Melba Flats to Montezuma Falls - TAS

Place Satellite Image


DEG: -41.843315 145.404602
DMS: 41º 50' 35.93" S 145º 24' 16.57" E
UTM: 55 G 5366390mN 367547mE
Altitude: 248.59m


Address & Contact

Murchison Hwy
TAS 7469
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


This is a shared trail for 4WDs, MTB cyclists and walkers.
The route follows an old railway line through some beautiful forests to the 114m Montezuma Falls.

The 14km section (each way) from Melba Flats to Montezuma Falls is where you'll get to play in the mud, race 4WD's, plunge through deep washouts and really get some serious mountain biking in.

The Melba Flats starting point is better for those doing the out and back option (get the hard stuff out of the way to start with). Melba Flats is 4.5km North of the Zeehan turn off, or 20kms south of Rosebery, look for the signed junction to Melba Flats.

Melba Flats - Montezuma Falls : 14km each way. This is medium difficulty riding, and not to be underestimated, especially in the wet. For the same reason, brilliant fun. 1-2 hours each way. Definitely easier and more fun riding north to south if only going one way, or returning via highway.

Note: you can also ride from Zeehan - Melba Flats: 8km each way. Medium, but slow. Either follow the old railway line, or overgrown track beside it (or make it a sort of circuit). the railway line is the pure experience, but it's not easy in many places .. but of course it is mainly flat. the track isn't much easier. 45 mins - 2 hrs each way (depending on how lost you get).
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Closest Weather Station

Mount Read at 11/07:30pm EDT
Distance from Melba Flats to Montezuma Falls 11.37km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Mount Read
Distance from Melba Flats to Montezuma Falls 11.37km E
Mean Max. °C14.214.311.
Mean Min. °C5.
Mean Rain mm201.1168.6267.4282.8395.7341.1391.5336.3379.2373.2221.4290.8

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