Howdy all -going bald with hair pulling ......

Submitted: Saturday, Jul 04, 2009 at 21:34
ThreadID: 125833 Views:3483 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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....... as I try to get some firm, decisive, informative detail from QUEENSLAND of Department of Primary Industries with regard to Fruit, Vegetable Plant quarantine points etc.

Have emailed them, telephoned them and got them to post the literature they they say will provide the answers I am not too sure where else we can research.

Why - well we have recieved said literature and ..... NONE of the literature can tells us WHERE the stops, blocks, stations for inspection are, other than one at Coen and one south of Cairns on the Highway. We are back road explorers and usually avoid mainroads.

When questioned more deeply than they feel we should, they get defensive, say I am offensive and basically do a dummy spit!

We like to be law abiding, we believe in protection from what ever pests, diseases etc is vitally necessary and just simply wish to know the parameters of where we can, can not take, use fresh food without endangering our great land.

As well as this we do not want repeat having to buy at one town because we have run out of a commodity just to have to hand it over along the way to next or a few k down the track!
Wow - do they realise what the cook can do to limbs, faces etc when she has to dispose of fresh whatevers she has just spent the hard earned on! LOL

One departmental dudess told me that you just simply buy it at the next town after the inspection station!
Wow! Der! Like we do try to plan and provide wholesome fresh stuff as much as we can and that may not be possible in the out back with many kilometers between centres.
So when I explained that to the seemingly citified dudess it was way too much for the city brain and she hung up!

So do any forumites know of where to get decent accurate information regards these matters.

Also hope some one from said Dept is reading and may be get an idea that people do go beyond the urban sprawl comfort zones and need decent reliable accurate info.
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Reply By: Wadefarers - Saturday, Jul 04, 2009 at 22:24

Saturday, Jul 04, 2009 at 22:24
I got a guide in SA (Renmark) at the Info place, it's called "Traveller's Guide to Australian Interstate Quarantine" and tells you what you can take into each state from each state. Doesn't give the locations for checks but not too bad. There is a website - which may give more info and a free call number 1800 084 881.

Carrying f&v from state to state can be a real pain in the neck, so good luck.

AnswerID: 578216

Reply By: Flipp'n Lorry - Sunday, Jul 05, 2009 at 03:44

Sunday, Jul 05, 2009 at 03:44
They are all useless - I phoned the NSW Quarantine to get details on SA border crossing via Broken Hill. The info turned out to be all wrong and we had dump supplies just 24 hours after buying them all.
AnswerID: 578217

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 05, 2009 at 07:31

Sunday, Jul 05, 2009 at 07:31
About 6 weeks ago we called in to the Ceduna Visitors Centre to enquire re quarantine regulations only to be told that the "Visitors centre could not get reliable information from the department" so anything that they told us may not be correct. What chance do we have of getting it right.

Peter C
AnswerID: 578218

Reply By: The Hob - Thursday, Jul 09, 2009 at 17:47

Thursday, Jul 09, 2009 at 17:47
I thought the one on the highway was temporary one during the banana incident.

You can take what you want north of Coen but can't bring anything fresh back south. Other than the usual signs about transporting sugarcane between areas I believe you can take anything anywhere in Queensland.

As stated above the problems occur with the state borders and the fruit fly zone across SA, Vic and NSW. Got caught there once ourselves. Went into Midura, rstocked but had to dump it to go into SA.

Going to the muster will be fun as most will cross the exclusion zone.


AnswerID: 578219

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