New Committee
Submitted: Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 09:01
This Thread has been Archived
I was reading the muster mumbles and saw that the
BOG have a new President, We would like to thank Pam for the work she has done over the past four years, We have been
BOG members since 2005-6 and not heard the name of our new President before so I did a profile search and Trenty has nothing to say about himself, nor can I find any
forum input when doing a search.
Im sure I can't be the only member who hasn't met or know of Greg Trent,
I recall reading personal profiles of all committee members in the past, Is this something that will be continued?
Lastly Congratulations Greg Trent [Trenty] .... Who ever you are ...:-)
Reply By: Flavs - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 09:08
Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 09:08
Hi Mick
Yes there will be profiles in the next newsletter.
Reply By: ModSquad - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 17:48
Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 17:48
Hi Mick
Actually we have met, albeit briefly, at Streaky Bay in October 2013 when you called in to "inspect" renovations of a florist/gift shop.
I have been a member of the
BOG Committee for the last 2 years so I think you will find my member profile there somewhere. My main tsk in the last 12 months has been to drive the upgrade of the website from the start to where we are at today
Follow Up By: Trenty - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 18:18
Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 18:18
(Sorry for the interuption) It is my intention to continue managing the upgrade until it is complete. At the present time we are using an interim version whilst code conversion is being undertaken.
You are correct in that I have not been an active participant on the forums. Firstly I don't get into self promotion and secondly I usually only comment when sure of my facts. This does not mean that I have been using the
BOG site though. Obviously in my new role I will be providing comment and seeking input from members, so you will hear from me.
Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Nabawa Muster last year due to a back operation. This is probably the reason why we have not had the opportunity to meet again. Rest assured I will be making every effort to attend future
musters. Maybe we will catch up at Winton.
I look forward to the future and working with your new committee as we strive make the
BOG more attractive and responsive to members.
Greg Trent