Choosing of Nick Names

Submitted: Monday, Aug 18, 2008 at 07:28
ThreadID: 124978 Views:4151 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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I just thought that I would mention that financial members receive a membership card with their Bushtracker nickname and their names printed in bold letters.

When members go to rallies etc they wear their membership card as a name tag in a plastic holder that the club supplies.

Some members when asked for a nick name just put their first name down and later their wife complains because she does not like walking around with her husband's first name boldly displayed above her full name.

Could I suggest that members choose a nickname that will be suitable for both partners to wear as a name tag. If you have an unsuitable name and wish to change it then it is easy to change but if you cannot do so yourself just send a message to the committee and one of us will change it for you.

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