Interesting Sydney Show Feedback… And a First Noticable Change on Two Fronts:

Submitted: Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 01:17
ThreadID: 123525 Views:4452 Replies:1 FollowUps:2
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Well it is a new wind blowing through at Sydney as well. First of all the Staff reports MORE activity on our Stand at the Show than ever before…. "Run off our feet".. And more significant: For the first time, the average Clients are telling the boys at the Show that we were the best. It was not our Staff there trying to tell people that we were the best, they claim the people were coming up and acknowledging that we were the best themselves…. “Interesting change.”

And the importance of the Factory Tour on this end? As I write this Post, I got two Emails today reprinted here, that are not an exception, but instead more like the normal comments emailed back on the Factory Tour:

A Wayne ******* wrote: “Steve
Thanks for your quick response.
We are in the 5th year of our search for what will be our home in our retirement ( 39 months to go,but who's counting?).
Yes, we have seen how others build their so called "off road vans" but there is nothing that comes anywhere near the quality, workmanship,available options or pride in their product we saw at your factory.

Will try and catch up with Tracy in Sydney on Sunday and get him to help us sort out the questions on layouts and options that we have.

Well done.
Wayne *******

And another one a few hours earlier: “But we agree with you the construction of your vans is the best and that to us is the most important thing as we plan to spend a lot of time in our new home when we get it. My husband Mark who is a supervisor on contruction sites also was impressed with how well organised your factory was run, which in the end the result is a more professional product.
Thank you for the D.V.D and see you at hte show if not sooner with our deposit.

Best Regards “
Mark and Cheryl *******

Anyways, the point of this??? All of you Newbies and Potential Boggers, should come to the Factory and see why we are being openly acknowledged as Number One now…. Come and see for yourself, and you will know for yourself. There will always be a very few that buy something else, but it is by far and away not the quality of what we do, more like money issues or some obscure odd reason… But by far and away the weighed Majority among those that can afford the best, since we are about the same money as the rest, will buy a Bushtracker once they see the quality of build at the Factory……

This is a Public Forum, and there are always a few that have made another choice and will bang the drum for their own obscure reasons, but in all fairness if you come the Factory and see how we do things, 99 out of 100 will admit that we are the best.

The other comment I might make, is that since we are Number One, we are usually Booked out further than the rest. I think we turn out more Off-Road vans that the others as well, I believe double the output of the two nearest Competitors in Off-Road vans, but we are still Booked out quite far in advance and you need to think ahead a bit. Don’t wait too long to Order, to avoid disappointment. Plan ahead…

I can assure you that this is not about drumming up more business. We are roaring, and booming more now than ever before. This is really about looking after you the right way, and I think we are getting famous for that. Trust me, I could retire now, I have retired twice before for nine years total, but am going to give it at least ten more years at Bushtracker just because of the good I can do in a broader field for the handicapped riding program among other things. The point of this is for your own benefit, a lot of people made the mistake of buying another type of van, lost money on it, before coming to Bushtracker. Instead, I advise the two points above: Come and see what and why the best really is the best… And also, think ahead to Book your Delivery spot as our Customers keep us VERY busy, selling our vans for us…

Kind Regards from the lone Ranger…

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Reply By: Turist - Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 03:31

Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 03:31
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AnswerID: 571222

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 03:38

Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 03:38
Crikey Bob,

You have been hanging around with Jay too much!!! That was so convoluted as to be totally expressionless !!!

At least Jays Lawyer talk makes sense!! That was a real twisted dry humour....Or have you been sniffing the Chebby exhaust again too much...????? ha ha lol Ranger
FollowupID: 847617

Follow Up By: Bushtracker - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 19:11

Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 19:11
In light of an email I got in relation to Bobs "Light hearted disclaimer".... Did I put a gloss on things? Or is that an accurate depiction???

No, everything I wrote is absolute Fair Dinkum. I make several calls a day to the Show to see the impression, and it is reportedly the BEST EVER... And run off their feet! The two emails were just what I received while writing the BOG report. And the exact content of my Thread was read to them at the Show to see if it was absolutely an accurate protrayal... Yes, yes, and yes.....

This was not a brag. I don't need to...............
This is part of service to you new Bushtracker Owners to be, to realize that our efforts to do the best, and take the best care of our Customers possilble, that effort is being widely recognized now and they keep us Booked up... You need to plan ahead.

If I can get things organized we are going to a Night Shift with our lessons learned from the last attempt, to up our Production. We have to get Staff trained, and add more Staff, and our Accounting is working on the angle of getting another Factory up. But in the mean time, we are pedalling as fast as we can go, and looking ahead to your Order time is important. Just a word to the wise from someone trying to help...

Regards, Director, Bushtracker
FollowupID: 847618

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