The Perrenial Question--BATTERIES
Submitted: Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009 at 02:35
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Spirit Gypsys
OK, I done the searches and gathered some info on Batteries,
I'm not new to this subject having replaced them before, With BT brand AGMs
Which the 1st one lasted 18months, and the second 20months.
Yes I know it is best to replace all (3 in our case) at the same time but 3 weren't available in Port Hedland at the time and the only one I could get was a Supercharge (as reccomended by BTI)
I am not very happy with the Supercharge product as I've had only 18months out of each of the last 2 in the diesel Troopy.
the first was replaced under warranty but not the second as warranty is taken from "The date of the ORIGINAL purchase"
So I went next door and bought a Century.
Back to batteries for the van,
There must be better batteries available, even if I do have to pay freight to Coral Bay, W.A. or Carnarvon.
But not $3,000 each please, I still have to work to afford this fulltime BT lifestyle.
I see Terry (March -09) got Concord AGMs. How are they going? Does anyone else have them???
Then there's the Alco Fullriver, How have others found them???
I know this is a recurring topic but a concensus of experienced opionon would be most helpful to me (and I'm sure to many others)
Thanking You,
Reply By: NIK `N` OFF - Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009 at 05:28
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009 at 05:28
Our 1st 4 batteries were replaced after 6 months with only a pro rata warranty by BT. They were gassing off and leaking acid badly.
I replaced them with 4 Amp -Tech sold by Supercharge [not a Supercharge branded battery] I believe they no longer sell Amp -Tech, ours are working well and whilst they continue to do so we are happy with them.
Fullriver from Alco site supporter have a
BOG member owner price.
I also have a Remco Battery under the truck that runs an Engel and that is 3 years old and working perfectly. It is charged via the trucks alternator and solar via Andy plug.
good luck with it all, i now now need to go touch wood. lol
Reply By: TRB60 - Wednesday, Aug 26, 2009 at 05:36
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2009 at 05:36
The concord batteries are performing well they have a 2 year warranty and are used extensivley in the solar industr,. and they are made in the USA
Regards Terry Bridges
Reply By: Motherhen & Rooster - Wednesday, Aug 26, 2009 at 07:14
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2009 at 07:14
Hi Spirit Gypsies
Like Mick, we got the infamous 'leaky'
Bushtracker specials, and replaced them late last year with 4 Full Rivers. It is only early days, but they have presented no problems. The leaky BTi ones were still working fine after three years, but needed constant attention. The best two are being used on the F250 for the car Engel.
Getting batteries freighted around WA is bad news, as they cannot go by regular courier; they are classified as dangerous goods. For this reason, we couldn't get the
BOG special on the Full Rivers, but had to pay full price and collect from another outlet in Osborne Park in Perth, who are the only dealers in Perth and probably all of WA.
When you are out and about, you have to take what is available locally and if necessary replace with something better ready for the next trip.
| Motherhen
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