200 series GVM upgrade

Submitted: Friday, Nov 13, 2009 at 06:43
ThreadID: 126199 Views:5697 Replies:5 FollowUps:2
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I have been talking to ARB about upgrading the GVM of a 200 series Land cruiser
They give the option of rear spring dead weight of 200kg, 400kg, & 600kg .
Can anyone supply info on the best option .
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Reply By: Gone Bush - Friday, Nov 13, 2009 at 16:42

Friday, Nov 13, 2009 at 16:42
Hullo Reis,

while I didn't do this to get a GVM upgrade I have had the 200kg springs and OME shockies fitted.

My reasons were to deal with the tow hitch weight of about 200kg while towing our new van.

My post here related SPECIFICALLY to towing a van so if you are fitting the suspension for other reasons, disregard this.

Basically, I should have just had the Polyair bags fitted. The springs raised my vehicle by 80mm at the rear, and this means the towhitch was raised as well. This meant that I really had only one option for a HR WDH hitch and that was the 150mm offset hitch.


AnswerID: 579333

Reply By: Bushtucker Man - Friday, Nov 13, 2009 at 19:43

Friday, Nov 13, 2009 at 19:43
Hi Reis,

We have KDSS and didn't want to fit airbags so I had ARB do our 200 with 200kg constant springs and shocks and couldn't be happier. Without the van it is a little stiff but reminds me of my old sports car.

Our 20' BT has 300kg ball weight which only lowers the rear 4cm with the new suspension, previously it lowered 10cm.

AnswerID: 579334

Reply By: Silver Fox - Saturday, Nov 14, 2009 at 01:51

Saturday, Nov 14, 2009 at 01:51
I was advised by ARB in 2006 to have 400 kgs coils fitted to my L/C100 and although they handle the 20' BT with ease the lift is a bit too much plus un-hitched corrogations are magnified considerably. A L/C 200 - maybe a similar result.
AnswerID: 579335

Follow Up By: ReisH - Saturday, Nov 14, 2009 at 08:21

Saturday, Nov 14, 2009 at 08:21
Thanks for the replys,i was considering the 400kg but it looks like 200 will be enough. The car is mainly for towing with a bit of city driving. ARB do offer a free change over in the first 500 kms.

Regards Reis
FollowupID: 852025

Reply By: Teddy & Mopsy - Sunday, Nov 15, 2009 at 22:46

Sunday, Nov 15, 2009 at 22:46
Have 200 LC with 200 upgrade and a/bags.Tow 20 ft BT with 6 w/tanks etc.Find a/bags superflous for what i carry ...engel and various.Did major trip central oz june/july....our tar roads in SW Qld where we live are the major test and getting worse by the day thanks to Anna Bs policy of not using rail for grain & cattle.Had 400 upgrade on 100 LC but 200 LC is a different beast.....200kg is plenty.You would not sit in an unladen 200LC with 400 upgrade on our roads.Airbags are easily fitted later if required.I ignored advice and wasted my money.
AnswerID: 579336

Reply By: B & T with BT - Friday, Nov 20, 2009 at 07:01

Friday, Nov 20, 2009 at 07:01
Just had our landcruiser 200 series fitted with OME GVM upgrade with 200kg springs. Just wondering as now we have to get a engineers certificate, what documentation was issued by ARB to other people who have had their upgrades to obtain necessary certification. Only been given receipt and a copy of a bulletin describing their upgrades. We were told warranty would be given to us when we have done 500ks and they check everything??. They gave us the option of using their in house engineer but he was too expensive. Cant help thinking they might make it difficult for us to obtain it elsewhere. We have found engineer for less than half their price, he told us we should have been given relevant paperwork.??. What experiences have others had.

AnswerID: 579337

Follow Up By: ReisH - Sunday, Nov 22, 2009 at 21:50

Sunday, Nov 22, 2009 at 21:50
I have just been quoted $1534 for the 200kg surspension GVM upgrade. $291.60 for the new compliance plate and $770 for the engineering . My thought wouid be to let ARB do the lot , that way you have some come back if something goes wrong. You could save a few dollars but its nice to keep things simple.
FollowupID: 852026

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