Submitted: Saturday, Jul 24, 2010 at 20:58
ThreadID: 126744 Views:9738 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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For information of members wishing to attend the 2010 Annual Muster.

We went to load the following under the Muster Registration Tab and a fault occurred that is preventing the Committee loading anything there. The IT man has been informed and we hope it will be rectified soon.

The Registration process that includes the site payment fees has now been added to the BOG Shop as an Item to purchase.

If you are going to attend the 2010 BOG Muster at Herberton in the Atherton Tablelands the method of registration and payment is described below.

Go to BOG Shop.

In the Text Search Box TYPE “muster registration” and then click on Search All.

You then will have an option to choose from;
$65 Muster only, OR
$90 Muster and Dinner.

Select the one that you want by clicking on “Add to Cart”

Then in the “Your Shopping Cart” you will see a box under Qty where you have to insert the number of people attending.

Add your Post Code then “Update Cart”

Then CHECKOUT and you will go to the payment screens where you have the various options to make the payment.

There is a section where the names of Attendees is asked for. We require this for Name tag Cards to be printed.

The Payment process will then be complete.

Hope to see you there.


A.G.M. & Muster.
The next B.O.G. Muster will be at the Tepon Park Equestrian Centre.
Located close to Herberton on the Atherton Tableland this promises to be one of the best venues yet.

Tepon Park is ours from Monday August 30th until Wednesday September 15th.
Cost will be the same as last year, $90.00 per person including dinner and $65 if you are not taking part in the dinner.
This fee includes camp ground charges, use of all facilities at Tepon Park, the catered dinner, maintenance demonstrations and any other goodies that we can come up with.

The dates below will give you a good indication of our program. The results of our on line survey may affect the program and fees so they are subject to modification.

Some areas of the venue have a "No Glass" rule to ensure safety for horses.
Please ensure that you have non-glass drinking vessels in the event that you need to use these areas.

Mon 30th……Members arriving, setting up etc
Tue 31st…….Members arriving, setting up etc
Wed 1st……..Members arriving, setting up etc Member Registration
Thu 2nd……...Members arriving, setting up etc Member Registration
During the above 4 days early arrivals can explore local attractions.

Fri 3rd……….Afternoon/evening, welcome drinks, snacks etc
Sat 4th………Spit roast dinner. (Meat only)
Sun 5th……...Market Day
Mon 6th……...AGM
Tue 7th…….. “How To” demonstrations
Wed 8th……..Camp Oven Cook Off
Thur 9th……..Catered Dinner, venue to be decided. Raffle Prize Drawing
Fri 10th………Free day for self organised tours etc
Sat 11th……..
Sun 12th…….
Mon 13th…….
Tue 14th…….A farewell afternoon tea, bring a plate and say goodbye until next time.
Wed 15th……Site to be vacated

Details of the venue can be found hereTepon Park

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Reply By: Noosa Fox - Saturday, Jul 24, 2010 at 21:02

Saturday, Jul 24, 2010 at 21:02
Tepon Park

Hope this link works better.

Enjoying the friendship of BOG members

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AnswerID: 580879

Follow Up By: Uncle Dodgy - Saturday, Aug 14, 2010 at 02:45

Saturday, Aug 14, 2010 at 02:45
Hi All
Tepon Address
Try the following if the above link doesn't work.

Copy & paste

John & Sharyn
Takin' the long way home - Towing a Bushtracker

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