This one is for Seth B*********** potential new
BOG member, 2nd time
Bushtracker Owner, that I have referred here. He needs this information, however since there are about 45 FORDS in the
BOG anyway, and maybe another dozen or more in the general Readership, I have made this a TIP for the Public
For those that do not know, the 7.3 PSD International engine CPS (Cam Position Sensor) is a renewable item like fan belts and radiator hoses. From a year of research on the two current engines, the CPS would have about a 40-50% failure rate somewhere between 80,000 and 150,000 kms, although it can be a defect from new. It costs about $400 from Ford Australia, or $95 air mailed from and it is one of those spares you should carry in your glovebox. Figure on about 15 minute job from unpack to clean up, it is not a big deal IF YOU HAVE ONE. There are no such renewable items in the new 6.0 motor since they redesigned the EGR in about mid 05. But, the CPS is a known and fairly common replacement part, inherent to the 7.3 International PSD engine. I will repeat, you should always carry a spare…. Just like a spare serpentine fan belt... Better to have one and not need it, than the other way around...
Here are the instructions from a few Techies from Ford that contribute to one of the Forums:
Pictures of all Sensors is at:
Site Link iteid=214083&categoryID=86743&subcat1=73203
Cut and paste that whole integral address…
The cam sensor is a common repair on the 7.3. there is no rhyme or reason to when or where they will fail. the truck will die....sometimes it will restart immediately....sometimes it will restart after you let it sit for a while....and sometimes it will not restart. the cam sensor is not the only possible cause for a stall, but is the most common. the only way to condemn the cam sensor for sure is to pull the codes, but i reccomend keeping an extra sensor in your glove box and replacing it if the vehicle stalls. 90% of the time your problem will be fixed.
To locate the cam sensor....look from underneath the truck. there is a brass piece on the cam sensor that almost looks like a timing peg just over the passenger side of the main crank pulley. disconnect the electrical sensor on the black plastic piece that the brass piece is attached to. remove the 10mm bolt that holds the sensor in. DO NOT use a 12 point socket or wrench on it. sometimes they tighten themselves up over time and the 12 point tool will round the head off. ONLY use a 6 point socket or wrench. once the bolt is removed, pull and twist on the plastic portion of the sensor. sometime the o ring hangs up and makes it difficult to remove....but by pulling strait forward towards the rad and will eventually come. do not use the brass piece for removal as it will just come off the sensor and usually is not usefull to help with removal. once the sensor comes out, just install the new one reverse of the removal and drive on........
here is a write up from one of our members, "Maintain"....
Aside from the grammar, I'm sure no one cares about lol, I would add that housing a 3" extention, 10mm 6pt socket on 1/4" drive in your truck with a spare CPS is the best solution. Make sure you are EXTREMELY careful because if you round the bolt off then you are opening up another can of worms. Also, apply some engine oil to the Oring with your finger when re-installing. Here is a picture of location and the part itself to help ->
There has been some quarrels as to which is better, the International "blue" CPS or the Ford "black" CPS. Many owners state that with certain mods that the blue CPS (since it slightly retards the timing) is an upgrade, but if your truck is stock or even modded, the safest way is to really go with the Ford "black" one.
Comment from another Member: "OverLord"…
Another good way to diagnose a cam sensor failure, although it doesn't work on some trucks, is to watch the tach while cranking. If it doesn't register any RPM, then it's a safe bet the cam sensor is at fault.
Kind Regards to all from the Ranger,
and a big WELCOME TO THE
BOG, to Seth...
Merry Christmas...
Bushtracker shuts down from 12 Friday Dec 22 til Monday January 8
But the Ranger is always on the trail and will check in with a half dozen new TIPS on current R&D over the Holiday... Semper Fidelis