Dometic Windows

Submitted: Saturday, Aug 15, 2009 at 04:22
ThreadID: 125948 Views:13607 Replies:6 FollowUps:1
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As much as we like our Dometic windows for the dust sealing, double 'plastic' glazing and sun block blinds, anyone considering these windows for their van should be aware that Dometic themselves admit that the blinds / screens let insects in, "this is just a fact," and I couldn't agree more.

If i had known at the time that the design of these windows that allow the entry of multitudes of 'insects' into our van and the apparent attitude from the company that sells them is 'stiff bickies what do you expect' i would have not chosen them.


Email to Dometic


We purchased a new BushTracker Caravan and at the time 2 years ago paid extra to have the Dometic windows fitted as we were impressed with the sealing and in-built blinds & screens. Unfortunately compared to our previous van fitted with Camec windows we have been having problems with insects entering around the screens and either coming out the slots or around the screen itself. We have had literally been swarmed with dung beatles and bugs throughout our travels.

We have also been having problems with the blinds loosing their tension and becoming difficult to roll down, we have one large window that has appeared to have a broken tension spring as it will not work at all, also the insect screen on that same window has some 2 or 3 small cuts on the very edge where it appears to have been cut when rolled up..

The Van is currently in at Bushtracker at Kunda Park, Qld having some work done on it, hopefully they can fix the broken blind, Bushtracker told me to contact you direct with my concerns in the hope that these problems can be fixed permenently.

Dometic reply,

Dear Mick

The caravan is 2 years old therefore the windows are now out side the warranty period.

The design of the window blind assemblies is such that insects can get past and enter the caravan this is a fact.

There maybe a retro fit kit available in the future to reduce the areas where insects can get in but these are not available at this time.

I am sure Bushtracker will take care of your problems.

Best regards


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Reply By: Gone Bush - Saturday, Aug 15, 2009 at 07:23

Saturday, Aug 15, 2009 at 07:23
I can see why you are not impressed Mick.

Are the windows exactly the same in vans currently being built? It would appear so.

What would Dometic have done if they were still under warranty?

AnswerID: 578608

Follow Up By: NIK `N` OFF - Saturday, Aug 15, 2009 at 17:58

Saturday, Aug 15, 2009 at 17:58
Yes they are all the same, some owners have made modifications to them such as blocking the vents and using caterpillar felt seal on the insides so the screens have something to slide up against. That is what i have started to do.

Warranty would repair any product that has failed, but obviously failing to keep insects out doesnt fall into that catergory.
FollowupID: 851639

Reply By: ChrisVal7 - Sunday, Aug 16, 2009 at 03:41

Sunday, Aug 16, 2009 at 03:41
Hi Mick and Vicki.
We could not agree with you more! The screens do have their merits (like the double glazing and the blinds, as you say) but the lack of protection from insects is a serious flaw.

I gather from what others have said that Dometic are not too responsive to expressed concerns. Perhaps they need to know we all talk about this issue...
AnswerID: 578609

Reply By: Boystoy - Sunday, Aug 16, 2009 at 04:03

Sunday, Aug 16, 2009 at 04:03
Has anyone ever had a positive response from Dometic when they have contacted them with a problem?
On two occasions with problems on different products, I have found them 'not a nice company to deal with'

A Bushtracker (or BT) is a "Boys Toy"

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AnswerID: 578610

Reply By: NIK `N` OFF - Sunday, Aug 16, 2009 at 04:54

Sunday, Aug 16, 2009 at 04:54
Both Val & Neil have touched on what my concerns are and why i posted. Our last business was consumer based and i have prided myself on being customer orientated, when i deal with other companies that appear to neglect this for reasons i can only guess it annoys me.

I wasn't concerned that my windows were out of warranty, i was interested in hearing what they were going to do about the obvious problem and whether owners could put their name down and be contacted when a 'fix' has been developed, rather than be forced to fix things themselves.
AnswerID: 578611

Reply By: Tracks n About - Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 at 06:57

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 at 06:57
Personally when I get my next BT,it would only be if they would fit Camec windows. We've had our present unit for 5 years,and have never had a problem with our Camec windows. Always brush the track on the rear one before opening,and have removed the window once,after Cape York,to give the track a real good cleanout. Never had a dust or water problem,but we always make sure the windows are right in before putting the slide catches across.
In our travels,we've found a lot of caravaners very unhappy with the Dometic windows. Various reasons,but mainly the problem with insects,and hassles with the blinds.
AnswerID: 578612

Reply By: Lost and Frowned - Saturday, Sep 12, 2009 at 03:58

Saturday, Sep 12, 2009 at 03:58

We've had the Dometic windows for just on a year. First complaints to BT about the insect invasion was typical " you're the only one we've had complaints about".

I've covered the vent holes with mesh and installed the furry catapiller strips with only reasonable results. The strips are on the side guides and stop the bugs coming around the sides but the persistant bug.....s can still climb over the roll at the top.

After 6 months in the dust the furry catapiller has fluffed up a bit and makes the rolling up and down of the blinds a bit difficult.

I was keen to learn about the Dometic fix which BT told me would be available through them as a retrofit. A couple of weeks ago Steve told me that they still didn't have details of exactly what the fix entailed or any costs. Apparently Dometic are frantically trying to retrofit all the windows they have in stock before offering the "fix" to others.

Cheers, Nigel.
AnswerID: 578613

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