Two New Boggers Referred by the lone Ranger, Requesting Attention...

Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 15, 2006 at 20:31
ThreadID: 123063 Views:3751 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
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Hello Administration, I have gotten email today from two new Boggers, who have paid their Membership and have not gotten any expected return email, Password, etc... No complaint, just request, as they are keen to get on the Owners Forum... Please look it up...

One is Chris McDoug******
The onther is Gret Wit*****

If there is some problem, or Administration is on Holiday, or you have not received their Membership?? Please let me know and I will relay back to them..

Kind Regards, lone Ranger
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Reply By: Noosa Fox - Wednesday, Nov 15, 2006 at 20:46

Wednesday, Nov 15, 2006 at 20:46
The first one looks like member 860 mamas and poopy who are registered as financial members, I will send them an email,

The second one I have no idea who it is as there is not a "Gret Wit***" on the members list at all.

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AnswerID: 569740

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Nov 15, 2006 at 20:56

Wednesday, Nov 15, 2006 at 20:56
Typo, not Gret, Garry.... Here is the copy of the email to me...
If the Victorian Address has not received it let me know and I will ....

I ordered my van on 15.08.06 - delivery late April/early May 07.
On the 02.11.06 I posted an application form and cheque to the
Victorian address. Could you please tell me how long the joining process takes and how will I know I've been accepted and can use the financial members site.
Thanks for your help
Garry Wit*****

Ranger, looking after people, best I can.
FollowupID: 846623

Reply By: Bushtracker - Wednesday, Nov 15, 2006 at 22:18

Wednesday, Nov 15, 2006 at 22:18
Thank you for the attention, I have forwarded your email to the respective Parties...
AnswerID: 569741

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