power problems

Submitted: Monday, Aug 18, 2008 at 03:11
ThreadID: 124976 Views:4177 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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We have no power at the power points on the walls in the van
Not conected to the mains just relying on batteries and they show 13.5 v
Have power at the inverter powerpoint,power at the rear of inverter,at the tv/radio fridge, heater etc everything except at the power points.
All switches are on at the mainsbox
got me at wits end what the problem could be.
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Reply By: Noosa Fox - Monday, Aug 18, 2008 at 04:08

Monday, Aug 18, 2008 at 04:08

We had the same thing happen a couple of years ago.

The power from outside goes to the inverter where there will be a spaghetti type joiner. With ours one of the connection came loose and the heat from the power going through it melted the plastic and broke the connection.

You will have to take the Inverter out to have a good look at it because I think that the joiner was on the inside of the box.

They do it that way so that when outside power is connected the magnetic field that it sets up somehow switches the Inverter supply off and then you are using the external power.

I was lucky as we were visiting an Electrical engineer when it happened and he fixed it, but after he showed me how it worked it was really easy to fix with a $2.00 spaghetti electrical joiner from Dick Smith.

Hope this helps.

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