Submitted: Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 14:41
ThreadID: 125171 Views:4882 Replies:5 FollowUps:4
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Bigpong has an email storage limit of a paltry 20mb. It is very easy to go over the limit while away if you are not wired for it.

The answer is to create a free gmail account and while away and forward all emails in your Bigpond(or any other) account to the gmail account. Make sure to use the "delete from server" option when setting this up.

Also while at home forward your incoming gmail emails to your normal account. This saves having to log onto gmail.

No more over quota problems.

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Reply By: Flipp'n Lorry - Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 17:29

Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 17:29
Good tip, GMail is great, and there are other advantages also. Total storage capacity of nearly 8Gb, folders, and advanced search when looking for the that email that "uncle John" sent you 2 years ago.

Now, one correction to your above advice "Also while at home forward your incoming gmail emails to your normal account". Care! you need to cancel forwarding from your Bigpond account when you do this, otherwise Bigpond forwards to Gmail, Gmail forwards to Bigpond, Bigpond forwards to GMail..... and things get a bit confusing.

Now I presume you are recommending this approach because you prefer to use Outlook or some othe mail client when at home. Better is to set up your mail client to collect from GMail (use iMap settings). Leave all mail permanently forwarding to GMail, and when at home use Outlook as per normal, when away use browser-based access to GMail. There is no need to change settings when you go travelling or return home.

Also, if you are an Outlook fan (eg you may prefer to use this to manage your address book), you can export a copy of your address book accross to GMail, so it is then available when using web access.

If you setup your GMail iMap settings correctly, mail will also synchronise, so if you delete mail when using a web browser, it will also delete from your Outlook access and you don;t have the problem of managing duplicates.

You can also use a smart phone (eg Palm or other WIndows CE phone) to access email, using GMail as your main iMap account.

GMail will retain copies of sent and deleted emails in the appropriate folder irrespective of whether you access from web, Outlook, or a mobile phone.

AnswerID: 576241

Follow Up By:- Tuesday, Nov 04, 2008 at 15:45

Tuesday, Nov 04, 2008 at 15:45
Thanks for the followup Phil.
I've managed to:-

1) Forward all incoming Bigpond email to Gmail.(do this on the Bigpond account site)

2) iMap Gmail to a new folder in Thunderbird which receives all emails from Bigpond(forwarded ) and Gmail addressed. When doing the iMap process Thunderbird is listed so a wizard enters the necessary setting...simple as.

Can't seem to get syncho going properly regarding deleting email messages.

Good system Phil and thanks.

ps For those who use Thunderbird I have a backup/restore utility. Saves the whole shebang to one file. PM me for details.
FollowupID: 850297

Follow Up By:- Tuesday, Nov 04, 2008 at 17:45

Tuesday, Nov 04, 2008 at 17:45
Also some organisations will not accept Gmail or Yahoo web based email adresses and treat them as spam or suspicious.

It is a good idea to SEND all emails using your ISP email address.
FollowupID: 850298

Reply By: Motley - Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 19:37

Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 19:37
Another good use for Gmail is for backup. If you have a document or file or spreadsheet you don't want to lose, just email it to your Gmail address. Let Google look after it for you!

I also bought an Outlook add-in called Always Bcc from Sperry Software.

Whenever I send an email from Outlook, it automatically sends a Bcc (Blind carbon copy) to my Gmail address. That way I have a pemanenbt record of all sent and received emails at Gmail and it's much easier to search there to find something and it's not consuming space on my PC!

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AnswerID: 576242

Reply By: Flipp'n Lorry - Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 20:23

Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 20:23
If you setup GMail with iMap access, set Outlook to send via GMail, and then collect your GMail via Outlook send/receive, GMail stores everything in the sent/deleted folders without you doing anything.

Also, let's say your preferred email address is yourname@xyz.com but your GMail is somethingelse@gmail.com You can configure GMail so that anything you send looks like it came from yourname@xyz.com anyway.
AnswerID: 576243

Follow Up By: Noosa Fox - Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 21:03

Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 21:03
Phil & Lorraine,

I have had similar problems with the 20Mb Bigpond limit, and contacted Bigpond about it but didn't get very far.

The use of G Mail seems like a good way out of the storage problems, BUT I know that there will be alot of members out there who do not have the computer knowledge that you obviously have so would it be possible to prepare a step by step instruction of how to set up G Mail, manage the forwarding and configue to show normal email address as the sender etc.

This could be put into the swap folder also so that members can easily down load the information.

Enjoying the friendship of BOG members

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FollowupID: 850299

Reply By: Flipp'n Lorry - Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 21:11

Monday, Nov 03, 2008 at 21:11
Happy to do that.

Will explain:
* Setting up account
* Mail forwarding to GMail
* Setting GMail to look like yourname@isp.com
* The difference between POP and iMap access
* Setting Outlook to use GMail as the default send service
* Exporting Outlook address book to GMail
* Accessing GMail by either web or smartphone with synchronisation

Might be a few weeks till I get around to it though.
AnswerID: 576244

Follow Up By: Uncle Dodgy - Tuesday, Nov 04, 2008 at 06:09

Tuesday, Nov 04, 2008 at 06:09
Good on you mate

This is the sort of thing that really makes the BOG shine. Help to other members from members that have the skills.
I am another of the generation of senior computer users that will certainly appreciate your help.

John & Sharyn
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FollowupID: 850300

Reply By: Bob & Chris - Tuesday, Nov 04, 2008 at 01:53

Tuesday, Nov 04, 2008 at 01:53
Hi Ern
And others who have contributed.
Thanks Brian for raising the issue of some people being not right up there with computers.I am one of them.I would like some help
AnswerID: 576245

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