Quilpie - QLD



DEG: -26.613508 144.269504
DMS: 26º 36' 48.63" S 144º 16' 10.2" E
UTM: 55 J 7053467mN 228111mE
Altitude: 202.21m


Address & Contact

12-32 Diamantina Developmental Rd
Quilpie QLD 4480
Phone: +617 4656 0500
Email: admin@quilpie.qld.gov.au
Web: https://quilpie.qld.gov.au/contact


This town located on the banks of the Bulloo River, is best known for its beautiful opals and is often referred to as the home of the “Boulder Opal”. The shire is supported through primary industries, such as sheep, cattle grazing, oil, gas and opal mining.

The Bulloo River, which is fantastic for fishing and swimming, boasts having the cleanest and best tasting water.

Quilpie may be the business Centre for the Shire but it is also the youngest of the towns. It was proclaimed a town in 1917 due to the arrival of the Railway Line from Charleville and to this day is still the ‘End of the Line”. You can learn about the history of the Rail in Quilpie at the Quilpie Shire Rail Museum located next door to the Visitor Information Centre and get a picture at the literal “End of the Line”.

Quilpie Shire Military History Museum, located next door to the Visitor Information Centre is a proud display of Quilpie Shire’s long history of inclusion in many conflicts. Learn the wonderful stories of our local legends, view photographs, memorabilia and literature depicting Quilpie’s military history, all of which has been kindly loaned or donated by families. Be sure to take a stroll through this amazing display and learn about Quilpie’s very long and proud military history.
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Closest Weather Station

Thargomindah at 15/10:30pm EST
Distance from Quilpie 159.05km S
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Quilpie Airport
Distance from Quilpie 1.17km W
Mean Max. °C37.035.633.429.224.020.420.122.627.
Mean Min. °C23.823.320.515.710.
Mean Rain mm53.249.943.624.527.019.916.712.614.121.931.234.5

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