Maybe some members have not struck this yet but now you must pre book and pre pay for a campsite in Qld Nat Parks and State Forest campgrounds.
This is to be done on the internet or telephone before you arrive at the campsite.
A lot of travellers are lodging complaints with the Qld authorities and the parks staff.
Park rangers that I have spoken with are not in favour of the system and are sick and tired of fielding complaints from disgruntled campers who arrive at a campsite only to be faced with a sign threatening on the spot fines if you camp without pre-payment and pre- registration.
With some of the campgrounds it is not possible to phone and pre-pay for a site as there is no phone coverage so it is either drive until you can phone or risk a fine.
This takes some of the spontaneity out of deciding where to stop when on the road.
Another complaint being fielded by the rangers is the added cost.
It takes 7 to 10 minutes on the phone to complete the transaction, a lot of stupid questions have to be answered and credit card details taken, you have to listen to and agree to a lengthy set of terms and conditions.
The mobile phone call can cost $6.00 to $9.00 depending on your location and plan.
That just about doubles the cost of a one night stop.
None of the rangers that I have spoken with can see a requirement for this stupidity, there is no labour saving on their end as they still have to visit the campground and check the registrations.
I have phoned to register my concerns about this system, the only response that I got was “Yeah, we are getting a lot of complaints.”
I have also written but no response has been forthcoming.
Just another way to deter people from using National parks.
Add it to the list, no fires, no fishing, closing tracks, increasing charges, no waste removal, no firewood supplied, no firewood gathering.
Soon the yogi bears will have what they want, NO PEOPLE.
Anyhow, that’s my rant for the day.