Smartsat Oyster

Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 08, 2010 at 18:48
ThreadID: 126623 Views:3630 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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For those with fully automatic Oyster satellite, we have learnt (the hard way) of some basic maintenance which is required.

There is a rubber gasket which runs all the way around the bottom of the rotating motor mount and is quite easily visible. This needs to be sprayed periodically with silicon spray to prevent friction between the gasket and the main satellite mount when it is in search mode (this maintenance advice is from SmartSat).

We were unaware of this, (as is Daniel from Sound In Motion), but as a consequence the gasket ended up fouling with the main rotating body, preventing proper search and then we received an warning 'Motor is blocked'. Indeed it was, as the gasket had been sucked up into the gear mechanisms and was chewed rather badly. When trying to retract the Oyster, the mount bolts pulled through the dust cover and then the whole mechanism fell over backwards pointing forlornly at the sky. The wiring harness was also partially damaged as a result.

The good news is that we happened to be on the Gold Coast and put in a call for help to Thomas at SmartSat - in 30 minutes he attended our van onsite, removed the main satellite body, and returned to his workshop for repairs and re-fitted it 2 days later back at our van site.

Fantastic service, and quite a modest repair bill, especially given the travel time involved.
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Reply By: Trackor 2 - Tuesday, Jun 08, 2010 at 19:33

Tuesday, Jun 08, 2010 at 19:33
Does the Intellisat dish also require maintenance? I've never been told if it does or doesn't, and hadn't even thought about it!
AnswerID: 580600

Reply By: surfy53 - Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 02:26

Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 02:26
We also have a dish, so what kind of silicone do you recommend.

Jeez, I'm getting a large collection of greases, oils, sprays and spares.....where does it end.......................

AnswerID: 580601

Reply By: Flipp'n Lorry - Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 05:52

Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 05:52
Something like Selleys Silicon Spray (not silicon grease)
AnswerID: 580602

Follow Up By: Tracks n About - Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 06:05

Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 06:05
I've been told by a Toyoyta Dealer that the best thing to do the window and door rubbers with is Lanolin. I use Lanotec,on anything rubber now,including our new Thetford cassete seals. Using a little Coles Napisan in the flush tank buggered up the old seals.
FollowupID: 852625

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