Some Good News in the World, Something Different...

Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 08, 2006 at 00:27
ThreadID: 123043 Views:4070 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
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SOME GOOD NEWS.. In a world of Bad News, here is some good news to smile about… For one, I am going to dedicate myself to not only helping Bushtracker Owners, but also Riding for the Disabled. The program is growing, now with a 40 Metre covered arena starting this month, and I am dedicating about $300,000 in facilities and the front half of a million dollar horse property to them. I thank God, I was well off before Bushtracker, so I can afford to do this. We have about 80 kids that will benefit in the first Chapter alone.. Now another Branch is joining us, and if we can, we are going to double the size of the 40 Metre arena to 80 Metres in the next couple of years. The State RDA body came up for a Meeting, with an aim to Host State Championships there, if we can put together the other 40 Meters, which we are hoping to do. The 120 Volunteers, are not the parents, this program is not only the highlight of the children’s lives, but it also gives the Parents a break. As for the actual program, “Hippotherapy” is the articulation of the horse that articulates their bodies in a therapeutic way. And lets not forget the ear to ear grins. I will post some pictures. The first stage is being Delivered Wednesday so they say… Hope… Hope…

What is in it for me? A constant stream of smiles will pave my way into the future, and give me a place to put any future earnings from my Investments, to good use. I pledge to not only try and do the right thing, all the time; but also to use the proceeds for the greater good. My course is set, I am here to Campaign Reining Horses to see if I can become “Open Reining Horse Champion of Australia” ( yea right, when pigs fly); and dedicate myself to helping Boggers and other Bushtracker Owners. But I will also use the proceeds of any investing for the highlight of the lives of these “special needs” children… The future is full for a busy fellow!!!

Is there anyone that can offer some support, any little bit will help?? A retired horse for instance, would be going to horse heaven where he would be loved and groomed and hand fed, and just walked around or do a light trot now and then. Any old farm equipment or tractor rusting to bits somewhere? Anything would be of a help! We are going to try and turn this into a 30 acres into a Garden Park Equestrian Estate centre for the kids… The Legendary Roy Rogers Ranch for Kids sort of thing, here in Australia. Pictures below of what we have going, just before the 40 Metre indoor arena starts…

And now ALL OF YOU are part of it, you will all be playing a Role in helping these kids as Bushtracker is helping some. Newbies, you can have a little “feel good” about that.. Boggers, when you help to make another Bogger like you have been for years, you can have a little “feel good” about that.. Have a little smile, and think about the sunshine we can bring into the lives of the less fortunate in our own little way…

For that matter all of us, can have a little smile as we help…… There, but by the Grace of God, Go I…
Kind Regards to all from the lone Ranger… Some Pictures of the Project:

Front Paddocks and Stables

Internal view of main stable block

Main stables block

Roy Roger Style of things... We could use more old wagons or wheels or anything like that.... A little piece of the Outback or Old West....

Where the new 40 Metre Arena will go, up in the left, with office and handicapped bathrooms just off the road, and a shed for saddles and tack...

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Reply By: F Troop - Wednesday, Nov 08, 2006 at 04:31

Wednesday, Nov 08, 2006 at 04:31
HI Steve,
It all looks like it will be terrific. I can only add a suggestion here. I do voluntary work at our local RSPCA (Nowra on NSW south coast) and we have currently got 2 horses that were found wandering through a local village last Sunday. We are trying to find their owner and it's early days yet so I don't know whether these horses will end up back home or at a new home. My point is, that a few months ago we had another 2 horses which took a couple of months to re-home. So there are obviously a lot of horses that go thru the RSPCA. Perhaps a call or fax to the Brisbane RSPCA office so they can advise you of any horses needing a new home that may come up in southern QLD. Just a thought......
Best of luck with the venture - it certainly brings a smile to my face.
AnswerID: 569674

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Nov 08, 2006 at 20:47

Wednesday, Nov 08, 2006 at 20:47
Thank you for that Tip Jan, it is very kind of you.

I am also going to hit on the NRHA National Reining Horse Association next year. NRHA Reiners are single handed neck reining horses, that stop on Whoa, run one handed, and nearly speak English.. They are Quarter Horses anyway, which means a smart cool minded horse that is smart enough not to over react to things. When they have been campaigned hard, at maybe 12-14-16 years some start to have problems competing with a little swelling or something like that, or just lose their competitive edge. What great retirement home this would be!!

Mares then go on to breed, but geldings are just paddock ornaments.. I am hoping to get some of these next year... We will see. Thanks for the feedback. Ranger
FollowupID: 846568

Reply By: Luvntravln - Thursday, Nov 09, 2006 at 06:56

Thursday, Nov 09, 2006 at 06:56
Steve, in the USA we would say what you are doing is a "home run" -

Mark on Australian Idol would say "Touchdown" -

Another way to say the same thing -


AnswerID: 569675

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