Vale Mike Davies (Thumper)

Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 03, 2010 at 00:07
ThreadID: 126354 Views:5021 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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It is with great sadness that we let you know that a member Mike Davies (Thumper) has passed away.s

We became friend with Mike & Marilyn thru a personal message, as they lived not far from us. From that a friendship grew as we went thru the ordering and planning stage with each other. Their van was ready for pickup at the end of May, but they had to delay it a few weeks because of a few problems with his mother. Then a week before they were due to leave to pick it up, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He started treatment and a neighbour (friend) who had time off, took the long driveed over from WA to pick up the van for them.

The van arrived back at the end of July and we went over and we were all excitedly "checking it out" anticipating and hoping that we would be able to go camping together when we had pick our van up.

Mike lost his battle with cancer last friday 29th Jan, (as we were coming homeacross the Nullabor with our new van.) Mike and Marilyn had not been able to spend one night in their BT.

Our thoughts go out to Marilyn who has tirelessly nursed him right through this ordeal, so he could pass away peacefully at home with family.

Life brings you much happiness and sorrow. We are so sad to lose one of our new BT friends.

Grab every moment you can, life is too short.

Brad & Denise
Brad & Denise
Travelling in "Seymour and Wanda", to wander and see more.

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Reply By: Col & Diane - Wednesday, Feb 03, 2010 at 00:12

Wednesday, Feb 03, 2010 at 00:12
That is so sad; please pass on our condolences to his wife and family.


Col and Diane Douglas
AnswerID: 579784

Reply By: NIK `N` OFF - Wednesday, Feb 03, 2010 at 02:00

Wednesday, Feb 03, 2010 at 02:00
Oh no ....... that is terrible news!

Mike & Marilyn also came into our lives through a message & phone call and then a visit to our home to 'check' out our Bushtracker, they loved what they saw and were very excited in making their plans to get their own. We stayed in touch and heard from each other every few Months, the last was a lengthy letter telling us what was going on in their lives and the LC70 series that they bought and kitted out ......

We are so sad to hear this and can only offer Marilyn & family our deepest sympathy.

One of the last emails we received from M&M ......

[Mick & Vickie, We don't get a chance to hit the 'Replay'button further down the track in this life so it's great to 'seize the day' as you're doing. ]

So Mike RIP..... not a day goes by where i do not live by that adage,
AnswerID: 579785

Reply By: Grumblebum & Dragon - Wednesday, Feb 03, 2010 at 07:42

Wednesday, Feb 03, 2010 at 07:42
We were shocked and saddened to hear of Mike passing. How sad not to have had the opportunity to spend some time in their Bt they were so exited about. Our sincere sympathy goes to Marilyn and her family.

Rest in peace Mike - we will all join with you again when out turn comes.

John and Jean.
AnswerID: 579786

Reply By: Gone Bush - Wednesday, Feb 03, 2010 at 09:56

Wednesday, Feb 03, 2010 at 09:56
Brad & Denise, welcome home, glad you made it safe & sound.

You told us a lot about Mike's situation and, although we never met them, at this stage in our lives we see these things very personally and feel very sad for them both.

Life is too short anyway, and to be curtailed like this is wrong.

Stephen & Robyn

AnswerID: 579787

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