Boroma Forum

Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 at 19:26
ThreadID: 125421 Views:4916 Replies:1 FollowUps:4
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please excuse me for posting this on the BOG but i'm sure you will all understand why.

I have a good friend who bought a Boroma a year or so before the company folded, he and a lot like him where left with no recourse for specific info so i suggested he start up a internet group along the lines of BOG, trouble is he was not that internet savvy so i did it for him, now he and the few that have already joined are spreading the word which is the reason for this post.

Site Link

BOAG [Boroma Owners Australia Group] is open to Boroma Owners & not a general caravan group.


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Reply By: Innkeepers - Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 at 19:38

Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 at 19:38
Good one Mick......that will be a very small group as this is what I got when I clicked the link.

"Sorry, this group is available to members ONLY.
You are not allowed to access this group."

Must be a very secret society that one mate...

Anyway...have ya caught any fish yet??? We're on our way from Armidale to Rockhampton with a couple of DAZE stopover at Hervey Bay.

Gonna take a drive to the wet stuff today and see if I can get any enquiries for my lures at the rocks.

Also as luck would have it BCF have a Club BBQ on in their retail outlets tomorrow night......might go and get a snag....on a bread roll this time hopefully Ha Ha Ha...

AnswerID: 577104

Follow Up By: Noosa Fox - Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 at 20:50

Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 at 20:50

For those who are not very computer literate it might take a while to get to register as a Yahoo member and join as a member of the group.

I think that you need to put some directions if possible where it says,

"Sorry, this group is available to members ONLY.
You are not allowed to access this group."

Enjoying the friendship of BOG members

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FollowupID: 850788

Follow Up By: Innkeepers - Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 at 21:15

Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 at 21:15
Hi Brian,
Yes doesn't even ask Yahoo members to sign in but only members of that particular site to sign in........

"Are you a member of this Group? [Sign in now] "

Not that I wanted to join the comments were Mick's benefit and that of the site owners hoping to recruit membership..... a bit difficult to do if you can't access a page to apply for membership.

"Sorry, this group is available to members ONLY.
You are not allowed to access this group."

Anyway, Mick will attend to it with his usual technocratic guile I'm sure.

Keep well Brian.

FollowupID: 850789

Follow Up By: NIK `N` OFF - Wednesday, Feb 25, 2009 at 03:28

Wednesday, Feb 25, 2009 at 03:28
Hi Rick & Brian,

Haha I may have out smarted myself, what the group needed was apply & approve but i think it's been changed to invite only ..... not good, it may need to be re-hashed and done again as it appears that setting cannot be undone .....

Bro Rick in between the wind gusts i have managed to catch some fish but nothing to brag about just yet, some KG whiting, Rock Cod & squid, the ellusive Salmon were either here last week or maybe the next LOL

love this life !!

FollowupID: 850790

Follow Up By: Innkeepers - Wednesday, Feb 25, 2009 at 03:58

Wednesday, Feb 25, 2009 at 03:58
Yo Bro.......well that's the way it goes with the scaly swimming things with fins on them......we're at Hervey Bay where the sun is shining and the wind is brisk...nice sea breeze for sitting in the shade with a cold Corona or 2 but it would blow a dog off a chain on the waterfront. I snuck around Point Vernon and risked the slippery rocks to flick a few soft plastics in the gutters. The count was 3 jig heads and 3 Gulps Missing In Action. Heaps of young Bream practising for when they get older and one big smash and a head shaking run out to sea before he spat my plastic.

It wasn't all bad nooz as I spent a nice hour on the rocks with the knife and some of the freshest rock oysters available.....just hope they all work tonight...Nudge Nudge...Wink Wink....well one at least.

Found a couple of locals and now have a few tips on hot spots here.....will try the high tide in the morning.

Keep lovin' that life Bro..... That Great Southern Land....can't beat it.

Gotta join the women folk in the shade and the Cold Coronas and all that Hulla Bulloooo.
FollowupID: 850791

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