Membership cards & Personal details

Submitted: Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 21:31
ThreadID: 124352 Views:3586 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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Those members who are financial would have seen the following as part of a deal that our President is working on with a supplier of goods used by Bushtracker Caravan Owners.

"Membership Cards.
The group now owns a plastic card printer, the type that produces cards similar to credit cards.
Those members at the last rally would have seen samples.
Our plan was to issue the cards each time a membership was established or renewed.
These cards will show your name, BOG identity, member number and expiry date.
Two cards for each van, the reason we asked for a partner name in your profile."

As the card printer is located at my home, I have been checking the personal profile details on the BOG Web site database and found that a number of members have incomplete details recorded.

If you are a FINANCIAL MEMBER and wish to receive a membership card could you please up date your personal details.

Brian Fox

Enjoying the friendship of BOG members

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