The following message has been sent to all registered members by e-mail.
If you have not received it please check that your details are correct.
Go to "My Home", "My Profile", correct your e-mail address and click the "Update" button at the bottom of the page when finished.
B.O.G. Website Improvements.
We have some new features on the website.
If you go to the “My Home” page, always the best way to start browsing the site, you will see that all of our forums are listed so that new posts are more easily found, no need to search around the pages.
We have a new tab, “Shop”, that will take you to the Bogshop.
You can further support your group by purchasing many products that are associated with the
BOG lifestyle.
Books, Maps, GPS Products, Travel Permits, Camping Equipment are just some of the items available.
Sale of these products will assist in keeping the membership fees as low as they now are and help to defray other running costs.
Apple Mac users with Safari web browser will find that there is a bug in the system at the moment.
Selected goods will not transfer to the shopping cart.
We are working on it but it is proving difficult.
No problems if Mac users use the Firefox web browser, perhaps a better browser and available as a free download here,
Firefox is considered by many users to be a more secure browser.
We are currently working on a better method to load photos, one that is more user friendly than the current system, should be running shortly.
A new search engine is also in the pipeline and not too far off now.
Jeparit Muster and AGM.
Please assist us by registering for this event as early as possible. We need to know approximate number of persons attending as early as possible.
Go to Site Link and put your name down as son as you can.