70 series landcruiser

Submitted: Saturday, Jul 28, 2012 at 23:08
ThreadID: 128162 Views:7981 Replies:8 FollowUps:3
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Looking for feedback on the 70 series (current models with DTV8) as tow vehicle. We are looking at a 21' BT. We need a dual cab ute and Toyota is said to be bringing out a dual cab version of the 70. Have thought about chopping a wagon but seems crazy if a factory built one will be available. IHave been looking at f250's as this was 1st choice but they are pretty expensive and alot of them are getting on now. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
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Reply By: Gone Bush - Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 02:41

Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 02:41
There are quite a few members towing with them, but smaller vans I suspect.

The power and torque figures for the TDV8 trayback are the same as the 100 series Cruiser because it uses the same manual gearbox. Quite a bit less than the 200, just for your info.

AnswerID: 584484

Reply By: B & T with BT - Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 02:53

Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 02:53
Hi there, going on experience, we have a 21ft BT and had a 200 series cruiser which we loved, but ended up changing to chevy silverado which we also love due to the fact that hubby felt it was on its limits and we were very restricted with what we could carry, pulling is one thing, stopping is another. You dont want the tail wagging the dog either. Maybe consider coming down to a 20ft like Stephen (Gone Bush). In hindsight that is probably what we would have done
AnswerID: 584485

Reply By: NIK `N` OFF - Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 06:23

Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 06:23
We owned a F250 for four years and went to a Toyota V8 Ute, the Effy towed our 19' BT effortlessly and i was expecting the Toyota to be a lot different but i have been very pleased with the towing capability. I don't regret the change at all.

Saying that I would think 21' is getting too large for a Toyota Ute, weights would be on the limits or above

A WA mate [ex BT owner] Black Cobra has his F250 for sale, it would have to be one of IF not the best equipped F250's around but is priced accordingly.
AnswerID: 584486

Follow Up By: jj7488 - Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 07:44

Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 07:44
thanks for the info Mick

I have been following your progress a little and appreciate your comments.
Seems F series are more expensive now than a few years ago (although now they have more km's and are heaps older). Most of them are for private sale and often $10K+ than a similar dealer model. Just have to be quick as once they reach a realistic price they move fast.
FollowupID: 854527

Reply By: jj7488 - Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 07:40

Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 07:40
thanks for the replies.

re the torque figures that is one of my concerns - 430nM? I'm a bit worried that they are maybe a bit underpowered but haven't driven one. I would retune/ chip it anyway but still dont want to be bobing up and down in my seat (apparently i do this with my current rig :-0

Re the length - for 20' we would have to have a yacht bed and not to keen on that
As for the Chev. I drove a 2012 and OMG!!!!!!! We felt it was way to good (prissy and we would be too precious with it). I know its much the same $ as a LC 200 but for some reason i cant see myself taking it to Fraser or into the bush. Also there is the Toyota warranty and serviceability.
I think that the dual cab 70 would still need a chassis extension so maybe some more safety in the longer wheelbase.

Thanks for your thoughts. please keep them coming
AnswerID: 584487

Follow Up By: Gone Bush - Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 18:12

Sunday, Jul 29, 2012 at 18:12
Re: chipping your vehicle,

There are a few members on LCOOL (all about Landcruisers) who are far more technical than me and have chipped their vehicles and added exhaust gas temp monitors. They said that the exhaust gas temps were very high under load, eg while towing, and that they actually switch the chip off while towing. High EGTs, I feel, would be detrimental to your engine.

The east/west bed is indeed a personal choice. We have one and are very happy with it. Only one of us gets out of bed at night (me) and I sleep on the outside. It also allows for about 500mm more bench space for drawers etc.

Also, if you search through the blogs on ExplorOz you will find one from a member there about extending the chassis on his LC70. I haven't followed it closely but it was interesting reading.
FollowupID: 854528

Reply By: Jeff&Narelle@Alice - Monday, Jul 30, 2012 at 20:38

Monday, Jul 30, 2012 at 20:38
We have a V8 Troopy with a 3" exhaust system and it has more than enough power for me when towing our 18' BT. We have recently purchased a 21' BT with an island bed but have not picked it up from Tasse yet. The previous owners of this 21' towed it with a 4.2 Troopy and I don't expect a problem towing it with the V8 so long as I keep an eye on the wieght.
AnswerID: 584488

Reply By: Theywent Thataway - Tuesday, Jul 31, 2012 at 04:13

Tuesday, Jul 31, 2012 at 04:13
We are towing a 20' BT with a 2007 V8 Troopy and love it. We have had no issues but agree that with a 21' van you would be pushing the bounderies. We also tow a 10M trailer with it weighing 3.5T and find it tows excellently. We have not chipped it but have fitted a 3" exhaust.

the scruB ark...on The Way

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AnswerID: 584489

Follow Up By: jj7488 - Tuesday, Aug 14, 2012 at 20:21

Tuesday, Aug 14, 2012 at 20:21
Hi Dave

By pushing the boundaries with a 21' do you mean in relation to
the wheelbase (safety)?
All of the above??!

many thanks
FollowupID: 854529

Reply By: jj7488 - Tuesday, Jul 31, 2012 at 05:40

Tuesday, Jul 31, 2012 at 05:40
thanks guys. good info. appreciated.
i got confirmation from Toyota Australia that the 70 series dual cab will be released at the end of September. No details tho. Will keep researching......
AnswerID: 584490

Reply By: jj7488 - Tuesday, Aug 14, 2012 at 05:32

Tuesday, Aug 14, 2012 at 05:32
just found this latest info

ABS standard and factory diff locks on the GXL!

AnswerID: 584491

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