200 series

Submitted: Saturday, Jun 28, 2008 at 01:39
ThreadID: 124838 Views:4613 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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To all Boggers with pre March 200 series and had problemof your ECU turning off the lights on the BT, check with your Toyota dealer as there was a recall on the original. We have just had our ECU replaced under warranty and now the lights just keep glowing.

I was also advised that if I had gone ahead and bypsassed the ECU that I could have voided our warranty on the vehicle, so anyone that had this done to rectify the wiring harness problem I suggest getting it checked out by the dealer. Toyota's part # for the new unit is PZQ6100030M, the original harness had #PZQ6160130.

Cheers, Stan
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