....... as I try to get some firm, decisive, informative detail from QUEENSLAND of Department of Primary Industries with regard to Fruit, Vegetable Plant quarantine points etc.
Have emailed them, telephoned them and got them to post the literature they they say will provide the answers I am not too sure where else we can research.
Why - well we have recieved said literature and ..... NONE of the literature can tells us WHERE the stops, blocks, stations for inspection are, other than one at Coen and one south of Cairns on the Highway. We are back road explorers and usually avoid mainroads.
When questioned more deeply than they feel we should, they get defensive, say I am offensive and basically do a dummy spit!
We like to be law abiding, we believe in protection from what ever pests, diseases etc is vitally necessary and just simply wish to know the parameters of where we can, can not take, use fresh food without endangering our great land.
As well as this we do not want repeat having to buy at one town because we have run out of a commodity just to have to hand it over along the way to next or a few k down the track!
Wow - do they realise what the cook can do to limbs, faces etc when she has to dispose of fresh whatevers she has just spent the hard earned on! LOL
One departmental dudess told me that you just simply buy it at the next town after the inspection station!
Wow! Der! Like we do try to plan and provide wholesome fresh stuff as much as we can and that may not be possible in the out back with many kilometers between centres.
So when I explained that to the seemingly citified dudess it was way too much for the city brain and she hung up!
So do any forumites know of where to get decent accurate information regards these matters.
Also hope some one from said Dept is reading and may be get an idea that people do go beyond the urban sprawl comfort zones and need decent reliable accurate info.