Rob- Where are you ? Pls email me re the Audiobooks swap.

Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 12, 2008 at 07:07
ThreadID: 125196 Views:3587 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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You sent me a Member Message, but never gave me your email address. Here is what I have. I will make some swaps for your Tara Moss novels and the Dick Francis ones - I have never read any books by either author, but I have often seen them on the shelves.

Message me again with your email address please.

I have the following MP3 files to swap :
Tobruk - Peter Fitzsimons.
Taipan - James Clavell.
Shogun - James Clavell.
Noble House - James Clavell.
Solomon's Song - Bryce Courtenay.
Tourist Season - Carl Haissen.
Nature Girl - Carl Haissen.
Hoot - Carl Haissen.
Basket Case - Carl Haissen.

Members- Sorry I made this post , but I cannot MM Rob, as I do not remember what his screen / member name was.
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