2007 24ft BUSHTRACKER = SOLD (PostID - 4920 UPDATE)

Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 05, 2008 at 21:11
ThreadID: 125177 Views:3943 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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Hello fellow Bushtracker owners.

This Post is to notify one and all that our beloved 2007 24ft Bushtracker has now been SOLD. Refer - PostID 4920.

Many thanks to those who made genuine enquiries and to the others... we hope that one day you eventually find what you are looking for.

*** We NOW have FOR SALE our fully optioned tow vehicle - A 2005 Ford F-250 Crew Cab ***

A new post will be added to the site shortly so anyone who may be interested please keep an eye out for it.

Troy Cortis
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