Disgusting Post by Steve Gibbs at Bushtracker

Submitted: Wednesday, Sep 03, 2008 at 18:47
ThreadID: 125014 Views:11780 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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I could not resist responding to Steve's Post on the Bushtracker Site.

My reply has probably been deleted by now.

Steve Posted this response to an enquiry by a person who has heard that theré's a big Bushtracker Rally coming up in western Queensland somewhere. That person wants to attend the rally................

Hello Friends,

We no longer monitor that Chat Site. The problem is there was and is much inaccurate and out of date and obsolete advice coming from that chat forum, from people with older vans and particularly second hand vans where the Owners often did not have the coaching on how the gear even worked. We attempted to keep them on track and set the record straight on the misinformation, but once in a while it was in conflict with Amatuer Experts that thought they knew better. When we would argue the point to set the record straight, once in a while it got someones nose out of joint and we were shut out for reasons of money politics, as their Committe would rather save that Member that have the right information on the Forum prevail.

The problem is the Site run by their "Committee" charge Membership Fees, and it seems to make a bit of a conflict of interest if we got into an argument about misinformation. It has just happened again, with regards to misinformation on the Webasto / Eberspacher heaters, you can read about in the Category Tips on OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT SELECTION FOR NEW VANS, where misinformation was printed on their Forum as it appears, to try and save a money contributing Sponsor. When we were active on that Forum, we were not allowed to set the record straight, as the Committee appeared to us, to be more concerned about keeping money coming in, that allowing us to get the correct information out in the "Best Interests on Bushtracker Owners".

We will not allow corrupt money politics to get in the way of the right information to Owners on this Forum; hence this Forum is free, my interest unbiased, and the information will stay in the best interests of the Bushtracker Owners. My way of saying Thank you, and leaving something good behind in our wake...

Kind Regards, Steven Gibbs, Director

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Tellem Bugrem

Joined: 26 Jul 2007
Posts: 9
Location: Port Stephens
State:: NSW
Current Bushtracker owner:: Yes Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:31 am Post subject: Bushtracker Rally


To whom it may concern,

After reading Steve's disgusting, ill-informed, totally inaccurate, defamatory post levelled at the Bushtracker Owners Group (BOG), it is easy to understand why there will be a record number of vans at the rally at Quilpie, and why membership of the BOG has substantially increased since Steve declined to rejoin the BOG.

The BOG has members who now have accrued considerably more travel experience in the outback over the past 10 years than the director of the company which builds them. Collectively, members of the BOG have more knowledge about Bushtracker Caravan operation and maintenace, than The Lone Ranger.

Steve, you build the best off-road caravan in Australia, and probably in the world. Your customers, and in particular, BOG members are the best salespersons for your company. The BOG is the Company's primary source of sales of second vans.

Your outburst in the above post has caused me to rethink the purchase of a second Bushtracker.

Could you please show some respect for your most valued customers.

Rob Caldwell
Tellem Bugrem

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Reply By: Noosa Fox - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2008 at 22:14

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2008 at 22:14

Contrary to the above statement from Steve Gibbs, this web site forum is owned by the Bushtracker Owners who are financial members of the forum.
It is a NOT FOR PROFIT INCORPORATED group of caravan owners, and there is NO "Corrupt Money Politics".
The committee spend a reasonable amount of time managing the group and forum for NO FINANCIAL REWARD and in fact most of committees personal costs are not claimed for reimbursement. Our financial records are audited by an independent accountant and forwarded annually to Victorian Consumer affairs as that is the state that the club is registered in.
These records will be available for any member to peruse at the AGM in Quilpie.

Enjoying the friendship of BOG members

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AnswerID: 575880

Follow Up By: Tellem Bugrem - Wednesday, Sep 03, 2008 at 23:18

Wednesday, Sep 03, 2008 at 23:18

That's why I said his post was disgusting, inaccurate and misinformed.

Anyway, it didn't take him long to remove my post,

He must have understood what it meant.

FollowupID: 850104

Reply By: Turist - Thursday, Sep 04, 2008 at 01:51

Thursday, Sep 04, 2008 at 01:51
I have to say that I find the comments made by Mr. Gibbs to be scurrilous, possibly litigious and demeaning to all members of the Bushtracker Owners Group.

This latest set of remarks follows many of a similar nature where the integrity of the Management Committee and the members has been slandered.

Your Committee members have been accused of personally profiting from the income of the Group and our honesty has been attacked on a number of occasions by Mr. Gibbs.

As a registered not for profit organization the finances of the BOG are tightly controlled, monitored regularly by an independent book keeper and audited by an independent registered auditor.
Our accounts are scrutinized by the Victorian Dept of Consumer Affairs, our State of registration.

Our books are open to inspection and are presented to the members every year at the time of the A.G.M.

Mr. Gibbs speaks of “corrupt money politics” and as the President of this great Group I find that more than offensive.

The members of the BOG Management Committee that work with me are honest hard working people that offer a great amount of their time on a volunteer basis to make sure that the members enjoy an amenity second to none.
These people deserve praise, not the scurrilous put downs that they have had to (previously) put up with.

I feel that Mr. Gibbs comments, on this occasion and on previous occasions, have been slanderous and libellous I will be considering my future actions over the coming weeks.

Bob Pollock
Bushtracker Owners Group.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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AnswerID: 575881

Reply By: gottabjoaken - Thursday, Sep 04, 2008 at 02:12

Thursday, Sep 04, 2008 at 02:12
My response as below has also been deleted:

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:33 pm Post subject: That other forum


As an impartial observer, I must suggest that Steve's response about the original Bushtracker Owner's Group forum varies somewhat in detail to the known facts and I would suggest that Bushtracker owners and interested onlookers also monitor the forum at Site Link
for more information.

Ken and Joan
AnswerID: 575882

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