
Submitted: Saturday, Jun 15, 2019 at 19:54
ThreadID: 138538 Views:4555 Replies:9 FollowUps:5
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G’Day. At present I still have the old style VC DO 35 hitch with the pin set up. After 15 years I’ve made up my mind that it’s time to upgrade due to a bit of wear & tear and also the hitching and unhitching situation. I’d pretty much decided on the Hitch Ezy. But on doing more research I see that Vehicle Components ( Cruiser Master ) have now released their updated model of the new style VC DO 35 v3. It appears to work on the same principle as the Hitch EZY, but at about half the price. Can anybody help me with advice on the differences between the two units. At the moment we’re at Gundagai and intending to continue onto Melbourne on our present trip. Both companies are down that way, so intend to purchase one or the other while there. Any feedback or comparisons would be appreciated.
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Reply By: Tracks n About - Saturday, Jun 15, 2019 at 21:50

Saturday, Jun 15, 2019 at 21:50
G’Day again. Seems I’ve gotten a bit mixed up about who’s where. It seems Cruisemaster (VC) are in Brisbane. Would still like feedback on both hitches. If I decide on the DO 35 v3 I’ll just have to wait till we get back to Brisso.
AnswerID: 626231

Reply By: Gone Bush - Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 04:51

Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 04:51
If your current hitch has 6 bolt holes, you will have to specify 6 holes with the new one (if from VC).

VC changed to 4 holes some time ago.

Not sure about Hitch Ezy.

AnswerID: 626233

Reply By: Tracks n About - Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 08:07

Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 08:07
Thanks Stephen. All the photos I’ve seen of the lastest V3 model it doesn’t appear that they could put another two holes in it without having a different style body. Will give them a call tomorrow to find out. Do you have the VC DO 35 V3 ? If so, how do you find it with dust etc ? That is probably my biggest concern with both hitches I’ve mentioned, DUST. In 15 years, and many tracks, my old old hitch has never had a problem in that department.
AnswerID: 626235

Follow Up By: Gone Bush - Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 10:39

Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 10:39
Bob, I’ve got V2.

It’s mounted on a flat plate which they were able to put 6 holes in, but it’s not available anymore.

If you need 6 holes I think you might be limited to the Hitch Ezy.

That’s not a bad thing, other than dealing with the price.

I think you would still have to specify 6 holes but I can’t see any issues with availability.
FollowupID: 899960

Follow Up By: Ricky M - Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 20:50

Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 20:50
Never had a DO35 so can't compare the two, but I've done plenty of gravel roads with the Hitch-Ezy and never had any dust get in anywhere or cause any issues.
FollowupID: 899970

Follow Up By: Ricky M - Wednesday, Jul 17, 2019 at 18:43

Wednesday, Jul 17, 2019 at 18:43
Just did 3,000km on very dusty and corrugated roads and paid attention to the dust question regarding the hitch-ezy, it stayed 100% dust free, grease was clean at the end of the trip.
FollowupID: 900730

Reply By: Tracks n About - Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 18:26

Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 18:26
Thanks Stephen. I don’t particularly want one with 6 holes as no doubt they’ve been well tested with four. I was concerned about having two “empty” holes, but after speaking to my brother in-law who’s an aircraft engineer, I’m no longer concerned about that even though I have read on another Bushtracker site a recommendation by “ someone “ that the holes should be filled in, and need to be done “properly”.
Mate have you had any problems with dust jamming up your V2 model ?
Once again, thanks for your reply’s.
AnswerID: 626241

Follow Up By: Gone Bush - Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 20:19

Sunday, Jun 16, 2019 at 20:19
No problems with dust so far, Bob.

Mind you, I probably don’t travel on unsealed roads as much as you do.

I always make sure the rubber/plastic cap is on tight. That’s also a confirmation that it is locked too.

If I remember correctly, V1 didn’t have a cap, maybe that’s all the difference needed.
FollowupID: 899967

Reply By: MUSKY - Monday, Jun 17, 2019 at 09:40

Monday, Jun 17, 2019 at 09:40
haven't had anything to do with VC but have had the hitch ezy for 6 years,done gibb river rd,all west coast,plenty more rough dirt tracks with not a single problem,also very easy to operate,don't need the wife to help hitch or unhitch,a marriage safer.
AnswerID: 626250

Reply By: NIK `N` OFF - Monday, Jun 17, 2019 at 19:51

Monday, Jun 17, 2019 at 19:51
I went from a Hyland hitch which BTi did not recommend but because I had the same hitch on a previous van I was adamant it’s what I wanted.

All went well for 8-9 years until I broke it being heavy handed, I too was undecided as to what to replace it with as Hyland were no longer in business, in the end I chose the Hitch EZY and I’ve been very happy with it. Plenty of dust encountered but nothing has been affected.

I grease the grease nipples regularly but I’m guessing the main body of the hitch is a sealed unit as there is no grease nipples on it.

If your using a HR weight distribution hitch you can specify the larger size pin because there is a spacer in the HR bar that can be knocked out.
AnswerID: 626255

Reply By: Trenty - Tuesday, Jun 18, 2019 at 07:47

Tuesday, Jun 18, 2019 at 07:47
I strongly suggest you take the time to contact John Allsop, Hitch Ezy inventor and sponsor of the BOG, and speak to him about his hitch. His contact details can be obtained on this site at the foot of the Home Page.

John is a genuinely nice bloke who will spend the time to answer your questions as well as inform about aspects of his design that you may not be aware of.

I have a Hitch Ezy that I am extremely happy with; particularly when compared to the old DO35 it replaced. I wouldn’t have anything else.

Sure it costs more than other options but there is usually a reason for this. Aspects such as ease of use, quality of design and manufacture, performance and capacity are considerations that companies like Bushtracker and Lovells adopt the hitch as their recommended option.

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AnswerID: 626264

Follow Up By: Rick V - Tuesday, Jun 18, 2019 at 11:21

Tuesday, Jun 18, 2019 at 11:21
Couldn't agree more!
FollowupID: 899993

Reply By: Gordo & Annie - Tuesday, Jul 16, 2019 at 21:58

Tuesday, Jul 16, 2019 at 21:58
Our van came with a DO35 and was upgraded to a Hitch ezy when we had the 4ton upgrade done.
Love the Hitch ezy in comparison to the DO35
I find it more “self aligning”, almost like a 50mm ball to hook up.
Don’t have to be so “spot on” as you do with the DO35.
AnswerID: 626774

Reply By: Tracks n About - Wednesday, Jul 17, 2019 at 20:21

Wednesday, Jul 17, 2019 at 20:21
G’Day Gordo, Thanks for your reply. Although a bit baffled by it. I opted for the DO 35 over the Hitch Ezy in the end. I must admit that the price had a bearing on it. Half the price, but also I rang and spoke to John and took what he had to say onboard. But when he said that his was the only company in Australia who had done all the necessary testing to be be compliant with Australian Standards........ well he sort of lost me. Cruisemaster would not be allowed to sell their hitches if they were not compliant. But just the same I asked to see their product cerfication certificate for the DO35 V3 which is the current model. I’ve now been using my new hitch for a couple of weeks, hooking up and unhooking maybe ten times and have found it perfect at any angle. A lot different to the old AT 35 with the pin system that I’ve been using for the last 15 years which was made by Vehicle Components ( now Cruisemaster). Are you sure that the AT 35 wasn’t the one that you replaced ? Both the Hitch EZY and the DO 35 work on the same principle, a bit like a tow ball only different.
AnswerID: 626791

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