Birdsville Hotel - QLD



DEG: -25.899 139.352
DMS: 25º 53' 56.4" S 139º 21' 7.22" E
UTM: 54 J 7134464mN 334917mE
Altitude: 47.16m


Address & Contact

Adelaide St
Birdsville QLD 4482
Phone: 07 4656 3244


The heritage-listed Birdsville Hotel is Australia's most iconic outback pub. Built circa 1884 for publican William Blair it is constructed of local sandstone that has been rendered and scribed. It has elevations to Burt and Adelaide Streets and the corner of the building at the street intersections has been truncated marking the original main entrance. The hipped roof is clad with corrugated iron and is concealed by a low masonry parapet raised at the corner to carry the words 'Birdsville Hotel' and 'Established 1884'. An awning of corrugated iron supported by timber posts runs and decorated by a scalloped timber valance runs along the street elevations and is also truncated at the corner. Quoining at the windows and doors is picked out in a dark colour, as it has been since at least the 1920s. There are extensive modern additions including a beer garden and extra bars.

Open 364 days a year, all activity at the hotel hinges around the bar, which is well stocked and efficiently run in a friendly informal way. The hotel has a good reputation as an outback pub with good tucker, comfortable rooms and handy to everything that Birdsville has to offer.

Excellent coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner is available daily. The hotel consists of 27 motel units, (3 accessible for people with disability), all non-smoking. Everyone is invited to the regular ‘special’ nights – BBQ Night, Buffet Night, and Sunday Roast Night, the best way to end the weekend.
Please contact via telephone (preferred) to make your reservation.

Note that the Birdsville Hotel is also Madigan Camp 25 (his final camp) - you'll find the plaque (same as all the other's) on the door between the bar and the Dining Room.
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Closest Weather Station

Birdsville at 27/01:00am EST
Distance from Birdsville Hotel 0.51km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Birdsville Airport
Distance from Birdsville Hotel 0.51km W
Mean Max. °C40.
Mean Min. °C26.424.721.717.
Mean Rain mm20.933.

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