but workers for ARB are only geared up to put a square peg in a square hole and nothing else. In all fairness, they are not up to invention... What I would do is tell ARB to leave the stock front air intake to it for now, and build the adaptor when you get home. When you have one or two air entry points to the large AIS filter, then you can screw a plate on the inside of the filter housing to block off the lower front air intake. Interestingly, my new F-350 full import CrewCab 4x4 Dually King Ranch Edition, from the Kentucky Truck Building Plant.. CAME WITH that AIS style filter. !!!!! WOW! Tells you something about how good it is, on the top of the range from America they have switched over to it. I have a similiar problem in figuring out how to route a snorkel some day..

It will probably take some head scratching when you get home. You are a very capable person, but you are probably expecting too much of ARB workers to invent the adaptor. It might be something as silly and simple as a jockey wheel sized innertube, siliconed between the snorkle outlet and the AIS housing hole you cut... And then inflated to fill the gap to a low pressure of 5 psi until the silicone or sikaflex (what ever sticks to the innertube) ... Until it goes off... But it will take some invention for the adaptor. And if you read back on one of my tips, you will find that I am unsure the size of the stock snorkle outlet is large enough anyway...

It may be a pair of 3" radiator hose adaptors to the AIS box, something like that... You may have to put on the Inventers hat. If you were close I would be happy to give you a hand. If you want to wait until you pick up your van, I will do just that for you when you are here...

Kind Regards from the lone Ranger, always here to help when I can..
Semper Fidelis...

And keep your bloody head down over there. From the intelligence reports, it looks like a full blown civil war is brewing. The root cause is that the country should have been drawn on Tribal land boundries, Sunni, Shiite, Kurdish, by the British a hundred years ago when the drew the bloody maps!!!!!. It is a simmering pot of Tribal War that goes back nearly ten centuries.. But now it is too late, (probably) to partition the country into Ethnic Boundries... So you keep your head down, look twice over you shoulder, and get home safe. God Bless you in your efforts over there, but I am not sure there is an easy answer or resolution... Stay out of harms way...

Been there myself, Somoza Regime, Nicaragua, and there are no easy answers.... Only hard choices...

Best of Luck... Ranger..

AnswerID: 569617

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Nov 01, 2006 at 05:41

Wednesday, Nov 01, 2006 at 05:41
fitting a AIS filter is not a problem as it is a Ford part, the problem is that nobody has made a Snorkel to suit an AIS filter or an AIS filter to suit a Snorkel,which means that the hose,pipe,tube between the snorkel and the filter housing has to be fabricated as well as the housing modified. The boys at ARB and Ford dealerships are "Spareparts fitters" and most likley are not equipped to do this job.I live on the Gold Coast and if you are in the area let me know via this forum maybe we can work something out as I am a tinkerer just like the Lone Ranger......

AnswerID: 569618

Follow Up By: Black Cobra - Wednesday, Nov 01, 2006 at 14:16

Wednesday, Nov 01, 2006 at 14:16
Steve & Adrian,

You are both right in what you say and your thoughts have already past through my mind. I have some thoughts and I will look at them when I am back home and give them to a fabricator, performance mod centre or even a exhaust fitter like the one I am using for my upgrade exhaust.

I do not think it is a hard problem to overcome as all that is needed is a pipe of some description to go from the snorkle that is cut through the guard to the air filter box.

As you know all they do when fitting a snorkle is cut the hole through the guard, block the hole off into the filter box from where the air enters from the front of the vehicle with a plate and seal it with silocone and then cut a new hole into the original filter box where the snorkle enters and seal that also.

The way I see around it is to fit the AIS filter box and use the same plate they used to seal of the original opening from the old filter box and seal it with silocone, thats the easy part.

Next locate a suitable piece of large enough diametre radiator hose like you said Steve or I have seen ribbed large diametre rubber tubing around. I will visit truck outlets and see what they have, maybe a bend from a truck big rig air filter system, the ones you see on the sides of the cab, there is bound to be something in the big rig truck suppliers.

Depending on the size of the snorkle outlet through the guard use stainless steel radiator clamps to secure the hose to the snorkle outlet and seal with silocone. The problem here is that the snorkle outlet, I think is oval not round.

Now in the filter box cut the hole in it where the piping will go and have a plate made up that bolts on inside of the filter box similar as they do with where the snorkle enters the original air box, but instead have a sleeve about 2" long fitted to this plate that slides through from the inside of the filter box and protrudes through to where I slide the new piping onto and secure it with another stainless steel radiator clamp and seal it all with silocone, a bit like how radiator hoses fit to the radiator.

Hey presto it done, all sounds good in therory dosn't it.

Pity you can't get snorkles made for the opposite side of vehicles as it always has been a thing with me to fit a snorkle to both left and right side of the vehicle and have two air supplies going to the air filter. I have even asked the people at the powerstroke shop in the USA where I purchased my AIS system if the AIS system was compatible to having a snorkle fitted and the response was, you bloody aussies and snorkles we don't have them here so can't help, so I decided to get it anyway because the cost was half landed on my door as to what you can buy them here for.

These systems are really a Donaldson system who have been around for a long time and it is the same system that they use on the Abraham tanks over here in all the dust and dirt as you would know by the photos of the dust storm I sent you Steve.

If i can't work it out before I pick up the BT Steve and Adrian we might have to get together when I come over a design something, as you say the R & D continues.

Thanks for the response.

FollowupID: 846529

Reply By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Nov 01, 2006 at 20:04

Wednesday, Nov 01, 2006 at 20:04
One last thing Stewart,
From one "Mad Inventer Scientist" to another.... My studies on the Ford AIS system seems to point to the fact that the air entry on the side of the filter is a disadvantage; if there is not enough clearance around the sides between the filter and housing.. This could be a problem that both you and I will have to see in person to determine. It may mean that the optimum air flow would be to come from the bottom, as in maybe a three or four inch wide sized fitting on side and one on bottom as well... Just a thought, a problem I have not solved...

My new King Ranch Edition as the opposite directional orientation, but in fact the same problem. It comes stock with what looks like a version of the same AIS, but it is on a horizontal plane from front to back, where yours appears to be on the vertical plane of air flow bottom to top. In mine, it is a similar situation, as the snorkel intake would have to be fabricated to come around to the front of the filter housing for optimum directional air flow... And again not enter from the side. The air flow suction gauge on the side of the filter housing will tell all. Any reaction is bad, you want it to sit unmovingly rigid on the bottom position.

And you take care over there, don't get to curious, keep your head down, and come home safe.

lone Ranger
AnswerID: 569619

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